Part 22: Crypt of Nharre
Frankomatic posted:
Coincidentally, I know you already recorded these, but you better have used the 6th weapon "correctly" incorrectly or I will be sad. Sad with anger.
You've gotta be fucking kidding me. Of COURSE I did.
I swear to fucking God, if you try to post another Rick Roll link, John...
Yeah........I don't think you've learned a single lesson throughout your entire life.
I'd like to think most of the people here are smart enough to know that.
..............I know. A man can dream.
Hahahaha, you have a Dragonforce tattoo?
Then how can you kno-
Oddly enough, yes.
I don't think too many of us will have to worry about that one.
Found that one out the hard way, huh?
Uh........jail time doesn't go off of your record. You're thinking of speeding tickets. And it's STATUTE of limitations. You don't even know what a statute of limitations is, do you?
OK, now you're just quoting Bel Biv Devoe lyrics. I think it's time to move on to the update.

Crypt of Nharre Intro (Google)
Crypt of Nharre (Google)
Crypt of Nharre Outro (Google)
(Not the best video we've ever done. Not the worst either. Not much to say here, really. The sixth weapon is pretty fucking sweet. And by sweet I mean awful.)