Part 11: Catching up with Narika
~Bonding Focus (Catching with Narika)~Narika came in 2nd place in the vote, so she'll be next. Before we get started on any of that however, we have a slight pest to take care of.
In the spirit of Halloween, we're going on a bear hunt in order to beat the crap out of that little Monokuma bastard.
As mentioned previously, Monokuma Strikes is a quest that was originally DLC for Conception 2. It is a crossover with another Spike Chunsoft franchise called Danganronpa. Once again, user TheMcD is currently doing an SSLP of Ultra Despair Girls Danganronpa, so if you're interested in the Danganronpa series then I suggest taking a look at that.
But we're playing Conception 2, not Danganronpa. So let's get this little crossover pest out of the way. We get 20,000g if we can beat him, as well as an item called 'Monokuma Badge'.
Monokuma Strikes can be completed in the Sub-Labyrinth 'Blue Garden' and you can check the quest details when selecting the labyrinth (That little yellow warning diamond). The second Dusk Circle opens up two Sub-Labyrinths that can be explored. Sub-Labyrinths are extra dungeons you can farm for items and experience, as well as specialty items.
The Magical Girl Heart item needed to make the Witch class Star Child can be obtained in the second Sub-Labyrinth 'Sealed Tomb'. You steal them from a group of Bootes/Booteles enemies on floors 2 and 3 using the Thief class skill 'Pickpocket'. Or you get incredibly lucky and they just drop one when defeated.
The enemies are the same as these other Labyrinths, and the 'Boss' of the Sub-Labyrinth is just a later game enemy being thrown at us early.
Namely, these dudes. Chlotz will chime in and give you a generic warning not to take these monsters lightly, but they aren't really any threat. There's only two of them and they only have access to two low level element skills.
Like most enemies in this game, ganging up and beating the shit out of one at a time is the optimal strategy. If you can take the enemies in Sealed Tomb on, then you can destroy these guys.
That's it for Sealed Tomb. You'll want to keep it in mind for the Witch Class Items, but that's the only noteworthy thing. I don't even have any quests currently available in this place.
But enough of that. Let's power-up.
Off we go! Team A(wful) is still with us for this dungeon, along with Team B which is composed of Baki, Meryl, and Yumi. Team B is more appropriately leveled now, so they'll be a helpful contribution.
Before we go any farther, I want to point out that I'm still hamstringing myself. I have an entire team slot sitting unused, and a bunch of extra Star Children that could easily fill it. Keep that in mind when I start talking about getting a decent challenge from Monokuma.
Music: Dungeon Battle 2 - Latter Half
There isn't a lot of stuff to say about Sub-Labyrinths. All extra dungeons are really just color swapped variants of the main dungeons. Blue Garden contains all the same enemies you have been dealing with up to now, with a heavy focus on these Bootes/Booteles groups.
FYI, this is what it looks like when you use 'Enemy Search' item or the 'Dusk Analysis' skill. You can see what enemies are what before battling them.
I need to point something out though. I didn't notice at first, but the game tutorial doesn't really give you a look at how the battlefield is laid out.
This is essentially what you're looking at in terms of an overhead view. There are 9 'circles'. Enemies can occupy the center of these circles while allies can occupy the four zones around each circle.
Something to keep in mind as you're looking at this. Let's use the circle in the top left as an example for this next part. Imagine that there is an enemy in that circle all by themselves, and you and your team are beating on an enemy in the circle to the right of that one.
The enemy in the top left cannot move into that circle on the right because an enemy already occupies it. However, if you have one of your teams in the left green zone of the top middle circle, then the enemy in the top left circle will be able to hit them in the back.
It's something you need to watch out for when you are ganging up on a single enemy. If an enemy that isn't being targeted can't take a swing at you, then they'll either resort to casting magic or they will start moving to another angle one circle at a time (enemies can only move one circle at a time. Allies can only move to a circle that an enemy occupies, but in exchange they don't have to waste turns moving, they can just snap to anywhere on the field that there is an enemy.)
