Part 12: Athens
thedaian posted:
So, to be on topic: When are planning the next update, Proteus?
So John, what's goin...........whoa.
You look........different.
What do you mean, you got smarter?
It's gotten a great reception. The people reading this thread have been wonderful.
Huh. I'd imagine that would kinda suck, yeah.
It's quite dapper.
er.....OK. So what sparked the new attitude? People still think your game sucks, you know.
So does this include your own employees who called your game........hold on, let me find it.
ChuckMaster posted:
I talked with one of the Ion Stormers who worked on Anarchronox before the release. He said that Diakatana is a gangrenous limb that the company needed to hack off. God was he right.
So basically, your answer is to tell anyone who doesn't agree with your inflated self opinion of the game to fuc-
Gotcha. So tell us a little bit about the Ancient Greece maps. What's up with the spiders?
A TV documentary?
I don't know if that's what I'd cal-
I guess that's actually a valid point. In a way.
Athens Intro (Google)
Athens (Google)
Athens Outro (Google)

(This update is dedicated to BrainWeasel and the completely accurate post he/she/it/meat product made in the Harsh Criticism thread)
(Next recording is tomorrow night. Wugga is tentatively scheduled to tag along, but if that falls through, feel free to volunteer. Remember, we still have 12 more maps to do after that, so there'll be plenty of opportunity for anyone who wants to come along to come along. Also, I am getting better with the Daikatana, I swear.)