Part 21: Chapter 4(Part 1): Ellie, Narika, Chloe
~Bonding Focus: Chapter 4(Part 1): Ellie, Narika, Chloe~
Let's do this one more time, shall we? One more time until voting begins again at anyway.
Our three Focus Heroines chosen in the first round of voting will get their final set of bonding events. Then all of you will need to pick who we keep or expel.
So hey, have you guys ever felt like Ellie's route has been missing a little... something? It has secrets and mysteries and all that noise, but it still feels like there is a hole somewhere that just hasn't been filled...
OH RIGHT! A jackass NPC! That's what it was. Time for the game to remedy that situation. Is everyone excited!? I know I'm not, but I don't really have a choice in the matter.
-Ritual Hall-
We need to do the whole Classmating song and dance first though. Let's get on with it.
Ahehehe... You asked me again! I'm pretty confident about today's ritual.
Good to hear. You guys finally seem to be getting into the swing of this.
Anyway, here's another new class currently available. Warlock. You need to have gotten a Magician to Level 25 in order unlock this one. I believe you also need to be in Chapter 4.
Warlock should be pretty obvious. They are upgrades to Magician/Witch/Cleric. They get a huge variety of spells, from attack types to healing types (including a full party 65% HP heal!). Chances are that they will be your staple magic user from this point on, unless you are trying to use specific skills or team skills that only Magician/Cleric/Witch can provide.
*pant* *pant*
It went perfectly when I was practicing though...
Wait, what was that? What were you practicing?
Oh! Uhh... I think Gracia is calling me! Gotta go!
Ellie's still kind of a weird stalker girl.
And yes, that's actually all there is to that Classmating event. These things are getting really short. Ellie had 4 official lines of dialogue. Wake had, like, 1 or 2.
-School Grounds-
Now it's time for the fun part. Really looking forward to this.
It's really coming down outside. I wonder if that leak in Ellie's apartment is doing alright? I'd better go check on her. She's always darting around everywhere in a big rush, so it wouldn't surprise me if she didn't patch it up properly afterward.
-Ellie's Apartment-
(Here's the entrance. No ringer though. I wonder if she'll be able to hear a knock?)
*Coming from inside*
[???]: You think I'm gonna buy that? You've only dealt with one of those pests. Seriously, what are you waiting for?
I-I've been busy because of my work at the Academy...
[???]: Hmph. You mean the extermination of monsters? Leave that to the other chicks. We have our own work to do. Stop wasting time on these worthless things.
My work as a Disciple was an order from the Church, too! It's not worthless!
(Hm? She has a guest? That's kinda weird. I shouldn't keep eavesdropping though, that's only going to create problems. I had better just go in.)
Hey, Ellie! You there!? I'm coming in!
Wake!? What are you doing here...?
Wake? So he's that God's Gift... I hate that look plastered on his face. "I'm the one keeping the world safe..." He looks like he'd say trash like that with a straight face.
You keep speaking to me like that and having a straight face will become a foreign concept to you.
You feel like saying that to me again?
Stop it, Lucian!
Still. I have to commend you. I didn't sense your presence. Is that because of the power of Ether? How useful.
Oh yeah, this and that camera thing from Feene's events confirm that Male's do indeed have Star Energy. The question now is whether or not Wake's Star Energy is on par with the girls or if they still outclass him in that aspect.
Who the hell are you, anyway?
I have no reason to tell you. Ellie, until mine gets here, I'm going to borrow your X-Machina. If you're going to be sitting around here doing nothing, I'll hunt down the Heretics. Also, you'd better erase this guy's memory. It'll just cause trouble later. Sheesh, I can't believe you.
Hold up. I asked who the hell you are.
Don't touch me!
*Lucian knocks Wake's hand away. I presume. There was a white flash on screen*
...I don't like your mug, but it looks like you've still got life in your eyes. Fine. If you want to do this, then I'll take you on. Bring it.
