Part 26: Chapter 5 (Part 2): Feene, Chloe, Narika
~Bonding Focus: Chapter 5 (Part 2): Feene, Narika, Chloe~
That sure was a nice break, huh? Just relaxing with Feene. Taking some pictures. Fighting off an incredibly protective/possibly thirsty Starball player. Just a nice, peaceful, simplistic chain of events.
Well, now that we've mostly caught up with Feene, we need to turn our attention back towards the other two focus heroines. For those of you with bad memory, Chloe and Narika's routes were moving beyond the easy-going portion and getting a little concerning.
So we're going to go in reverse order for these. Feene still has four events remaining (sort of), which should make for a nice cool down from Chloe and Narika's shit.
-Ritual Hall-
Ready to go this time, Chloe?
...That depends on what 'something different' means.
I want to go further than just holding hands to initiate the Classmating.
Is it a bad idea? I thought it'd be fun.
Well, it's definitely a step up from holding hands.
I'm willing to try it and see what happens though. Maybe it'll help.
Last new class for the time being. There aren't too many left at this point.
Astromancer is mage with booster LUC and an insane hairdo. They have a variety of different skills, including the third tier element spells.
They also get access to status recovery and area heal. Good coverage unit. I think their design is a bit too goofy though.
That was more exhausting than I thought.
Yeah. I don't know how, but that sure felt like a step in the right direction.
I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'll start thinking of other things we can do. I better get going. See you next time!
I have absolutely no idea what it is they're doing. Hugging...? Classmating isn't physically sexual (the girls would be WAY more apprehensive and embarrassed if it were). Beats me.
-Faculty Office-
I still can't believe you just took that lying down.
But it's your choice, so I've got to respect it. Moving on, it seems like there's something else bothering you. What's up?
Millica sent me another letter... She wanted to know when the next concert would be held. She's counting the days. She must be so eager to see the next concert. I can't even tell her I'm banned.
I tried to warn you to be careful with making promises like that.
I know... It's just...
Then just screw the Academy. Do it without their permission.
If we do that, the Field Hospital will definitely report us. I don't want to cause any more trouble for the Choir Club. Mr. Watts might try to disband them if we tried that. Is there anything else we can do?
You're kind of tying my hands on this one, Chloe.
The only other option is going straight to Watts.
You don't really think he's going to listen, do you?
No, but what else can you do? Besides, won't know unless you give it a shot.
-Guidance Room-
Excuse me, Mr. Watts? May I speak with you?
What is it now? Can't you see I'm busy?
Not this again. The verdict is final, and I will hear no more of this.
Someone please tell me what the fuck Watts' official title is? Why are we not discussing this with Mattero?
Please! Just this once, won't you make an exception!?
Ms. Chloe. You have already been suspended once for this ridiculous behavior.
At least read her letter. It means so much to her...
The mere question you are asking is an egregious insult to this Academy! If you continue to flout your duties as a teacher, the Choir Club will be disbanded.
So you're just not going to listen to anything she has to say!? You're a disgrace!
Stop... Let's go. I'm sorry that we disturbed you, Mr. Watts.
*Chloe leaves*
She's sorry. I sure as hell am not. I hope you're the last to die when the Star Wall gets breached, just so you can suffer for as long as possible.
That's right. I'm the monster here. Sure.
Chloe, why do you just let him trample you like that? He's not your boss. Stand up for yourself.
If we continued, he would have gotten both of us in serious trouble.
You really think I care what happens to me? I'd be totally fine just walking right back in there and breaking that guy's jaw.
Besides, he was threatening to disband the Choir Club.
You just love to ruin my fun.
...But, I wish I could have performed.
Alright, enough of that. Time to switch gears.
Come on, we'll go get something to eat. How about ramen?
Food makes me feel better when I'm bummed out.
That's good stuff. Can't believe Chlotz found a place like this. How's yours?
Well let's hope that party doesn't get out of hand.
What's up?
By the way, can I trade you my egg for that piece of fish cake? I'm not a big fan of soft-boiled eggs. I just can't stand the yolk, you know?
Sure, go for it.
Thanks. This is so cute, the spiral makes it look like a little galaxy.
No problem. I'm just glad to see you happy again. You've had a rough go of it lately.
Okay, so that didn't go too well, but at least we got to see Chloe smiling again there at the end. That's something positive! Sure, the little sick girl is going to die of heartbreak when her idol fails to keep her promise to her and completely shatters her faith in humanity, but let's look at the bright side.
Narika time is next. Last time we saw her she was prepping for the big important Grand Conference. She also showed total disrespect to Sasami. That part was pretty sweet, not going to lie. You can't just redeem yourself for shitty behaviour by making a last minute excuse, Sasami!
-Ritual Hall-
Let's get it going, Narika. Still way behind on my Star Child recruitment.
