Part 66: Episode LX: Lynx and the Cursed Sword Masamune

It seems everyone has decided to get a breath of fresh air during Karsh's little flashback. Though, Dario seems to be getting a bit antsy with the whole possessed bloodlust thing.

We have to be well into the double digits in the "enmity" usage tally.
Music: Prisoners of Fate

Time to face off against Dario. The fourth of the previous trio of the Four Devas is probably one of the hardest bosses in the game. He's got nearly 4000 HP, hits like a truck, has high evasion stats, tons of stamina, can counter every single type of element spell immediately, and is just a general asshole.

Dario's physical attacks hit for 50-100 HP with each strike and he always attacks 2-3 times in a row. So, if he's feeling spunky, he can easily shave off three quarters of someone's health bar on a whim.

On top of that, he has far more potent, Black innate versions of the Techs his little brother, Glenn, possesses. Dash&Gash can do 200-300 HP of damage and 400+ (or an instant kill) if it hits for a critical strike. SonicSword is a bit less damaging at only 150+ damage. Both can inflict the Darkness status to rain on your parade even more than knocking off 80% of someone's health bar.

As I mentioned previously, Dario also has retaliations to Elements, not unlike the Black and Fire Dragons. Unlike them, he doesn't just do this for his elemental weakness. He does this for every element.
Element Cast - Retaliation
Green - LoRes (lowers defense stat)
Black - RecoverAll (regains around 300 HP)
Blue - Weaken (nerfs characters physical attacks)
Yellow - BatEye (greatly reduces accuracy)
White - ConductaRod (Heavy hitting black element tech.)

On top of all that, Dario also has a stable of high level elements of every color of the rainbow. So yeah...kinda of a tough fight... The basic strategy is to pretty much avoid elements all together and just stick to physical attacks. Strapping the Black Plate to Riddel's squishy mage ass and putting her on healing duty, and hoping for the best.
But...fuck that noise... Let's break the game.

Luckily, there is a way to cheese the fuck out of the fight by abusing the hell out of Dario's AI in order to make it a complete cake walk instead of ball-bustingly difficult.

This method takes a while, especially since Riddel's weaksauce ass is required for the fight. But, it makes things very, very, very easy with extremely minimal risk. Old Dario's little insta-retaliation to elements business means he is extremely vulnerable to a hole in his AI that will basically render him impotent for the entire fight. He'll literally only do 2-3 physical attacks to someone at the start of the battle and then never attack again.

What you've got to do is stock up all three characters with as many Red innate elements as possible and make sure their weapons are the top of the line for this leg of the game. Then, what you do is do six weak physical attacks in a row.

The character in question will now have one stamina point left. With their final bit of energy, they need to cast a Red innate element. It doesn't matter the strength, though stronger is better of course. Just so long as it is Red.

Dario will immediately fire off a Numble element. All this does is lower the effected character's evasion stat. It deals no damage on its own.

Then, you have the next character up to bat do the exact same thing. Dario will follow suit. Keeping with this pattern, once the other two characters do their six physical attacks + Red element, the first character will have full stamina, allowing the cycle to continue with Dario pissing away every single turn casting Numble until he is chipped away to death. I guess the Masamune does not augment one's intelligence.

There are other ways to exploit his AI for an easy win, like equipping the Black Plate on Lynx and having him use White elements instead for a free heal full heal by Dario's ConductaRod Tech or going for one of the other status effect dealing counters. But personally, I was always drowning in Red elements so it seems the natural way if you don't feel like fighting fair.

In any case, Dario eventually succumbs to his aggressive physical therapy and the battle ends. Sorry, no level up for the secret super boss.

The Masamune begins speaking to itself...

Masa: "Yeah... But looking back... I think we've done something terrible."
Mune: "Oh man... All the retcons are giving me such a headache..."
Masa: "I said I wanted to be the wind. Not wind up in a crummy sequel. How did that even happen?"
Mune: "What's that...tingly feeling? Do you feel that...?"
Masa: "Aww geez... Were we in an anime too? I think that's what it was. Yeah...that's definitely a grimy anime feeling."
Mune: "Worse than that... A retcon epilogue anime! Two of 'em!"
Masa: "Oh...that's poor taste. Downright disdainful, even. I hope nobody finds out."
Mune: "Heh heh... No one will know if we don't tell."

Masa: "Yikes! It's Doreen!"
Mune: "N-Nothing! We don't remember a thing!"
Doreen: "Hmmm, I see... Well, just to make sure you're not up to any mischief... I'm coming along."
Masa: "Alright! How many centuries has it been since the 3 of us got together!?"
Doreen: "OK then, let's go!"

And so Lynx earns the Mastermune swallow - arguably his strongest weapon in the game. There is another weapon that has better stats. But, the Mastermune has the advantage of having a ridiculously high critical strike chance, making it more likely to deal more damage overall in the long run.

The woman returns to her hut. Probably to go hang herself now that we've busted in and stolen her only friend away. All in a day's work!

Some time later at the ruins of Viper Manor...
Reminicence ~ Unerasable Memory

Music: Dragon Knight

Dario nearly keels over...

Oh yeah, we also get Riddel's rather lame Level 7 Tech as a compromise for Dario being the only jerk that by all accounts should be joining our party but does not.

And that's a wrap for Dario's sidequest. Shockingly enough, Dario really will start rebuilding Viper Manor during the course of the game and not just walk in the ruins of the place and idly talk about it. But, that is a story for another day...

Chrono Cross Game Over Sequence

Riddel's Snake Fangs