The Let's Play Archive

Conception Plus: Maidens of the Twelve Stars

by Psycho Knight

Part 66: Astrology Corner, with contributions from user AnAnonymousIdiot

~Astrology Corner with user AnAnonymousIdiot~

A discussion on Fire, Water, Air, and Water signs – Bonding Updates I through IV

Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) - All of them at least have some manner of passion or belief they're sticking to. The Leo is being a Leo, which is to say trying to be the center of attention. Arie and Sue though are surprisingly more muted despite their zodiacs. The former is usually a lot more impulsive and extroverted, along with having a faulty brain-to-mouth filter. Sag are supposed to be more adventurous and wonderstruck; they say a group of Sag's are a Basejump after all. I don't know if those impulses will creep up if we look any further into either Sign. I don't expect the Leo to experience much development besides finding some way to channel her passions into her ideal position and make them into something positive without being obnoxious. That's kinda the traditional hurdle for that particular sign.

Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) - All three characters seemed grounded in a prior life or occupation, Tarua being a courier, Mahiru being a student and whatever relationship she has with Itsuki, and Farun being an entertainer. Tarua is being a Taurus to a T with how she's acting about her lot in life and stubbornness; Mahiru reminds me of the standards Virgos set for themselves, and how they simultaneous want things to go as they think them without saying a damn word about it; Farun is a contradiction to her Zodiac, conservative, business-type she is not, though she seems to have her shit together. Have to wonder if what we're gonna look at is having the preconceptions of all three challenged, reevaluated, or reinforced. Virgo and Cap are straightforward enough, but the Taurus is gonna be the hardest sell because they are famously resilient to change and require something apocalyptic for any kind of response. Not the actual apocalypse mind you, more an inexplicable inconvenience. After that, if you're not in the crosshairs, pray. If you are, run.

Air Signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) - Nothing but ideas, headiness, and a not-insignificant detachment from the rest of us, though in different ways. The "Twins" remind me of what people think/expect of Gemini; roguishness that borders on adventure game sociopathy, i.e. Try Everything, Take Everything; I am dead certain Mirei is supposed to be Aquarius since she exhibits being certain about her way of things and wanting to examine other perspectives, which are outta Libra's wheelhouse. Libras are usually social, diplomatic, and tend to hem and haw about things. The former two show themselves more in Collette than Mirei. They all have ideas but those live in a vacuum, while they and others do not and cannot. I have to wonder if all three are gonna be attempts to reach out to them and respond to other people around them. Libra might have it easy, but that depends on doing more than just keeping up on supply. Twins are gonna have self-righteousness to defend their flightiness, and Aquarius is gonna need some coaching for emotional intelligence.

Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) - Emotions. All three have 'em, and require setting boundaries for themselves. Cancers are usually caring maternal creatures that tend to get upset if their emotions are spurned or criticized in some say. Scorpios' emotions are like staring into an abyss with how simple yet intense they are despite appearances. There's also want for experiencing the emotions of others so they can feast upon them. Pisces are caring, intuitive, and unpredictably moody. May have a tendency to get lost in multiple daydreams and may be upset if you distract them from said daydreams. Interacting with a water sign carries the challenge of being aware of the other person's emotions and why, and reflecting that back like a mirror so you don't wind up stepping on an emotional mine and get blown to kingdom come. And you're not gonna know when the explosion comes, only that it will, and that it may be something you won't expect.

I could say more about the Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable groups and common threads, but... I'm still working on that, and there may not be that much nuance in their commonality. Basically the Fixed Group has an overly simple perspective; the Mutable Group has a hard-to-grasp perspective; the Cardinal Group all have jobs that require large congregations.

This has been a confusing exploration and I can't help but wonder if I should go back on pondering whether thoughts are a state of matter in this world, and how a mind-meld creates a Child.

An individual examination of the Star Maidens and their signs – Bonding Updates V through VIII

PK Note: AnAnonymousIdiot mixes up Mirei and Collette’s signs here. Mirei is the Libra Maiden, while Collette is the Aquarius Maiden. This may have been intentional on AnAnonymousIdiot’s part, because they maintain that Mirei and Collette are not following the typical traits of their signs.

Arie/Aries: Before the last two updates, I wasn't quite sure where the trademark Aries Impulse is. With Aries you expect them to be running off of something they thought up and now want to do. We get snippets of what that Impulse might be when she talks without thinking - that brain-to-mouth filter problem is kicking in it seems - but now I'm wondering where the writers are taking this tangent. The traditional problems Aries face is letting their passions and impulses run them without any forethought or reflection, and being frustrated at Things Not Working, or their Impulses being denied or questioned. But if I'm reading the plot right, is the arc about Arie accepting her own Impulsiveness?