Lucian, that's enough! Please, don't hurt him!
It's incredibly adorable that you think you stand a chance against me.
...Th-This island is under my jurisdiction, by the order of Gracia. If you won't heed my orders, I will request to the Cardinal that you be punished! If they find out you picked a fight with a God's Gift, you won't be let off easy!
...Tch. You're lucky I didn't hand you your ass. Go frolic and play with the other children. ...But you stay away from her from now on.
Please, like I'd ever be scared of you.
*Lucian leaves*
I-I'm sorry about that... Um... I'll make some tea. Please, come up to my room.
-Ellie's Room-
Um... Here. It's tea. I want to take a breather, too, so I'll have some as well. It's hot. Please be careful.
Don't try and sidestep this issue, Ellie. Not this time.
That's not my intention. I just wanted some time to sort out my feelings...
What's going on? Who was that clown?
He's a year younger than me, but he's more experienced. As to his personality... As you can see, he's something of a rascal.
That is not a 'rascal'.
Anyway, is that all you're going to tell me?
Yes. I can't say any more...
So I'm guessing that "Heretic" thing is a secret too, huh?
Yes... That would be the case. I can't tell you anything more.
*sigh* Yeah, that figures. Fine. I won't ask anything else. Stop giving me that look.
I'm truly sorry. Um... So, about what Lucian was saying about your memories...
Can you even do that?
If I use Gracia's secret spell, yes.
Um, I'm going to try negotiating with the Church. If I erase your memories, it'll likely impact your bond with me in some way. If I explain it that way, it might work out.
And please... don't come here anymore... Just... Just act like you didn't hear anything at all. I don't want to have to erase your memory.
Ellie, if you or anyone else from Gracia tries to erase my memories, then Star God might literally erase the Gracia Church. Do not go fucking with him. Ruby is already doing that and I highly doubt it's going to work out well for her.
Either way, we'll leave it at that for now.
Thank you. Um... Do you hate me now?
Why would I hate you?
Well... Normally someone would hate me after something like that. It's only natural that you wouldn't want to get involved with a girl like me.
I don't hate you Ellie, relax.
(You're really pissing me off with these secrets, but I wouldn't say I hate you as a person. Lucian, on the other hand...)
Thank you... I... I'm not trying to get you to like me! I just don't want you to hate me... Please don't hate me, no matter what kind of girl I may be...
Let's just stop talking about this. How's the leak in your roof holding up?
Wait... Did you come all the way here just to check on that?
You came here, in the rain, just for that?
It's pouring outside. How could I not drop in to check on it? Plus, I still have your umbrella from before. Thanks for that.
Oh no, it was nothing... But thank you for worrying about me.
Hm? But... Do you have another umbrella? It's pouring outside right now...
I might have forgotten one. Still, let me give this back. A little water won't hurt.
Heehee... That's fine. You can keep it for as long as you need. ...You never change. I feel a little relieved.
As long as I'm at this Academy, please just let me be the Disciple you know...
That's all I want right now...
So that sure as hell was a thing. Now we know what Ellie's work for the Church is, even if she still pretends like it's a secret. The fact that Official Wake can't piece it together based on context is kind of baffling.
Unfortunately, we are obviously not done with Lucian. Just FYI. We're aren't even done with him for this set of bonding events. He'll be making another appearance in the next update.
So before that, let's try and clean the palette a bit. Take a little detour to chat with some people.
What's Mark up to?
Hello there. I heard from Chlotz you joined the Fencing Club. That must keep you pretty busy.
Yeah, but I think it's worth it. Helps me train.
Though, to tell you the truth, it took a while to get him to settle down. But he's a fast learned. I can see that he's Chloe's brother after all.
I just wish I could get him to focus a little more. He's always snooping around looking for confidential documents... And the Chief always catches him and gives him an earful.
Yeah, he is incredibly nosy. You guys probably should have screened for that before hiring him on.
