Part 36: A stupid mission and a lethal fight
~Update 17: A stupid mission and a lethal fight~Time for everything to go to hell. Soon. First there are two Sub-Labyrinths to blast through. I'm going to skim these very quickly, since there just isn't anything special about Sub-Labyrinths and there is a huge amount of story to get to in this update.
The two Sub-Labyrinths are called Dark Void and Blind Leap. Dark Void contains a class item for one of the remaining three classes in the game, while Blind Leap contains the last two.
Both of these Sub-Labyrinths are also pains in the ass due to most of the enemies being Dusk or Light based. Fair warning.
I pull Felicia once more out of retirement. These class items seem near impossible to steal, meaning you're better off just hoping for a drop instead, but Felicia's Lockpick skill is the main reason she's here. There's some good equipment available in these two Sub-Labs. Later, Felicia will lead her own Thief team when I learn that the game does not want me to have the other class item.
However, first up is Blind Leap. You want to head for the 2nd Floor (or the 4th) and look for a group consisting of two Stavess enemies (pictured above) and an eyeball dude. The Stavess should be level 43 or 47 depending on which floor you are on.
Use Wake's Dusk Analysis to check out the enemy teams before you go into battle with them, in order to make things easier. These guys will sometimes drop the class item Hermit's Gleam.
Hermit's Gleam will allow you to create Ninja. Ninja's are one of only two classes that are able to use Ninja Garb armor (which you may have picked up from time to time and not known what the hell to do with it).
Ninja's are a bit of a specialty class. They have great SPD and nice defenses. Their skills are a mix of status and instant-death style attacks like Silent Killing. They also have a skill called Invisibility, which is handy for avoiding monsters, or sneaking up on them for advantageous attacks.
Moving on, Floors 2 and 3 of Blind Leap are where you find groups of Level 42 Mibras (the purple eyeball creatures) accompanied by a Level 37 Micros (the red/orange eyeball creature). Killing them has a chance at snagging you the class item Vibrant Sparkle.
Vibrant Sparkle is used to make Tricksters. Tricksters have a similar stat spread to Ninjas and are an upgrade over the Berserker class. They have status moves like the Berserker (poison, ATK/SPD drop, Instant-Death chance), but the major draw to them is that they have a skill called Visual Aid.
Visual Aid lets you spot traps so that you no longer have to chance the Purple Chests or get hit by floor traps. Handy little scamps.
The final class item proves to be the most painful for me. On the 3rd Floor of the other Sub-Labyrinth, Dark Void, you have to go looking for a group of these bastards.
The group needs to have a Level 29 Micros in it. The other two eyeballs will be the slightly higher tiered versions of the enemy.
I run around and kill 15 of these damn things and attempt to steal from them about 30 times in total. It's takes about half an hour. Not a single class item.
Eventually the sunk cost fallacy rears it's ugly head, and I decide I need to tear myself away in order to invest time in a solution to this bullshit. I quickly train up two other Thief Star Children that have been kicking around in the wings for a long time now.
They get popped onto a team with Felicia. Having 3 Thieves on one team (that are all above Level 10) opens a team skilled called "Appraising Eye", which boosts the chances of items dropping after battle.
It does the trick, and I finally get a hold of "Fallen Knighthood".
Fallen Knighthood allows you to create Dark Knights. Dark Knights are very similar to Paladins, except they focus a bit more on offense. They get more attack skills than Paladins do, and instead of DEF Boost and Paladin Wall, they get a skill called Attack Wall. Attack Wall will buff their attack while decreasing damage to their allies.
They are kind of a counterpart to Paladins, but I consider them more of a replacement/upgrade myself.
That's about it for those Sub-Labyrinths. Again, they are largely just there for grinding and item collection.
This does it for the Star Child classes as well. We've now seen all 30. You'll get the chance to build teams of them in the next chapter, during the final Star Child Vote.
So let's get on with the Pride Labyrinth, because goddamn it--
the sooner the better. That's 20 floors to wander through. 20 Floors of no story beats and a mix of Dusk and Light enemies. It's as tedious as it sounds.