Tarua/Taurus: The Taurus is still being a Taurus. That is all.

The Twins/Gemini: Some people pointed out on the thread Gemini's two-faced reputation. Part of it comes from the fact that this zodiac isn't direct. They'll meander rather than get to the point. They aren't consistent. But this is how you get someone who relies on their wits at the moment and prefers the now, rather than the then or later. I'd say we'd get some of that in the Twins, but they don't want to be grounded, and they're having self-righteousness to defend their flightiness. I'm more worried that the writers want to have the Twins situation being treated as a benign thing that requires nothing but time to themselves.

Ruka/Cancer: We're seeing more of Cancer's caring nature show itself in Ruka. However, we are also seeing the dark side of this zodiac's compassion. Something I forgot to bring up is that when there are large gatherings, it's as much a maelstrom for the Cancer as Ruka is to Itsuki. Too much of an emotional plurality to keep things together. Curiously, she seems to be trying to get over the Cancer's usual challenge: to speak up about things instead of stewing in what possible feelings they concoct. That avoids the meltdown that can happen, though she's doing it unintentionally which makes me wonder what her Moon Sign is. I have to wonder if part of her behaviour may be her trying to cultivate a safe space for herself in trying to care for others.

Femiruna/Leo: The Leo is still being a Leo. I'd say that is all, but her sudden urge to have Itsuki be forceful with her raises eyebrows. It's outta left field - and I wonder if this is meant to be a zodiac 'joke' - but the way she's handling this is very much a Leo way. I should also point out that Leo suffers from living in a vacuum, forgetting that there are other people around her with different wants, feelings, and goals from her. On the one hand that we can see that she wants friends and why. On the other hand, it's also like watching a toddler learn how to walk. Then we have her relationship with her parents... It's not pretty and again, I can see why she wants friends now.

Mahiru/Virgo: All earth signs have stories that they stick to, but act in different ways. Tauruses tries to press on regardless of whatever change may happen; Capricorns cultivate an image of confidence and respectability to people, and Virgos try to read the room and be the most useful to others. With Virgos, there's this deep-seated want to be dependable, though not authoritative like Capricorn. They also get upset when there is something they can't do themselves. I can see some of this want and stymying in Mahiru easily, as well as her own refusal to explain herself. Remember that Virgo's don't want people to see them crack. I wanna say she's chastising herself, just as she's chiding Itsuki.

Collette/Libra: Flighty like the others though clearly having a goal in mind. Libra is being Libra and I suspect Collette might catch on to her issues in time. Personally I have to wonder if she forgot to put the Closed sign to Open in her shop.

Reone/Scorpio: Before those new Bonding Scenes came up I had hoped that Reone could acknowledge that her own relationship with her brother and that with Itsuki were two separate things. I'm surprised and disappointed that she's compounding them, though I'm really hoping she's pretending in order to get a reaction from Itsuki. Scorpios tend to use emotion as a medium for reading and transmitting messages, as much as they use words. Primarily, they look for nuance. Almost anything is to try to get an emotional response out of people. Then we get the usual stereotypes of Scorpios: passionate nymphomaniacs who have nary a taboo they're willing to break. At this point, I wanna complain to the writers about using this stereotype. Yes, I get why the stereotype exists. Yes, they look to love and sex with a spine-chilling intensity. But again, they speak in and listen for emotional sentiments, and sex is just another language. Not because they're thirsty as hell.

But anyway... Scorpio's usual roadblock is knowing when to tone themselves down simply because few people operate on the same wavelength as this sign.

Sue/Sagittarius: Sue flummoxes me. If anything she's what Sag's don't want to find themselves in. I suppose her enthusiasm for animals and bluntness is something you'd expect from that Sign, but it's like she's constrained into something she likes but hates.

Farun/Capricorn: I... may have misspoken about the Capricorn personality traits. I remarked that they were supposed to be conservative-looking business-types. But that itself is a stereotype of the Sign. Capricorns pay attention to keeping up the appearances they want to keep, sometimes burying their feelings or saving them for another time. This isn't to say they bottle things up; more they want to express them on their terms. Almost rehearsed so that nothing is misunderstood. The best example of a Capricorn confession would be Misery Business by Paramore. The one thing I'd say about the Sign compared to Farun is that they fret over serious matters, and we're seeing them here. Don't know if she's trying to be master of her own destiny while wrestling with her own feelings of family. Caps do have traditions they acknowledge, albeit grudgingly.