Such as?
I was doing a lot of research on my own... I was trying to figure out how to create the strongest Star Children. But there are so many things. Maybe we could try them one at a time...
Where are you guys getting this research from?
I guess I don't mind. We need strong Star Children, so if you guys have ideas then we might as well try them out and see what works and what doesn't.
So, what do we do exactly? Something like what me and Chloe tried, maybe?
Yes... well...
What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?
Ex-Excuse me!? You want--
Shh! Please don't say it out loud. It's embarrassing.
Sorry. Well, I guess we can try it.
G-Great. Here goes...
*Classmating again*
Alright, it's done...
Yes, it is.
I had no idea... I never imagined I'd do anything like that.
That makes two of us. I never expected you of all people to suggest something like that.
Yes. And there are still so many other things to try! I hope we can do them all!
Let's... let's slow it down a little, okay?
(What the hell is going on with this girl?)
-2nd-Year Classroom-
It's time for the Grand Conference. You psyched up?
It'll be you, me, and the student council president there.
I'm going to this one, too? What am I going to be doing?
All you have to do is watch over me from the back. That's more than enough...
Got it. I can do that. You can count on me.
Thanks. I knew you would say that. Just knowing that you're beside me...
Good to hear.
It's almost time...
Right. Let's get a move on to the Church.
I'll be back really soon.
*Narika leaves*
Hmm... I should probably hit the restroom before we go. Kind of awkward if I have to get up in the middle of the conference.
(Huh? Is someone out there in the hall? It better not be Sasami trying to spy.)
*The screen brightens to white and then fades back to normal*
Gah... What the hell was that?
Oh, were you peeking? You're such a naughty boy.
...What did you just say? What's going on with you, Narika? You're acting weird.
But we don't have much time. Let's get to the Church, quick!
Whoa! Hey! Ease up on the arm!
-Church of Aterra-
A pleasure.
Three members of the Church, myself included...
[Church Official]: We shall not rest until the threat of the monsters is eradicated.
And three Disciples, one of whom was the winner of the Strategy Conference.
This council was formed to gather all of the world's expertise against the demons. Let us all maintain focus on the matter at hand, and have a spirited debate.
Then let's get started. First, we'll present AngelMarker's plan. My associate will explain the details.
[AM Employee]: Yes, sir. If you could first take a look at the materials we've provided...
So this works the same way as the student conferences?
[Council President]: Yes. We'll explain the submitted proposals, then there'll be a debate.
I see. Narika is going last this time, though. I hope she doesn't get psyched out from hearing the other two plans.
[Council President]: Oh, I don't think you have to worry about that...
Well, you've got a point there.
(She's definitely changed. With the way some of the other girls are acting, I should be excited that one of them has turned things around. So why am I not?)
(Eh. It's probably because of those finger sandwiches from the catering table. I knew they didn't look quite right. Probably out of date. Cheap-ass conference organizers.)
[Church Official]: ...Which is why the Church proposes a policy of preemptive strikes. That is all.
Lastly, we have the representative from the Academy, Narika Shina.
Thank you.
Now that all three groups have shared their proposals... We will begin discussion of their merits. I encourage everyone not to hesitate if they have something to say.
[AM Employee]: In that case, I--
[Council President]: Narika!?
Narika, far be it from me to lecture someone else on etiquette, but the AngelMarker rep was talking. Don't just cut him off.
Would he mind if I made my statement first?
(What the hell is she doing?)
Narika, you're speaking out of turn. Show some respect.
No... we don't mind. Go ahead, Narika.
Thank you. About the Church's "Project Michael" proposal...
*One verbal ass-kicking later*
...Which is why I believe this proposal is grievously flawed.
Hm. She does have a point.
Reduced to rubble? What the holy hell is "Project Michael"? Was the Church going to just pound an overrun city with artillery and call that a job well done?
[Church Official]: Well then, what exactly do you propose that we do?
The Academy has proposed a plan to eliminate monsters through siege tactics. We'll lead the monsters to an empty park, surround them, and close in. This method reduces civilian casualties and has a low chance of monsters escaping.
[Church Official]: Hah. Assuming everything goes exactly as you plan, that is.
If God's Gift, the Disciples, and AngelMarker Industries work together... I see no reason why the operation shouldn't be a success. Wouldn't you agree, Mr. Enzea? Wake?
Me and monster killing? Of course I agree with that. That's my whole deal.
I'd say her plan is worth a try.
Thank you.
[Church Official]: Rrrghh... Head Priest Mattero! Are you going to sit idly by while a mere child says whatever she pleases!?
Narika is present here as an official representative of the Academy. There is no difference in rank between you and she on this council. So kindly refrain from saying anything that would undermine this.