Feene was the winner of the final heroine vote. Her popularity didn't seem to wane at all, although Chloe did have a sudden burst in the middle that almost had her catch up. Narika only got two votes, which saddens me because she is my favourite. The thread didn't seem to appreciate the whole 'attempted murder' thing, even if it was due to monster possession. Oh well, she still managed to hold her place as a focus heroine through the entire game. That makes me feel a bit better.
Regardless, the LP is now in the 'Feene's love confession timeline'. She will be Wake's partner for the two remaining dungeons as well as for the ending. As usual, I remind everyone that there will be an ending rundown for every heroine after the game's story wraps up.
-Pride Labyrinth-
You will be following Ruby's advice a lot for this place. Trying to do this entire dungeon in a single run is an exercise in tedium. It took me an hour to get through all 20 floors while avoiding fights and taking the portals as soon as I could find them. To speed things up, you could try buying a bunch of Simple Maps in order to immediately find the portals on every floor. I only remembered to do this like halfway through the damn place. Ugh.
The enemies here are mostly color swaps of ones you've seen before. The new Stavess enemies from Blind Leap are here as well.
You'll also find that the Gloomus type bug enemies are regular enemies here.
9 Floors in and we finally hit a mini-boss.
And that's the advice Chlotz has for us. Even the characters are in a rush to get through this place.
Shellamgear is a goofy looking thing with a lot of Dusk stuff. Not especially strong, but still tough defense-wise. You shouldn't have a lot of trouble with it, but if you do then just remember that Bonding Drive is a Non-Elemental attack that will work wonders. It's joined by a Gloomus as well, but that's really not anything to worry about.
As for me, since you guys voted for Feene, I just have her and Wake bust out the second level Seventh Burst "Ruin-Onslaught".
Same as with Chloe, this is mostly the same as the first level Seventh Burst, except with a pose at the end. Wake looks kind of bored in this shot, not that I blame him.
That hits for 16k, and Team B follows it up by finishing it off. Easy-peasy.
In the next 'section' of floors, Sparf will make its debut as a regular old encounter. It also has color swapped versions with it.
Floor 15 stops us with another mini-boss.
Laiamis is accompanied by two upgraded Stavess. It's a fast little sucker, and the rest of its stats are fairly balanced. You need to be careful of that Light based attack though. It hit Team A(wful) for close to 3000 damage, which is not pleasant.
Using Bonding Drive or just MECUNITE'ing and spamming the Code attacks will deal with it pretty well. The MECUNITE's Code attack will also take out the Stavess that are chilling in the background.
Upon reaching the portal on Floor 20, we mercifully reach the boss.
Unlike the usual, we're stopping for a brief break before we tackle this. I need to offer some warnings for anyone that may be insane enough to be playing along, or for anyone that may be insane in the future and is playing along with the archive.
This upcoming battle is pretty much the only one in the base game that I will say requires absolute preparation. Unless you and all your Star Children are pushing Level 50+ (or you have optimized teams with a heavy focus on speed or physical defence), you are going to have a hard time with this.
Let's get a bit of a checklist going:
1. Make sure your Bond Points are maxed. You should be able to have a cap of 1000 by this point.
2. Make sure you stock up on Multi-Potions. They are expensive, but they are almost vital to this fight.
3. You need to at least be in the 40's in terms of level. Maybe someone has done it, but I personally don't see any of your Star Children surviving at below 40.
4. Get the best gear you can manage, either from exploring Labyrinths/Sub-Labyrinths, Quests, or straight-up buying shit from the shop.
5. Related to the point above, get a bunch of 'Seal' curative items (such as Chatter Herb), and look into Seal Resistance equipment. No particular reason.
With that out of the way, we can proceed. Even with all those warnings, be prepared for this to end up as a scouting run if you are going in blind. Hell, even if you know what's coming, there's a good chance you're going to bite it at least once since it's hard to predict how well your Star Child teams will hold up.
Lucifer likes to make an entrance. Swooping in, grinding to a halt, then letting out a mighty roar.