Mirei/Aquarius: ... This was what I was talking about with Aquarius' detachment from others. They should have the capacity to care for others, but really need to work on that and not be afraid of putting themselves out there. That she seems willing to disregard others for her own wants - even if she has some sensible goal in mind - shows how badly she needs coaching on this. Otherwise, you get locked up in your head and people aren't going to understand the Aquarius' perspective.

Yuzuha/Pisces: The Pisces is being a Pisces, nothing to see here. They tend to be detached like an Air Sign, but more because they're perceiving 'mysteries' around themselves, and others. They can be surprisingly introspective though they can also be locked in their own heads. They also have this tendency to reflect any emotion they're perceiving from others. It may not be right, but being made aware of what other people in a room are feeling can be pretty stressful.

On the Ophiuchus sign - After Special Bonding Update I

So... Ophiuchus...

Psycho Knight hit the nail on the head regarding Ophiuchus; it is the cognitive dissonance and doctrinal dispute of the zodiac, where the systems we've used start to break down and have no way of reevaluating the zodiac's premise. Not only does the timeslot for the Serpent Bearer seem particularly small, but the other issue for Astrologers is also that the discovery of its' existence is new. Ophiuchus itself was discovered in the dawn of the 17th century; and while it may have existed in another name in the Babylonian Zodiac, any source on the sign is going to be esoteric, even for the zodiac. Keep that in mind for below.

Sources on Ophiuchus used the flimsy shorthand, "a hybrid of Scorpio and Sagittarius." That too is a stereotype within the zodiac, like Tauruses are stubbornly slothful, or Aquariuses are like Spock. Despite the vague description, people made a legitimate effort to pin down what qualities the sign itself had. Things like a passion, idealism, and a romanticist leanings. Sources also describe the sign as arrogant, temperamental, and have a predilection towards mystery. The best way to think about the Ophiuchus mindset is as Romance Novel Logic.

If they're basing a Star Maiden off the Serpent Bearer, I'd predict the writers might make her so romantically left-field, it hits you like a dodgeball.

On the darker aspects of the star signs - After Update VIII

Arie/Aries - I'm more and more convinced that Arie's arc is about accepting her own Impulses, and having them play out. I don't have much else to comment on, so let's talk about the problem with Aries and their Impulses. They are a temperamental sign. Aries gets explosive and direct when they snap, yet it doesn't last very long, not when some other Impulse or cool thing comes along. See Arie's reaction when Itsuki wants to see the secret room. When you have an Aries who lets their Impulses run them, they get bossy and assertive, especially when they get denied. Not like Femiruna, like where it comes from a place of self-importance, but more because it's an itch that the Aries wants to scratch. The result can get messy if the Sign doesn't rein themselves in. Sometimes it's just not the time to do the cool thing they just thought up.

Tarua/Taurus - The two biggest things regarding Taurus at their worst are, their anger and their borderline hedonism. While Aries rage is like a shotgun going off, Taurus rage is like an earthquake. It's loud, destructive, physical, and terrifying. Also unlike Aries, there's no telling when the Taurus settles down once enraged. Thankfully, it takes a lot to make a Taurus see red, and most would prefer to plod on. The other problem they have is a want for things. Their love of a steady routine along with an appreciation for the things around them leads to a focus on having, hoarding, and indulging simply because it's the natural thing to do with the things they have. Whether these things are money, a cozy home, chocolate cake, cannabis, whatever they want, they want to have. And they struggle with the idea of what they have being taken away from them. Considering Tarua though, I think we're more likely to see the anger rather than materialism.

The Twins/Gemini - Gemini at their worst? Look at them!

Ruka/Cancer - I mentioned earlier that Ruka is approaching the darker part of Cancer's care and nurturing qualities. It's where those instincts start to smother and constrict the object of their affection. Sometimes the Cancer doesn't realize what they're doing. Other times they knowingly condition their charge to act in a certain way, whether it's self-serving or to correct behavior the Sign finds objectionable. Then we get to when their care gets demeaned or snubbed. Cancers care about how they care for others and being refused hurts them something fierce. That can curdle into resentment towards the people they care about, and themselves for caring for someone who didn't appreciate the Sign. Then again, we're looking more at what might happen instead of what is happening.

