Part 2: Sewers
You do know we couldn't even get past the first room without noclip, right?

No, John, I think this is because you su...

Or what?

I'd like to send you to jail, you fucking crime against humanity

Nothing. So what was the reason for not including cutscenes in multiplayer?

The readme says that this game was meant to be played in single-player first, then co-op later

Is it possible that you assumed that just because everyone hated you, nobody who played this atrocity would have any friends either, and therefore you wouldn't have to worry about it?

Sewers Intro (Google)
Sewers (Google)
Sewers Outro (Google)
(I apologize for this video. Oh god, do I apologize for this video. But in self-defense, it's John Romero who should be apologizing for this video.)