So, Lucifer. Lucifer is not the reason we're taking all these precautions. It isn't much of a threat on its own. Being Non-Elemental, Feene is really the only heroine that doesn't fare especially well against it. Remember, Non-Element is strong against Dusk and Light, but weak to all the basic elements.
Stat-wise, Lucifer has the typical boss stats of crazy high DEF and MDF. ATK and SPD are a bit lacking from what you'd expect though.
It does have a mix of Light and Dusk skills though, so that's a bit concerning. High Dusk Release is back and it still sucks to get hit by.
It has solid HP behind it as well. This is roughly 14,500 damage to it in total, and it's still above half. You're probably looking at about 30k-35k.
That being said, there isn't really much to Lucifer. If you go all out with your attacks and are in the mid-40's of SC Level, then you can probably end this fight before Lucy can score a second turn. It isn't especially fast.
There isn't much in terms of strategy here. Just dump on it using basic Elemental skills and you'll likely end up Chaining it, at which point you can dump on it even harder for more damage.
If it is outrunning you and scoring multiple turns (or spamming High Dusk Release), then just use some of the Multi-Potions that you should have with you.
DO NOT USE YOUR BP! Don't use Ether Release (Lucifer will just reverse it with High Dusk Release), don't use Bonding Drive, and don't use MECUNITE. There are also some specialty healing spells that use BP, so watch it. You will want to have your BP full for what is on the horizon.
The fight itself provides some good EXP, and Chaining will up that even more.
And that puts a cap on all the Dusk Circles. Now, who's ready for all of this to go tits-up? That's not a spoiler of any kind. Does this really feel like an End Boss to you?
I'm sure this comes as a complete shock to everyone. Let's be honest, it was always going to come down to the Church or Shinra Lite.
*Clau rushes in the for attack*
[Bodyguard A]: Gah!
[Bodyguard B]: Ngh!
[Bodyguard C]: Aagh!
[Bodyguard D]: Hrgh!
[Bodyguard F]: Hnngh!
The hell happened to Bodyguard E? Must have taken a personal day. Lucky dude.
*Clau kicks Alec*
*The screen starts to shake*
*The screen flashes white as Alec attacks*
Dusk Alec - Check out the cutscene
That's probably not good...
Okay, I'll give you that one Official Wake. We can drop the "probably".
*Alec fucking books it*
Despite their cocky attitudes, Rus and Clau are fucking jokes. You're fully healed for this fight, but honestly, you wouldn't need it.
A very important thing to keep in mind, however: DO NOT USE YOUR BP. Hold on to that shit tight. Besides it not being necessary for this "boss" (and I use that term lightly), you could screw yourself later.
Going by their stats, they might seem to be relatively tough. High DEF, MDF, and decent SPD. Rus has solid ATK and Clau has solid MAT. Clau has a major lack of MDF though, for good reason.
Their skills are bare minimum though. Ultimate Slash Storm is a skill that Wake has been throwing around since Chapter 2. Clau only has Triad Gravity.
Their HP is pathetic. Rus here only has something like 18,000. He's also weak to Dusk and Earth (because he's Water element). Wake and Feene can take him out by themselves in two turns using Seventh Burst.
The first attack he manages to pull off gets intercepted by Wake and Feene, thereby dealing a big fat 0 in damage.
Rus has enough speed that he can probably manage to score back to back physical attacks on you (like, once maybe), but they only dish out about 1000 damage. He hits Team Normal Person twice in a row and only knocks them down to about 60-65% HP, then has to wait 4 player turns until he can act again. He will not be acting again.
So yeah, Rus is laughable. Wake and Feene (or any Heroine, really) could kill him on their own, so I send the kids out to play with Clau instead. Clau is a bit hardier than her brother, but that's only because she has the power of Dusk Element on her side. Even with her low MDF, the Element advantage is enough to compensate. Unfortunately for Clau...
She's not exactly a powerhouse. That looks like a lot of damage from Triad Gravity, but if you check out Team B's health bar down there, you can see that it only scratched them. Her basic attack deals about 1000, but that's actually pathetic when you realize that she has an element advantage.