Femiruna/Leo - I've already touched on Leo's narcissism, self-awareness issues, and want for people around their orbit, but I'll say it again. Leos at their worst think they're the center of the universe and don't think anyone else around them matters. This is how you get an entitled man-child who doesn't understand or care to understand how the world works. They're the star of their own show and you'd better clap.

If I'm being honest, I've seen snippets of that aspect in the beginning, but that's been lessening as Femiruna's arc continues.

Mahiru/Virgo - Virgo starts to fray when the Sign locks themself in their head. It's when they make assumptions about their situation and other people instead of asking for clarification. They get passive-aggressive in their help and say nothing about what's bugging them. There's also the real possibility in trying to react to what everyone's doing that they burn themselves out and stew in their own disappointment. In fact, that might describe Virgo at their worst: perpetually disappointed in everything.

I see that a lot in Mahiru and in the many things she's trying, from the Seven Wonders to her other side projects.

Libra - The trouble with Cardinal Air is an analysis paralysis due to not wanting to get something wrong. Libra is someone who wants to keep their center and be sure about what's happening in front of them. They deliberate, find other points of view to the point where it can make them passive, and events and people move on regardless of whether or not the Libra has an understanding. By that point they do, safe things, things that won't get one person angry with the Libra. Collette has a lot of hemming and hawwing, and if you squint, maybe you can see the 'safe decisions' with Mirei.

Reone/Scorpio - I've said this before, and I'll say it again. Scorpios are intense in everything they say and do. And they read between the lines in what's being said and expressed. If the Sign comes to the conclusion you hate them or consider them a bad person, they'll act and react accordingly, whether or not you do think badly of the Sign. They can get judgy, they can get vindictive, and they don't care if you are uncomfortable around them. I worry when that happens to Reone, besides her usual behavior.

Sue/Sagittarius - Normally Sagittarius tend to be out of left field in their passions and in how they interact with people. They don't think how they, their actions, or words will be understood by others. They can get insensitive despite their compassion and best interests. They don't think they need to mince words, which could lead to people reaching the wrong conclusions about Sag. Sue and my struggling to understand her may very well be just that in action.

Farun/Capricorn - I've mentioned a while back that Capricorns focus on appearances, and I think I may have found the problem with Farun. She's trying to find the character that makes Itsuki trust and confide in her, and will not break that character for anything. This is a normal hurdle for the Sign. Capricorns like to be authoritative and respected and only talk about things that make them feel like the one who has their act together. I've said they don't intend to bottle up their feelings, but when they cannot express something on their terms, well they don't express it at all. At their worst, they get cagey, and not want to confide anything while hoping you may confide in Capricorn.

Aquarius - Getting locked in your head can cause a spiral where everyone doesn't understand you, and you don't understand everyone. That is something the Aquarius can fall into if they're not careful. Sometimes you get people of this sign who play up their weird tendencies or exaggerate their behaviors just for kicks. They'll do anything to mingle with others if they cannot bring themselves to communicate. Collette is trying to explain things, but there are personal things she's keeping secrets; that's fine. Mirei may be learning, but considering things with Alfie, she still has a long way to go.

Yuzuha/Pisces - I've mentioned it previously. Their biggest danger is if a Pisces gets too caught up in their own fantasies, they might stop paying attention to the real world. Or worse, they might prefer their dreams to reality, and be upset when they're taken out of their dreams. Alternately, they start treating people in the real world like their dream counterparts, which gets confusing at best, and uncomfortable at worst.

Ophiuchus/Alfie - Compared to the other Signs, Ophiuchus is going to be an exception. A curveball in describing the Sign itself is that the Serpent Bearer has no element, nor category, nor a planet, not even an opposing Sign like the other Twelve. Some look at this and go with the idea people born under Ophiuchus would be unique compared to others. That said, there are consistent personality Traits. I've touched on the traits in an earlier post but I'll expand on that. By nature, the Serpent Bearer is curious and driven to find answers to the questions that come up in their lives. In fact you could say they want to know everything about the world around them from day one. Unlike Aquarius though, Ophiuchus is more intuitive and less impartial. The Sign's more likely to hold onto preconceptions even as they explore their world, keeping a sense of mystery to their preconceptions; the Sign believes in following a narrative. They also can dither and put off things due to trying to understand something before doing it.

Anyway, that's kinda Alfie to a T right there. Can't really imagine an arc or hurdle for the Serpent Bearer, but considering how there are fewer events for Alfie, pondering the Sign's problems might be a moot point.

A follow up to a previous post - After Bonding Update IX-XI

So, I've decided to cheat a little. I made an earlier post where I've listed the 12 Signs when they go bad and gave a follow up on the Ophiuchus sign. Some of the entries are gonna be quoted from that post, the rest maybe a little more ad hoc.