This group of enemies is an important one in Blue Garden. Specifically, the group of 2 Bootes and 1 Booteles.
They show up on the later floors and there is a lower leveled group that consists of the same enemies. You want to keep an eye out for the group that is made up entirely of Lv. 13 enemies. Unfortunately, you can't tell this at a glance, you need to initiate a battle in order to check their info.
This group of enemies sometimes carries the item 'Mercenary Manual', which is a Class Item needed to create the Mercenary Star Child.
They do drop those items rarely, but that relies too much on RNG that isn't in your favour. The method you should be using to obtain these is by employing a Thief with the skill 'Pickpocket'.
Pickpocket is like Mug in Final Fantasy, it has a chance to steal an item and also does a bit of damage.
If you want to improve your stealing odds, create a full team of Thief class Star Children and get them to level 10. Using 'Pickpocket' then gives them triple the chance of stealing, and a Thief team also gets a Team Skill that boosts item drops.
If you REALLY want to jack up your odds, then create 3 teams of Thieves and get them all to least level 10. You'll have a total of 9 Thieves trying to steal items while also boosting the drop rate. This makes it much easier to farm the Class items. Just keep in mind that you can only steal one of these per encounter, to my knowledge.
Also while we're here, there is a special action that I haven't shown off yet that was mentioned ages ago.
I wrote in a phrase of my own, but the Star Children actually do have a transformation phrase they say in this scene. It's "MECUNITE! Star Shining Knight!"
Wake is so proud.
This is MECUNITE. It combines the three Star Children of a single team into that big-ass robot you see there. It's element is determined by the Team's Element, and it gets a massive stat boost that I think is determined by who the Team Leader's mother is. I haven't used this function enough to figure out the details.
In Team A(wful)'s case, the MEC has x4 Water Element and an ATK of 3097, which is pretty insane. MECUNITE also opens up new skills, and they are fucking absurd for this stage of the game.
Dual Frost - A basic water elemental magic attack. Not particularly useful in this case since our big robot child is physical oriented.
Absolute Zero - Same deal as Dual Frost, just a stronger version.
Code ATK - This is the big 'fuck-you' button. It's an elemental slash that hits all enemies and may lower ATK (if they manage to survive).
Master Heal - Recovers 100% HP of all allies in battle. A full party heal is incredibly useful this early on. The only other way to heal the party all at once right now is to create a team of Clerics to give them the Team Skill "Grand Heal".
That's just straight bullshit for this point in the game. That's nearly double what Level 20 Wake/Narika hit for when attacking a weak point, except it also hits all enemies.
So, what's the catch with this brutally effective ability? You may have noticed it already. It costs a whopping 200BP to MECUNITE. That means we can currently only pull it off once per dungeon, unless we get lucky with BP restore fountains. On the positive side, it doesn't appear to have any sort of turn limit.
MECUNITE is your trump card for when you're on the ropes and need to salvage the battle. You lose access to the class specific skills, but you gain a good variety of attack and support skills in their place.
The truth is, you will probably have to go out of your way to actually use it, or remember that it exists at all. I went through my entire Vita play through only using this once. I fucking LOVE transformation sequence stuff, and even I completely forgot this existed. I think I have a single variation of MECUNITE unlocked in the Database, and there are upwards of 20 or 30 of the things.
Part of the reason for that is you've likely already spent your BP making Star Children just before entering a dungeon. You would have to go out of your way to refill BP before going off, and the average player probably won't do that. Besides, it's biggest use would obviously be during Boss Fights, and those are rarely a challenge as is.
I could have totally used this against Asmodeus if I felt like it, which would have turned a complete joke into a bug splatter on Team A(wful)'s sweet robot visor.
Speaking of bosses that could be made trivial by the use of legitimate battle mechanics.
Music: Boss Music 1 - Fatal Seven
When you accept the quest 'Monokuma Strikes', Monokuma will become the 'boss' of the Blue Garden Sub-Labyrinth. You'll run into him when you get to the final floor (technically 6F, but the last floor you can explore is 5F).