You can also see that she doesn't really have the MP to keep that offence going. She's got maybe 4 or 5 of those Triad Gravity attacks in her. If you somehow have difficulty against her, then you could easily just turtle until she burns herself out.
If you for some reason took the time to craft a bunch of Dusk Element Star Child teams (or got really lucky with finding Dusk Matyroshkas), then Clau becomes totally neutered. There's even a chance that Wake and Feene's second Seventh Burst "Ruin-Onslaught" could just one-shot her. During one of my runs, Wake and Feene used that skill and scored a critical which dealt 19,000 damage.
Of course, you've probably realized something by this point (or at least, I hope you have). Rus and Clau were never going to be a threat. This is actually gameplay and story integration as opposed to segregation.
The only reason Alec had trouble with Clau in that cutscene is because he was fighting at far less than half strength due to Ether Density. Remember, Alec is the only one who got his brace set low because of side effects. Rus and Clau were running at higher settings, which gave them an advantage.
Also remember that Neo Ether is a cheap Ether substitute byproduct of Dusk Crystals, as was just explained to us before this battle. Wake has a pure, unfiltered, natural Ether count 30 times greater than the average. He is under no time limits or constraints when it comes to Star Energy usage, and neither are the heroines. Rus and Clau never stood a chance against him to begin with, even more so with him being backed up by 9 Star Child warriors. It's honestly kind of adorable that these two morons thought they could put up a fight at all.
And the reason for that is because this fight is not supposed to be a challenge. It's supposed to trick you into burning gas before the next fight (It's especially tempting to use Bonding Drive on Clau). The game has only pulled a back-to-back boss once so far, and the boss that you fought second (The Dusk Eater) was really just one of those EXP pinatas. The game heals you between these two fights, but it pulls that rug out from under you by not healing you before the next fight.
That's why you want to be careful with your important resources such as BP and Multi-Potions (unless you have a ton of those). You also want to try and top off your HP and MP just before killing off Rus/Clau, whoever happens to be on the field last. Prep yourself before finishing this fight.
At least Clau is honest about it.
*Enzea proceeds to... fade away? Teleport? He disappears somehow. Hell if I know*
*Wake cuts off communication and the team leaves to find Alec*
Whatever your feelings are about Alec as a character, be prepared to pack them away for a little and dig out your rage instead. Dark Alec is largely agreed to be the hardest fight in this game (DLC not included). He can be incredibly frustrating and the entire battle can go south in an instant, at any point, before you can do anything about it.
Dark Alec has a brutal combination of stats. His DEF and MDF are ludicrous, and his SPD is great. His only way of attacking is physical, since he has no skills. He is also Light element, which means Non-Elemental is the only way to pierce his defenses.
His HP is nothing to scoff at either. Bonding Drive, which is your BP Non-Elemental attack that deals super effective damage to Light and Dusk, deals out 12000 and doesn't even bring him to half health. He probably has somewhere north of 30k, with enough defense that nothing the Star Children can do will even dent him.
Now, his ATK doesn't seem overly bad. On the surface, he seems to be similar to Torri. A very fast moving brick wall that somehow doesn't pack much of a punch. Dark Alec has a fix for that little shortcoming though...
Dark Alec's standard (and actually, only) attack will hit all four surrounding zones for 1000-1100 damage (less or more depending on your physical DEF). Wake and Feene take an extra hard hit due to being Dusk Element.
Also, there are no other enemies in this fight, so your entire team starts the fight automatically surrounding Dark Alec and you can't move a group of Star Children to safety in order to act as healers. This is a rare time where the ally movement mechanics work against you.
You've probably figured out the issue here. Dark Alec is fucking fast. He uses the basic physical attack, which has a low 'cost' (meaning his turn won't be pushed back as much compared to if he had used a big attack skill or magic). He can hit your entire party with each attack.
He's a blender. It's absurdly easy for him to get multiple hits on you back-to-back. You can't count on the turn order at the bottom, because that one Alec portrait could be 2-3 attacks in a row (or even 4 if you're especially slow). You might get hit for 1000 damage and then get a turn for one of your teams to heal up, or you could get slammed for 3000+ damage.