Arie/Aries - The big takeaway from the last couple of scenes is that Arie might be allowing herself to finally follow her Impulses. Buckle up.

Tarua/Taurus -

AnAnonymousIdiot posted:
"The two biggest things regarding Taurus at their worst are, their anger and their borderline hedonism. While Aries rage is like a shotgun going off, Taurus rage is like an earthquake. It's loud, destructive, physical, and terrifying. Also unlike Aries, there's no telling when the Taurus settles down once enraged. Thankfully, it takes a lot to make a Taurus see red, and most would prefer to plod on. The other problem they have is a want for things. Their love of a steady routine along with an appreciation for the things around them leads to a focus on having, hoarding, and indulging simply because it's the natural thing to do with the things they have. Whether these things are money, a cozy home, chocolate cake, cannabis, whatever they want, they want to have. And they struggle with the idea of what they have being taken away from them. Considering Tarua though, I think we're more likely to see the anger rather than materialism."

Y'know... Tauruses also have a bad tendency to sound like broken records when they get locked into a routine...

The Twins/Gemini -

AnAnonymousIdiot posted:
"Gemini at their worst? Look at them!"

I mean what I say about that remark, but at least there may be an attempt by the Twins to try grounding themselves. The moment where Gemini gives themselves to the present and disregards everything else is when you have the two-faced stereotype in action. Call it short-term memory loss, call it embarrassment, call it whatever you like, but they don't like thinking about the past when it doesn't suit their present self.

Ruka/Cancer - At this point, she's letting religious propriety and ostracism get in the way of things she cares about. I'd say she has something in common with Arie in this, though Ruka doesn't have the Impulse as Arie does. Considering what Cancers traditionally want though, this might be the cause of her own problems.

Femiruna/Leo -

AnAnonymousIdiot posted:
"I've already touched on Leo's narcissism, self-awareness issues, and want for people around their orbit, but I'll say it again. Leos at their worst think they're the center of the universe and don't think anyone else around them matters. This is how you get an entitled man-child who doesn't understand or care to understand how the world works. They're the star of their own show and you'd better clap."

If I'm being honest, I've seen snippets of that aspect in the beginning, but that's been lessening as Femiruna's arc continues.

Ooh, enthusiasm! That's a Leo thing! This is what I'm referring to when Leo channels that into something positive.

Mahiru/Virgo - Between the lore dump and side details, there's still the question of what she thinks Itsuki wants with her when the two of them meet. Mahiru still seems disappointed in the relationship she has or thinks she has with him. That she's trying to shoot questions back at Itsuki is a much a Virgo play as reading the room. The plot seems focused on resolving this, and Mahiru is on holding patterns from putting herself out there and being upset that Itsuki does the same thing.

Libra -

AnAnonymousIdiot posted:
"The trouble with Cardinal Air is an analysis paralysis due to not wanting to get something wrong. Libra is someone who wants to keep their center and be sure about what's happening in front of them. They deliberate, find other points of view to the point where it can make them passive, and events and people move on regardless of whether or not the Libra has an understanding. By that point they do safe things, things that won't get one person angry with the Libra. Collette has a lot of hemming and hawwing, and if you interpret those scenes, maybe you can see the 'safe decisions' with Mirei."

I'm not convinced Mirei really is Libra, and the writers aren't really doing a good job selling that. If anything it seemed like they were trying to fix that with her dialogue with Alfie's scenes. Though assuming she's Libra she seems to dodge the trademark indecision and decision by committee, altogether with her own subplot and her appearances in Alfie's scenes.

Reone/Scorpio - Oh right, I forgot Scorpio was a fixed sign. Once set on something, they stick to it; this not just applies to Scorpio, but Leo, Aquarius, and especially Taurus. With Fixed Water, you get someone whose emotions are locked down and under control. Scorpio does not let other people in on how they're feeling unless they want you to know. And here we get to the big conceit; they are emotionally intense and receptive to other people's feelings, and they assume that everyone else operates on that same scale.

My guess is Reone found some sentiment in Itsuki that she didn't like in that scene. Not the worry, but wanting to include himself into a personal matter. I'd pin that on Reone reading Itsuki's and our discomfort in being compared to her brother and is responding accordingly.