Monokuma is pretty beefy for this point of the game. He's got solid defenses and decent speed, along with some pretty painful attacks.
Time for Punishment! - Dusk element attack that also reduces Ether Density and hits Back and Left. Dusk will be effective against any Star Child at this point of the game, since they all have one of the basic four elements.
I'm mad at you! - Non-elemental giant explosion that hits Front, Left, and Right. Also has an Ether Density reduction effect.
Good Mornin'! - Ether element attack that hits Front and Back. Can also reduce Ether Density (Despite the fact that the attack is Ether/Light based
Stare of Death - I've explained this before. Means we can't escape.
That being said, you may notice a tiny weakness in those stats. His physical attack isn't crazy high, and his MP is...not so great.
Wake and Narika's Seventh Burst "Soil Barrage" is able to dish out 3800 on a critical hit head on, which only dents him a little bit. He's got a solid HP total behind him.
'I'm mad at you!' hits hard. However, take a quick look at the blue bar under Monokuma's turn icon. See the problem?
Monokuma is not built for an extended fight. He burns himself out almost immediately.
His fighting style seems to be designed around trying to kill you in the first two turns, and I'll admit, he almost manages to pull it off. 'Time for punishment!' hit for double the damage that 'I'm mad at you!' did (likely owing to the Dusk Element effectiveness boost), and Wake and Narika got uncomfortably close to biting it, which would have scored us a game over.
Unfortunately for the little murderer, he lacks the gas to keep that offence going. He dries up his MP pool within the first two attacks and is reduced to weak claw swipes for the rest of the battle.
I actually manage to build a Combo of 3 off on him by using a Team B Skill called 'Gran Chain', which is an attack that has a chance of greatly boosting the Chain Drive. Monokuma has enough HP that he can survive the punishment necessary to get a good Combo. Most enemies would be long dead by now.
He has a charge attack that he can use without MP that appears to target every zone, but he doesn't get the chance to use it. Team B ended up Paralyzing him at some point, which held him back long enough for Wake and Narika to finish him with another Seventh Burst.
Go back to terrorizing TheMcD's thread, Monokuma.
You can also see the kind of bonuses that getting a Chain Combo provides. They are actually really good. It's just too bad that few things live long enough for you to build that kind of combo.
If that seemed like a disappointing crossover boss to you, that's because this is only Part 1. There is a second quest in this DLC where you fight Monokuma again, except he's rocking a level of 99. At that level, he actually has the MP needed to keep up the pressure for longer. We won't be taking that quest on until end game though.
You don't need to be anywhere near level 99 to take him on, but we also sure as hell can't fight him at our current level of mid-20's. I loaded up a Vita save where I was in the mid 50's, and he knocked out 2 or 3 star children with his opening attack.
-2nd-Year Classroom-
With Monokuma killed (for now), we can return to bonding. We're sitting down with Narika this time, as she was voted 2nd.
[Female Disciple A]: We'll help you as much as we can. Please...!
[Female Disciple A]: So it's settled! I want you to put something together to present by the next conference. I look forward to seeing what you come up with, Vice Class Rep!
Narika fell victim to the same thing Chloe just did: Getting roped into shit because you won't tell people to shut up for 5 seconds. Does anyone in this school actually complete a conversation? Or do they just finish their sentences and then fucking bolt before the other person can get the last word?
-Ritual Hall-
Before we can continue and start checking out this Strategy Conference, which I say with heavy sarcasm due to the fact that I wouldn't trust the students at this school with anything close to military planning, we need to bring Narika in for the next Classmating session. The girls are all still pretty uncomfortable with this, after all.
I've got three new classes to show off this time. Mercenary is the class that you get from using the 'Mercenary Manual' item I mentioned in the Blue Garden portion of the update. Mercenary is an upgrade over Swordis and is Male-only. Like the Witch, it just has better versions of skills compared to the lower counterpart.
We also have access to Blacksmith now. This opened up after a grind session I did earlier to prepare Ellie for her upcoming story dungeon. I also did training with Serina, since she was lagging in levels.