Not to question your leadership here Mattero, but you kind of let Narika get away with some disrespect of her own just a little while ago. Keep it fair, man.
[Church Official]: Grr... old fool...
What was that you said?
*Church Official fucking books it*
[Council President]: Looks like he left in a huff. He's been quite humiliated by Narika.
May we continue the council without the absent member?
No objections here.
Then allow me to go into detail on how we'd lure the monsters into the park...
[Council President]: Who'd have imagined the day Narika would go toe to toe with Enzea Marker?
So that was a thing that happened. Narika is... kind of straddling the line between confidence and being an outright dick. Success is going straight to the girl's head it seems.
Whatever. Probably fine. Fine, just like our other focus heroine. How's Feene getting along?
-Old Schoolhouse-
You ready, Feene? It's Starball finals time.
You remembered.
Come on. I wouldn't forget something like that.
(Thank Star God I have that day planner. Saved my ass on more than one occasion.)
Besides, I made a promise, and there are no small promises. Every one kept builds trust.
Yes, that's right.
But the match is about to begin. I was worried something might have happened to you...
Let's hurry to the gym. I hope I can get a good shot of the Starball Team's big moment.
[Starball Player A]: Hey, pass it over here!
Looks like they're really pushing hard.
Hrm... It looks like the other team has the upper hand.
You probably shouldn't go cursing people, Feene. Those can end up worse than you intended.
Th-Then what should I do?
I think you should just stick to doing what you originally came here to do. You know, photography.
Oh! Right, I'm here to take photos!
I'm sorry... I worked myself into a tizzy over the idea of losing... Ohhhh... But I'm just aching for a way to help.
And here I thought you didn't want to go joining the team.
Huh...? Did you say something?
Nope. It's a bit loud in here, so you must have misheard. We should just focus on taking pictures.
Yes, let's!
*One intense Starball game later, I assume*
Coming down to the wire. There's only five minutes left and they're down by three.
Things aren't looking up for us...
Relax, Feene. It's a foul. It happens. Oh, looks like they're taking a time out.
Owwwwwww... I think I twisted my ankle...
Aya, are you hurt!?
*Feene runs over*
Ahaha, don't look so worried. I'm fine. I just need to last five more minutes, and I'll make those last three points and... Arrrrrgh!
Look how swollen it is! You can't play like that!
Hah... And this is my last game too. I'm sorry... I guess you won't be able to send my picture back home looking like this, huh? I'm sorry, Feene...
That's not...
Yeah... We don't have any more players to substitute in. And these guys are tougher than they look. There's no way we could win with only four people in the game.
But... But I'm not on the team! I turned you down...
Don't worry about that. As long as you're a Disciple, you're qualified.
Damn, Aya. If I didn't know any better I'd say you planned this out completely.
But, this is your team. I didn't even help with practice, I couldn't...
Please, Feene.
Not that I agree with how she's pushing this on you, but I think you should just go for it Feene. Besides, I'd love to get some pictures of you kicking ass.
But, sir...
[Starball Player A]: Feene, we all want you to help.
[Starball Player B]: We'll still have a chance of winning this with your help!
Everyone is begging you to join. You can't just back down now, can you?
...Very well.
[Starball Players]: Alright!
That's the Feene I know! I'm counting on you.
Yes, I promise...
Show them what you're made of, Feene!
Yes... I promise I'll do that as well.
I will win and you will have the greatest photo opportunity of all time!
Feene, use my uniform. I have a spare on the bench.
Well isn't that just convenient. And it just so happens to be Feene's size, too! Wow!
Thank you. I'll change right away!
[Referee]: Substitution! The time on the clock is 4 minutes 50 seconds. Game on!
*Then the Starball game wrapped up*
-Old Schoolhouse-
The post-game meeting took a while.
It's cool. I just finished printing out the pictures.
Really!? Hmmmm. Let me see them...
I bet you could make a comfortable living as a photographer.
I think you're going a little overboard. I'm not THAT good.
Oh, no. Believe me, I'm not. If you photographed the other players like this, they'd fall in love with you.
Right. I'm sure Aya would be all over him after seeing his sweet photography of her.
Does that mean you would, too?
Huh? Oh, um... I-I suppose... B-But really it's just a turn of phrase used to praise your pictures... I wouldn't give it a second thought...
Right, sorry. I was reading a bit too much into that.
Er... But that doesn't mean you don't have to think about it, just...
What do you want me to think, exactly?
Feene, are you here?
*And Aya shows up to cut the tension*
Oh, yes. Right here.
Thank you so much for today's game! Did you expect to carry the team the whole time?
Oh, but the last shot was made by your teammate.
Well, that was thanks to your expert passing. Hey, are those the pictures you just took!? Lemme see, lemme see!
How about you ask instead of just grab?
Yeah, that's because I took those photos.
Ugh... So this is your fault.