Sue/Sagittarius - Last post I mentioned that Sag's have the capacity to get random and tactless. That's... kinda what I expected. I'd think she'd have common grounds with Yuzuha in that both seem to meander about what they want, but while the latter has dreams, the former has impulses. Not like Arie's Impulses, but they're there and they aren't that big of a deal, more something to discover rather than always there in the back of their mind. Sag is a fire sign, but one that isn't that singularly driven by their passions the way Aries and Leo are. Adventure is the key word here.

Farun/Capricorn -

AnAnonymousIdiot posted:
"I've mentioned a while back that Capricorns focus on appearances, and I think I may have found the problem with Farun. She's trying to find the character that makes Itsuki trust and confide in her, and will not break that character for anything. This is a normal hurdle for the Sign. Capricorns like to be authoritative and respected and only talk about things that make them feel like the one who has their act together. I've said they don't intend to bottle up their feelings, but when they cannot express something on their terms, well they don't express it at all. At their worst, they get cagey, and not want to confide anything while hoping you may confide in Capricorn."

The Cap is being a Cap. The moment that Itsuki buys into 'Big Sis' as an equal is when Farun normalizes. Calling it now.

Aquarius -

AnAnonymousIdiot posted:
"Getting locked in your head can cause a spiral where everyone doesn't understand you, and you don't understand everyone. That is something the Aquarius can fall into if they're not careful. Sometimes you get people of this sign who play up their weird tendencies or exaggerate their behaviors just for kicks. They'll do anything to mingle with others if they cannot bring themselves to communicate. Collette is trying to explain things, but there are personal things she's keeping secrets; that's fine. Mirei may be learning, but considering things with Alfie, she still has a long way to go."

I remain unconvinced that Collette really is suited for Aquarius. And that last update with her demonstrates that she doesn't have problems with communicating her passions and ideas to others.

Yuzuha/Pisces -

AnAnonymousIdiot posted:
"I've mentioned it previously. Their biggest danger is if a Pisces gets too caught up in their own fantasies, they might stop paying attention to the real world. Or worse, they might prefer their dreams to reality, and be upset when they're taken out of their dreams. Alternately, they start treating people in the real world like their dream counterparts, which gets confusing at best, and uncomfortable at worst."

I say it again, Pisces love their whimsy and dreams. It's a crapshoot if it flits into empathy or being off beat. My guess is that the plot is gonna involve making one of Yuzuha's dream real and see how it fares

Ophiuchus/Alfie - Gotta say this has been more of a lore dump rather than character development. Most of Alfie's curiosity towards love and other quirks check out. Serpent Bearers enjoy engaging the world on their terms, to the point where they carry a personal narrative in the backs of their head. They have a temper and get judgy whenever that worldview gets tested. Not so much because of being slighted, but trying to engage the thing and understand said thing.

Star Signs in Love - Bonding Updates XVIII - XXII

With each sign regarding love, here’s a one-word summary for what the twelve signs - minus Ophiuchus - have in common. Fire Signs is passion; Water Signs is emotion; Earth Sign is physical; Air signs is mental.

Aries/Arie - They follow whatever Impulse that comes to mind with a singular determination; and they’re not afraid of letting others know that. With that in mind, it’s a no-brainer what an Aries in love would be like. For one, the gift the Ram is most likely to give to their partner is themselves; they’ll put their heart on a platter, and be eager to give and take. The biggest roadblock is stamina; not for the Aries, but for the partner who might get overwhelmed by the amount of focus the Zodiac is giving them.

That has been Arie for her arc when she started acting on her Impulses, and especially when her mouth says things her brain hadn’t caught..

Taurus/Tarua - Something that should be noted about the Bull in love is that they prefer to be the one being chased rather than doing the chasing. For one, Taurus doesn’t like putting themselves out there for anything; they are very serious and don't know what to do when they’re pointed towards something they’re unfamiliar with. This is how the Zodiac can be really bad about responding to change; they run in the opposite direction if they think they can. Put all that together and the Bull in love is like staring into an abyss of uncertainty waiting to see if it stares right back.

Another thing to be mindful about Taurus is that once they commit, they really commit; they’re long-term relationship havers and don’t do anything halfway; they will not say no to their partner, which can be a problem if it affects the Bull’s well-being. Loyalty is one of the big words for describing a relationship with a Taurus. Luxurious is another word as the Sign is drawn towards pleasurable things; and they want to share those things they enjoy with their partner. Think a day at the spa, or a lazy cuddle in bed.

Tarua got the ‘bad at new things’ part down pat - see her run away from things, literally and figuratively - but it wasn’t as if we got the other facets of the Bull in love; Femiruna got the luxurious part in parts of her story, and Mahiru got the in-for-a-penny mindset in her relationship with Itsuki. Unfortunately, the writers really didn’t show anything else with her beyond the *ugh* ...running gag.