It might not be immediately obvious, but Blacksmith is a slight upgrade to the Merchant class. Their skills are a little different though. Blacksmiths make use of Debuffs, mainly in terms of TEC and ATK. They work really well on teams that focus on those stats. They unfortunately do not get the Merchant ability of summoning stores mid-dungeon though.
Lancer is our first real Tank class. They don't move fast, but they have really good defenses and decent attack. As you would expect, they are good for reducing damage for a team.
I actually still have two more new classes to show off, but I'll save those for Ellie's update.
Strategy Conference time! Let's see what kind of tactical plans a bunch of smug teenagers come up with.
-2nd-Year Classroom-
[Council President]: Quiet, please. We will now commence the First Strategy Conference. We encourage open yet serious debate on each representative's ideas. All Disciples will select the plan they most agree with and vote at the end.
[Male Disciple A]: As the representative of the third-years, I'll go first. My presentation has to do with provisions sent to those on the front lines. The food situation on the front is harsh, due to out limited transportation methods. To establish more efficient supply lines, I propose we form a "Transport Team".
[Male Disciple A]: ...Matters of funding will be discussed later on. That concludes my presentation.
[Council President]: Thank you. Next up is the Second-Year Representative, Narika.
[Council President]: Narika, it's your turn.
[Male Disciple B]: What's wrong? Why is she just standing there?
[Female Disciple A]: Come on, Narika. Keep it together...!
[Male Disciple B]: Come on! How long is she planning to stall up there? Hurry it up already!
[Female Disciple A]: Maybe it was a bad idea asking her to do this.
*One elequent and totally awesome plan later*
[Council President]: Thank you. The two of you may be seated.
[Female Disciple A]: She's been standing out lately from the other first-years.
[Male Disciple B]: Hey, she's kind of cute. Maybe I'll vote for her.
*One mind-bogglingly useless plan later*
[Council President]: Now that we've heard all the plans, we'll hold a discussion with the three of you.
[Female Disciple A]: Oh, man. It's all over.
*One 'world's slowest train-wreck' later*
[Council President]: All the votes are in, and the winner is... the first-years' plan! As a result, we'll petition to establish a peacekeeping patrol in the Academy.
*Sasami leaves*
*Narika leaves*
So that went....well it went. It went painfully and slowly. I've lived that situation. I mean, I wasn't the person presenting, but I've been present to see it happen. Not fun.
-2nd-Year Classroom-
*One...actually, I have no idea how this goes. She talks, okay?*
*A practice debate happens. Chill out on these short time-skips game!*
*Narika fucking books it*
Okay, so Sasami being a complete tool may have had a positive impact after all. I still hate her and want to see that smug look smeared off of her face. At least Narika seems ready to fight now. Maybe Wake will be able to just kind of ride passenger for this route and let it all play out. Seems like everything is mostly under control with him just being present.
I guess we'll see. That's a wrap for Narika for the time being however. Her route is on pause, just like Chloe's until we hit Chapter 3.
Up last, but sure as hell not least, we have Ellie. Oh dear god, Ellie.
Oh, right. The badge thing.
The 'Monokuma Badge' we got from kicking his ass is an accessory for the heroines. The quest cannot be repeated, so you unfortunately can only get one of them.
All of the heroines love this gift. There are two other gift items that every heroine loves, but one isn't until a later chapter and the other is after you get the harem ending.
For those that are curious, there are some gifts that none of the heroines will like as well. I'll point those out when our little merchant child starts stocking them. They're kind of funny actually. There are also a few gifts that some heroines like for...god knows what reason.
User BlazeEmblem informs me that this badge was a sticker given out as part of the Special Edition of Danganronpa 2. It apparently reads "I'm sorry, I was born stupid." That's pretty mean Monokuma. Narika isn't stupid. I did need to equip this to her in order to show it off though. If only I could have given this to Ruby so I could make her wear it every time she fucks up.
One last thing. Here's the details of the MECUNITE that we formed at the start of the update. I include this for one reason.
Crest: Aqua. Ahh, refreshing.