She leaves confidential documents just lying around? That's not really Chlotz "snooping around" so much as it is Ruby being horrible at her job.
Ruby sucks at her job, what do you know? Big surprise.
But you know what? He's my first apprentice.
I guarantee he'll surpass me after I train him.
That's good to hear. At least he has someone giving him a goal in life besides 'Star Conception Festival'. Just don't let Ruby influence him too much. Where is she anyway?
Hm? I hate to disappoint, but Chief Ruby is out at the moment.
Fine by me. I didn't drop in to see her anyway. I was just wondering.
You don't need to make excuses. Were you hoping you'd see her?
I'm sorry... I know you're not the type.
A few show up under the pretense of training at Renda... But if she's not around, they are out of here faster than you can imagine.
Yes, I've had the misfortune of running into at least one of the poor suckers.
And of course she just encourages them with all of her flirting. I don't want to see poor Chlotz get tangled in her web... But I can't see myself saving him from that.
You are FAR too late to prevent that. You were too late the moment we walked through those doors for the first time.
I'm just going to have to hope that he can see through it.
I wouldn't be too worried. I'm pretty sure working with her is slowly chipping away at his rose colored glasses. Not to mention that another girl has caught his eye pretty hard recently. Ruby won't have him for much longer.
I'll take your word for it.
Oh... It's nothing. Nothing at all.
Hey, if you still have some time, why not train for a bit while you're here? Alright, I gotta get back to work.
Ruby claims another poor soul. At least Chlotz has a chance to break away.
We'll go back to the heroines for now. Time for Narika and her whole...thing.
-Ritual Hall-
Narika, are you ready to--
Yes. I've been waiting for you to ask.
Please come a little bit closer this time.
You're... different, today. Aren't you still nervous?
A little bit, but I think it's important to be bold for these rituals. Which is why I'm trying to stay upbeat this time...
Okay, well that works for me I suppose. Not going to look a gift horse in the mouth.
N-Now then... Let's do this quickly and smoothly...
Your voice sounds awful shaky. Maybe you're pushing yourself a bit too much. Oh well, if this is how you want it to be. Let's get it started.
Whoa! Uhh... hold on, what's with that--
Too late, Wake! It's new class time!
Berserker is another specialty class. They have relatively balanced stats, with a bit of a tendency towards DEF/MDF and LUC.
Their main draw are their skills. One of the big ones is 'Silent Killing', which has a chance to just instantly kill an enemy. They also get stuff like DEF boost and a poison inflicting attack.
'Silent Killing' is also a skill that can be combined with one of the Hunter's that will create a Team Skill called 'Killing Field'. Killing Field is an all direction, non-element, attack that has a chance to instantly kill the enemy. It's a pretty effective move to spam. I doubt I'll be using it though. Instant Death chance moves are not usually my play style.
Whew... *pant* So... what did you think of the ritual today?
I think it went well. You really relaxed after a while.
I'm glad it worked. You're right, I realized I was more much comfortable.
You're pretty good at it, but the suddenness of your attitude shift was too obvious.
(Oh thank Star God, that was an act. That look really freaked me out...)
You don't have to try so hard. Just relax and be yourself. It'll be a lot easier that way.
All right. I'll try to simply act natural next time. I'm looking forward to it...
Oh, hello, Wake. I just finished a student council meeting.
Oh, hey. Want to tell me about it? I've got some time to kill. Somehow.
-2nd-Year Classroom-
Church officials were visiting today, so the meeting was very formal.
Sounds pretty intense. Were you nervous?
(Also, why didn't they want to talk to me at all? Seriously, am I important or not?)
Hee hee... I think the others were.
Did you say praying? That actually works?
(Maybe that's been my problem... Oops.)
Oh... don't worry, it's nothing.
Okay then. By the way, why did you want to come back to the classroom?
I'm drafting a proposal for the next Strategy Conference.
Riight. There's still one more of those things.