Gemini/Twins - Gemini is the opposite of Taurus in that respect; they are not afraid of making their feelings public, but commitment is a challenge. Unlike Aries this Zodiac has trouble recognizing love in themselves or others; love is a four letter word. The better thing to focus on is the ideal partner, and to Gemini that is someone who would constantly engage them; stability and routine tire them out and then they go running off with your clothes over the horizon. One could even go far as to say that Gemini loves the chase more than the object of their affections. Then again, the Zodiac has trouble grounding themselves, like the other Air Signs; it’s as likely that Gemini cannot distinguish being in love and ‘playing the game,’ so to speak.

With the Twins, the lack of grounding shows up again and again with how different the two personalities are, and the rules in place between them. The idea of both being settled in a relationship would demand a lot more spontaneity from Itsuki, if only to keep Lillie from getting bored. I dunno if they’re gonna start competing for time with him, or if both of them are gonna be tired of this thing and run off. Very little about the Twins’ arc seems resolved and things could easily shift when something new happens. In other words, it’s Gemini to a T.

Cancer/Ruka - I’ve talked about how Cancer is like an aspiring mother in how doting and sensitive they can act around others. It actually makes falling in love difficult for them as they seek someone they can trust, someone familiar. Much like Taurus, they too commit long-term, but while the Bull has problems with making their feelings known, Cancer doesn’t want to pick someone that’ll falter or snap. They can have infatuations, but again, picking out a partner for life is serious business, and they don’t want to have their heart broken. And of course, they cling; being with their loved one is serious business.

Ruka is so much a Cancer that it hurts, from her emotions, to her instincts, to her insecurities about letting them out.

Leo/Femiruna - Much like Leo’s want to be the center of the universe, they also want their love life to play out like a movie. They see drama, action, and well, Romance with a capital R, and consider that part of the package with being in love. If there ain’t drama, the Leo won’t have it. Fortunately a Leo can attract someone by sheer force of personality, and see what they can do. And the Zodiac will reciprocate; Leo may be the audience, but that doesn’t mean it’s one-way. Of course, not everyone sees love the way the Zodiac does; sometimes being put on a pedestal with your ideal lover, and hundreds of admirers ogling at you isn’t the most rewarding thing you could be doing.

Femiruna certainly has the want for drama and pageantry, though aspects seem curiously walled off, unless you count Itsuki offering to take her to earth. I think now that her ‘masochism’ may just be a Leo tactic, reverse roles as a way to show affection, but it’s a roundabout way of doing that. In summary, she’s an awkward fit for Leo despite the elements of her character fitting the stereotype.

Virgo/Mahiru - Something that we’ve seen in Mahiru is a constant tut-tutting of Itsuki, which is itself a Virgo stereotype, especially in love. They have high standards, though like Taurus they’d like to commit to the right person for the long term. This creates someone who will flirt back, but will always be on the lookout to see if you may in fact be ‘the one.’It makes Mahiru’s interest in Itsuki as a ‘backup’ just plain weird, and might say something about either her own standards, or Itsuki as a person, of if she just saw potential. Virgos have a habit of being in love with someone on the grounds that they could change them into something better.

Brief tangent aside, she’s almost a walking stereotype of the Virgin; the only exception is her being a ‘school idol.’ The standard Virgo doesn’t like attention and prefers to stay in the background, building someone else up while finding some way to benefit from them.

Libra - Try to imagine Gemini knowing when they’re in love, and you’ve got a starting point for the Scales. They’re not afraid of pursuing someone or being pursued, but while Gemini might refuse someone because they’re bored, Libra’s on the lookout for ‘the one’ and may hold off from committing. And it isn’t an excuse; this Zodiac wants to find their one true love and is willing to wait till they find them. The moment they do is when they commit, which leads to an issue other signs may need to confront.

Libras in a relationship can find themselves codependent, defining themselves by their relationship and not by who they are. After being neutral and deliberating for so long on their lonesome, it’s tempting for the Scales to lie back and have their partner do the thinking instead. Part of it comes from preconceptions of love and romance; part of it is also their tendency to get indecisive when they’re trying to be fair and balanced to others, and said partner.

I… can’t find that in Mirei, and I can only find a smidgen of that in Collette. As unsettling as the latter is for her age and personality, she’s acting the part of a Libra, or at least a Gemini in love; always be talking. And that’s all I will disclose on that.