Last time I checked I wasn't your team photographer. I'm only here to take pictures of Feene. If you're not happy living in the background then that's your problem.
I don't give a rat's ass about your pictures.
What's the yuri version of cockblocking? Or is it still technically cockblocking because a dude is the one getting in the way?
I-I took plenty of pictures of the whole team, Aya. I'll make you some copies.
Thank you! You should send them to your friends back home, too. Let them see the friends you've made out here! What do you think? Our team can hold its own against your friends back home, right?
Yes, you're right... They're a great team. Am I really part of the team now...?
Of course you are! Now let's go celebrate our victory!
Oh, er, but...
Don't worry about me. Go and have some fun. If you don't then Aya might end up hanging around here longer.
Okay. I'll go then. Thank you for taking such lovely pictures of me.
So Aya ended up getting exactly what she wanted in the end. Oh well, so much for Photography, I guess.
Before we finish this, let's get Feene's next Classmating event out of the way. She'll have two more actual events in the next update which will get her finally caught up with the other focus heroines.
-Ritual Hall-
Are you ready for Classmating, Feene? You seem a little zoned out.
Oh... Yes. I-I think... I'm okay...
Are you sure? You're not sick, are you?
Oh, no. That's not it...
What do you mean?
I'm embarrassed to touch you... Wh-What has happened to me...? We haven't even begun...
It's embarrassing for me too, you know. I thought I mentioned that before.
Y-You feel the same way!? I didn't think you'd feel anything when you touched me...
I'm not heartless, Feene.
That is not what I wanted to imply! I simply did not think I made you embarrassed...
Let's begin the ritual...
Sure. Things are a little awkward now, but let's just do what we can.
Yes... I would like to do anything I can to help. Please be gentle.
It's cute how all of you think I can control that.
*Classmating happens again. No more new classes left to show now*
*pant* *pant* *pant* How was it? Was I able to commune with you...?
I think it went pretty well. Good work.
Oh... I'm just glad it all turned out so well.
Sorry, I may have been confusing things for you.
But... you weren't. Just... Next time, could you squeeze harder...?
What did you say?
O-Oh, nothing... Please, forget it.
Are you fine with orange juice?
I'll just go with you.
Oh, yes, that's much better.
There we are, another Bonding Focus out of the way. Except not really. Feene had to get an entire update just to catch up with Narika and Chloe, so now we need a Part 3 Bonding Focus in order to wrap up everyone's current event block. At least we're all caught up on Feene now.
Oh, wait. That's right. The fruits of my Star Child creating labor.
After slacking off on the City Level for the past two chapters, I had Wake and the heroines pump out a full squad of Star Children, took them out to cuddle with the Sagitta a little, then set them free in Fort City.
As such, Fort City has risen from Level 15 to Level 23. Pretty much everything has something new in store. The maximum number of Scavengers has also gone up.
The shop has put out a few stat drop protection accessories. Not really of any use. I'd rather keep everyone rocking the Rapid Rings for speed boosts.
I pick up some armor upgrades for our main teams, as well as weapon upgrades for the original Team A(wful) in order to try and keep them competitive for as long as I can.
Potion EX - Better healing potion
Bond Shard - Better revival item
Defaulter - Nulls enemy buffs
Clean Slate - Nulls your debuffs
Panacea - Nulls status effects. *Lovesickness not included (the item description actually includes that part)
These items also became available. Nothing incredible.
This item on the other hand. This is a good one. It's a good idea to carry some of these with you. Very helpful for when you hit a floor and just feel like blazing through it as quickly as possible (like if you are trying to get to the boss for example). Use this and you can find the portal without having to wander blindly around.
The Lab Board has two quests for these creepy looking dudes. The items are nothing special, but those are some new looking enemy designs.
The Guild has one new quest for an item called 'Black Shard'. We'll keep an eye out for them.
The gift shop has a range of new... gifts.
Despite what you may be thinking, no, this is not the gift that is hated by all the heroines. In fact, the only two heroines that dislike this gift are Fuuko and Serina. Chloe, Torri, Feene, Ellie, and Narika would all be excited if Wake gave them a copy of a book detailing ways to make their boobs bigger.
Meanwhile, Fuuko and Serina, the two heroines that have openly voiced a desire to have bigger racks, would not like this.
There are some new equip accessories as well. We've got Angel Wings to compliment the Demon Wings. A new brooch, some earrings, glasses, the usual.
There are some odd additions though. Mysterious Plume and Ether Visor. Then there's a stylish crown, as well as the ability to give the girls a top-knot.
There are some other things like ribbons and a tiara that I haven't shown yet either. I'll play Santa and spread the holiday gifts around so that I can get some screenshots for the next update. Someone asked for the 'Persona' Mask, but that has yet to make an appearance unfortunately.