Keep up the good work, then. Although, you might want not want to hold your head so close to the desk. You might bang it.
I don't think I have to worry about that. I may be clumsy, but I'm not that bad.
Sorry, I didn't mean it like that.
Anyway, you seem really invested in this Strategy Conference thing lately.
I have to fix the flaws in my approach that Sasami pointed out last time... So that this time, it'll be perfect! I'll beat Sasami, I just know it! After all, there's no point in competing if you don't try to win.
Ehh, I guess that's kind of true. Sort of. You certainly seem ready this time, at least.
Speaking of, you've really change a lot recently, Narika. You've come a long way from that first conference.
You think so too?
I'm glad. All this work is beginning to pay off.
You might want to tone down the 'beating Sasami' thing though. I mean, I'm far from being a fan of her and I do REALLY want to see her get a taste of her own medicine, but you don't want this becoming an obsession. The point of all of this is to figure out the best proposal for the Disciples, right?
That's true, but...
Sure. What do you need?
Could you read over my rough draft to see if there are any problems with it?
I can give it a shot, sure.
Thank you.
Could you follow me?
...Whhhyyy? What's wrong with doing it here?
I don't want Sasami listening in like she did last time... Let's go.
Okay, fair point. She is pretty nosy.
-Student Council Room-
Sounds good. These chairs look way more comfortable than our class--
...Why did you lock the door?
For security reasons. More importantly, take a look at the rough draft I made.
Oookay. Well, let's see what you've got then.
So, what do you think of my plan?
I can tell you as soon as you stop holding on to me like that. It's a little hard to concentrate like this.
Where the hell is that saxophone coming from? I'm serious.
Now, what do you think about this part? *giggle* Give me your honest opinion. I could use a nudge in the right direction.
Um, Narika? You want to maybe...
*giggle* Don't be shy! Come on, this is a little embarrassing for me... When I'm alone with you, my heart never stops pounding.
*clears throat* Well, the draft looks pretty good to me. I don't see any major problems with it.
Oh, thank goodness. That's a load off my mind.
You seem pretty different lately...
Wait a minute, you haven't been taking advice from Ruby, have you? This reeks of her.
*Narika fucking books it*
Hey! Wait! Don't just--
......The fuck just happened?
That was... Actually, that's a damn fine question.
Things are getting too weird up in here. Speaking of Ruby's poison influence...
I was just thinking about you. I have a question.
Okay. We'll see if I have an answer. What's the question?
So, are you and Chlotz together?
What are you getting at?
No, Ruby. We are not dating.
Mmm... But that would explain everything... I have empirical evidence from your Classmanting results... The Star Conception Rate between you and Chlotz was the highest.
And? I don't recall that Classmanting thing producing much in the way of results.
True, no Star Child was born... But we predicted it would be the highest between God's Gift and an S Rank Disciple.
Classmating is all about bonds. What would lead you to believe that Alec would produce a better result than Chlotz? Chlotz has been hanging around me since I got here. Alec and me beat the crap out of each other and only recently became actual friends. Not to mention that Alec still isn't a team player kind of guy.
That's nothing but speculation, it isn't hard evidence.
Besides, you and Chlotz always look so cute together.
So sorry to have ruined that little creepy fantasy for you.
Wait! You're young, you're both single. There's still a chance, right?
Ruby, I'm surrounded daily by seven different women that I'm supposed to get as close as possible to for the sake of the world. Not to mention the random Disciples wandering around the Academy that might want a piece of me.
It's not going to happen. Chlotz is a friend, but that doesn't mean I want to hook up with him.
Doesn't mean that YET... There's still a 1% chance you'll live happily ever after?
I'm going to walk away now.
(I knew she was up to something.)
Ruby is apparently a Yaoi fangirl. She is not the only one in this Academy. Several of the female Disciples apparently ship Wake and Alec together a lot as well. This Academy is weird.
Chloe will wrap things up for us. At least her and her route seem pretty normal. Mostly.