That isn't even the worst part. You see that symbol on Wake's turn portrait? That's Seal. Yes, Dark Alec's regular attacks can cause Seal. This is a major problem since Wake's Bonding Drive is one of the only major damage dealers you have against him. Also, it's why I told you to look for Seal resist stuff.
This is why I told you to save your BP and stock up on Mutli-Potions. You will need to be popping Multi-Potions all the time to keep everyone's HP maxed out. Dark Alec only needs one good string of attacks to annihilate your party. Wake is also a giant target in this fight, because if he goes down then it's game over (his Ether is the only reason anyone here can fight).
BP will be needed for Bond Drives, MECUNITE, and Ether Releases (if you can ever manage to get one of those off safely). If you CAN get the Ether Density up, then that will help even the SPD field.
The Star Children will be able to manage a little damage, but not a lot. This 2300 was the result of Team A(wful)'s Crescent attack skill, which is the hardest hitting skill they've got at the moment. Against regular enemies, it normally deals upwards of 10k.
With all of that fun information out of the way, let's talk about what you can actually do against him.
This battle can go in two major ways. If you have the speed to keep up with Alec (or you can get the Ether Density up), then you should be able to manage with Multi-Potions while you try set up Wake/Heroine for Bonding Drives. Two Bonding Drives and a scattered attack should be able to take him down (or you could get really lucky and score a Crit). The difficulty is making sure Seal is off of Wake before his turn rolls around.
If you can't match the speed, then you better hope you've got solid DEF. MECUNITE can help any weak team survive a bit better and will also let you have Master Heal on hand, just in case. You then play a game of tag with Alec and Wake by making it rain Multi-Potions and Chatter Herbs while waiting for the stars to align in such a way that Wake's turn comes up and he is able to use Bonding Drive during it.
Other than that, I guess you could try an attrition battle. Keep throwing Multi-Potions while chipping away with whatever attacks you can manage. Seal is going to be the worst part of this strat. If Dark Alec is able to keep getting Seal slapped on you, then you'll either be wasting turns trying to heal that and HP, or you'll be reduced to using basic physical attacks.
I prefer ending this fight as fast as you can. There's no effective way to cripple Alec's offense, and it's hard to tell when your luck is going to fail you and feed you 3 attacks to the face to end the fight.
The one 'good' thing about this fight is that it isn't overly hard to get back to it. Lucifer should take no more than a minute or two if you go all out, and we've established that Rus and Clau are as threatening as kittens. If you get stomped, then you may need to look at your Star Child teams or levels and do a bit of grinding. If you just had a spot of bad luck and think you could pull it off, then pop a 'Simple Map' to show you where the portal is and just run straight there to avoid wandering around the last floor blindly.
Anyway, with that done we get some solid EXP and Glow. Kinda hard to feel good about that though...
*And with that, Alec falls over dead*
Pandora Awakens - Check out the cutscene
The Sealing Matyroshkas are all gathered.
And they form a ring of light around the spire. What spire, you ask?
The Pandora Labyrinth's spire.
Holy crap! There's a Disciple with actual meat on his bones! And of course he's the only one with a giant-ass hamburger in his hands.
Also, is that Wake's long-lost brother in the background or something?
Oh, right. The whole Pandora thing. I got distracted.
Anyway, Pandora takes off into the sky to do... something.
-R&D Lab-
[Citizen]: Holy Stars.. The Pandora Labyrinth has finally shown itself... Enzea's broadcast was for real...
Pretty sure you can piece it together Ruby. You've been keeping a big secret.
[Priest A]: Excuse me, Ms. Ruby?
[Priest A]: Regarding AngelMarker...
[Priest B]: Please do not resist.
[Priest B]: Well, then...
About time the Church got off of its ass. Trust me, Chlotz. The Church's thinking is completely reasoned.
-Serenity Chamber-
Cool, you do that and we'll just go and see what's happening with Ruby. Then you can fill us in--
-Heroes' Grave-