Scorpio/Reone - Again taking the time to mention to stop stereotyping Scorpios as sex-obsessed. People who do that miss the point of why people refer to Scorpio as ‘the sex sign’ in the first place. If there’s anything you learn from my astro-rambling it’s that Scorpios use read and speak emotions like a language. It’s how you get people who can be from one extreme to another with no cognitive dissonance. Scorpio doesn’t see being devoted to family and infatuated with someone as mutually exclusive.

Something I haven’t talked about is how their reading between the lines can make them a private person when it comes to love; much time is spent on how to make that happen, and with whom. They do want a long term partner, and they’re a tad surprised when someone throws themselves out there for this Zodiac. Of course the moment that other person cracks or doesn’t read the Scorpio’s messages gets readily dismissed.

Reone is a stereotype. Facets of the usual emotional intensity and secrecy, are there from start to finish, but the writers fall back to the stereotype to distract us from Reone herself.

Sagittarius/Sue - Like every other Fire Sign, they have passions but compared to Aries and Leo, these urges aren’t as all-consuming; sometimes they’re just trapped in ideas. Try to imagine wanting to do things with your partner, physical, emotional, or otherwise, along with trying to frame them as something cleansing, enlightening, or just whimsical. The other thing about Sag passion is that it’s not constant; Aries and Leo may burn like the brightest star or forever respectively, but Sag may die down, and the sign is left looking over the relationship they’re trying to cultivate. They can suffer a little from what can blind Virgo - looking at someone for their potential - though not as badly, nor with that sign’s high standards. Usually, those signs need to reexamine their passions so that they don’t try igniting them on ashes.

Sue seems to have gone in reverse as a Sag in love, going from contemplative and shy at first to whimsical and playful at the last.

Capricorn/Farun - When a Cap is in love, they’ll want you to notice how often they’re in your presence. Then show dedication to you; then say they love you. Like the other Earth Signs, Cap wants to commit, but they aren’t as choosy over who they pursue; it’s easy for them to fall in love if they know that person for a long time. When they’re in a relationship, they can act out of character for their partner; you get the Zodiac sign unfiltered without any omissions on their end. You also get someone who will move mountains to make this relationship work, on top of every other ambition they’re carrying out now.

I’m surprised that they didn’t try making new Mahiru a Capricorn and treat the childhood marriage crush as looking beyond her ‘character.’ As it stands, Farun is obnoxiously a Cap, almost bringing up the character she’s supposed to play, and dropping later on, in her conversations.

Aquarius - The sign is a wildcard when they’re in love; you have the interest in connecting on a cognitive level, but Aquarius is locked up in its head and needs to be coaxed out of it. As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, the sign has a strident idealism, but they don’t know how to express it. Connection matters to this sign; how long or short that connection lasts, or how that connection takes form is secondary.

The writers don’t know what they’re trying to impart; Granvania is a terrible place to live; I say Mirei is more suited as an Aquarius than a Libra; all these statements are true statements. Much of her arc had been spent trying to pull her out of her head and getting her to express what’s on her mind. Even the nature of her falling in love was out of context - unless Classmating really does alter a person’s psyche. Collette meanwhile doesn't seem to have such preconceptions, barring her bread fixation.

Pisces/Yuzuha - Compared to the other Water Signs, Pisces loves them some Drama and Capital R Romance (excuse the pun), but real life gets in the way with that. And considering Pisces is as locked up in their own heads as Aquarius is, there exists the real possibility of the Fish loving an idea of that partner, rather than the partner themselves. They can hop from one partner to another if they see something in someone else that’s enticing; sometimes they alternate depending on what sets the Fish’s mind ablaze.

We get the one foot in a dream feeling from Yuzuha, and if you squint you can see the want for drama; if she likes Itsuki knowing how precarious her life is, then that’s textbook Pisces Romance. It just makes her uncomfortable to be around.

Ophiuchus/Alfie - I’ve mentioned that this Zodiac buys into a personal narrative right? When that narrative involves someone the Serpent Bearer loves, where do they fit in? Where does Ophiuchus fit in? What would it mean for both of them?

All these questions, and more buzz in Ophiuchus’ head on the subject of love and romance. They’re idealists and love to find meaning in their lives. If it turns out they love someone, they’ll gravitate towards that person and plumb their depths for that meaning whatever it may be.

If this sounds vague or familiar with Alfie, remember that we really don’t have that much to work with for the sign, and you must take whatever I say, and what you may find, with a grain of salt.