-Ritual Hall-
Let's begin, Chloe.
Sure, I was waiting for you.
Awesome. Show me what you can do, then.
Last new class for the time being. Gambler is fairly easy to guess. They have high LUC, SPD, TEC, and MDF, but pitiful ATK and DEF. They deal with a lot of status and chance type skills.
They can Seal (which is the Status Effect that overrides all other Status Effects and prevents skill use), paralyze, instant death, silence, all sorts of fun stuff. Assuming that luck is on your side anyway.
I mostly just really like their designs.
*pant* *pant* Phew...
You feeling okay?
Yeah, I'm fine. I can't explain it, but I feel so happy when I'm with you.
I've been hearing something to that effect a lot lately.
I have a twinkle in my eye? I might want to get that checked out...
-Faculty Room-
You there, Chloe?
Hey, I've been waiting for you.
Remember, I got a letter?
You mean the fan letter?
Close, but not quite. It's about the concert being held at the Field Hospital. The hospital shifted some dates around on us, so now there's a rush to get there.
Why is Chlotz here?
Come on, time's a-wasting. Let's go to the Field Hospital ASAP!
A-Alright, thanks.
Why isn't anyone keeping me informed about anything?
-Field Hospital-
Looks like we made it. Although I'm not sure how.
[Female Disciple C]: Ms. Chloe, over here! There's no time left until the show's supposed to start. Please hurry.
I'm gonna go check out the concert hall, so you stay with Chloe.
I feel more like a bodyguard than a manager. Chlotz seems to be doing everything I'm supposed to be responsible for.
(I can't believe I just said that as if it were a bad thing. What is wrong with me?)
-Dressing Room-
[Female Disciple C]: This is your dressing room. Please change into your outfit as quickly as possible.
How would I know? Nobody tells me anything. Don't you carry it with you?
My brother was in charge of all that, but I don't see it anywhere.
*sigh* Yeah, that figures.
What about what you have on now? Isn't that an outfit?
Of course it does. Stay right here, it must be down in the car or something.
*Wake rushes out to track down the outfit, then returns in a flash*
I've got it. Where are you?
Over here. Could you pass it to me around the partition screen?
Sure thing. Here--Sonofa!
Ugh... sorry. Let me just... Oomph...
Wh-What is it? What happened?
You've got your knee... on my...
Huh? ...I-Iyaaaah!
*pant* *pant* Alright, I'm sorry but that was not my fault, I didn't know where...
It's cool, it's cool... just...
No worries there. H-Here's your outfit.
Right, thank you, Mr. Manager.
-Concert Venue...Field Hospital...Rooftop...some combination of those-
See what I mean about costume possibilities? Why didn't they make that stage outfit into another costume? Would have been better than Chloe's current dungeon outfit.
[Male Disciple A]: Your show rocked, Ms. Chloe!
[Female Disciple B]: Lovely as always, Chloe!
Looks like everything turned out fine. I thought the outfit thing was going to put an end to it.
Hmph, despicable. Concerts are frivolous nonsense that corrupt heroic spirits.
Yeah, that's right. To make up for Fuuko/Torri not having any douchebags in their routes (that we currently know of), Chloe's is going to double up. This has...this has been a fun update...
I found this one to be quite intriguing. After that concert, even our most desperate cases seem to be revitalized. It's remarkable that a concert could have such an influence. We should investigate.
He's also one of those types. You know, the kind of person in a fantasy world that doesn't believe in magic or supernatural shit. Hey Mystery Man, you do know that there's an entire fucking thing called the Curative Orchestra System which releases Star Energy or some crap that has healing effects, right? Like, that's a thing that exists that students use as a way to kill some time when they're bored. This isn't some whack-job feel-good theory, it has actual basis in (this world's) reality.
These NPC's, man.
Please let them know that there are to be no more concerts held on the premises.
(Who is that guy next to Ruby? Actually, I probably don't want to know. If he's an acquaintance of hers then I want no part of that.)
Um, excuse me.
Hm? Oh, what's up?
Why not give it to her yourself? Hang on.
*Wake proceeds to wave Chloe over*
What's the matter?
She's got something she wants to give you. I figured it was better to do it in person.
U-Um, h-here...
Aw, how cute. This is such pretty pink stationery. Thank you very much.
My name's Millica! I had so much fun today! Your songs cheer me up.
That's great, but you should probably still be in bed, champ.
Um... Can you sing again sometime? I want to hear you sing again!
Okay, it's Manager time, Chloe. You should maybe take a second to--
Of course, I promise. Let's do a pinky swear!
Yay! Pinky, pink, bow-bell, no one tells a lie!
This can only end positively.
See you next time, bye-bye!
*Millica leaves*
I'm glad I did this. Seeing her so happy really makes it feel worthwhile.
Hey, you're happy about it. That's what matters to me. Let's go celebrate.
You're just as much of a buzzkill as Mark is. You realize that means we can't let you drink either, right?
Haha, right.
Oh, by the way. You going to read that letter she gave you?
Sure. Let's see... Oh dear...
She's suffering from a chronic illness. She's been here for over half a year.
She says that my songs have given her hope.
That's nice to hear.
Should we head back now?
And there's Chloe Part 1, as well as Narika and Ellie Part 1. We'll check out the second half of their events in the next update. There's a new gameplay feature we have to look at.
Once you have raised the bonding gauges of the heroines to a certain point (basically once you reach this chapter), a new Classmating option unlocks.
-Church of Aterra-
Hey, you called for me?
Yes. Thank you for coming.
There's a "next level"? Do I want to know what that is?
Perhaps you've heard of it from rumors here and there...
The next level... "Trimating".
Oh please no...
Doing so will allow you to create even more powerful Star Children than before. However, Trimating requires a very strong bond with all your partners.
But, I have a feeling that you'd have strong bonds with several people by now.
Stronger Star Children: This is awesome. Taking the girls who are only just now getting comfortable with Classmating and making them do it with each other: That is not awesome.
Could we maybe hold off on this for a little bit until I can make sure they--
Ruby has already informed your partners about this.
Damn it, Ruby!
According to Ruby, they all seem prepared for it. I'm sure they will be happy to perform the ritual with you. And with each other.
I assure you, you are both completely wrong. Do you know how long it's taken some of them to be comfortable enough just to touch me? Feene poked my hand with her finger and considered that to be a massive achievement for her.
I'm sure God's Gift will have no difficulty. Do not worry so much.
*sigh* Easy for you guys to say. Well, not much I can do about it now thanks to Ruby. Going to have to make the best of it.
You say something?
Er, ah, nothing. That is all.
I have great hopes for you Disciples. Work hard for the sake of world peace.
Now we can Trimate!
Very straightforward. When you are able to do it, the little Trimate label will show up behind a heroine on the Classmate screen.
It uses more BP, but it produces better Star Children. You also have a better chance at getting twins (which is actually something that still hasn't triggered for me yet).
Quite possibly the most useful aspect to Trimating though, is that stat spreads of the heroines are combined. So if I took Chloe and Narika for example.
You can see the yellow graph on the right is much bigger. These two together, at the moment, are able to make any class that has been unlocked so far. Because I have been keeping everyone relatively leveled, pretty much any combination of heroines will let me make whatever I want.
So at this point, the only real limit I have to classes are those unlocked by leveling up other classes, those that need special items, or those that only unlock under other conditions such as story progress.
I don't have any more new ones to show off at the moment though. We've been through most of the 'easy' classes so far. The remainder all have little conditions and stuff that I have to meet while some are just gated by story. I'll save them up as they become available to try and make sure we have something new to see every chapter.
That's it for now. The next update will see the continuation of Chloe/Narika/Ellie events, and they are a combination of weird and irritating (yes, Lucian will return).