Part 28: Mishima Labs
GUI posted:
Seems like the Mishima Labs video is up on Google Mishima Labs and Outro
Well, looks like Google unfucked itself, so here's the official update.
How do you do it, John?
You still manage to amaze me even three maps from the end of the game.
No, you're not getting it here. Mishima Labs is probably Daikatana in a nutshell. And not in a good way.
I'm talking about the whole level. Stupidly long, pointless backtracking, colored keys, stupid puzzles, environmental damage, overpowered enemies, and the introduction of a sixth weapon that kills you better than anything we've seen since the Shockwave.
.......I'm speechless here. You're unbelievable.
A little bit of both, to be honest.
Mishima Labs
Mishima Labs Outro

(Not only do we have a level that symbolizes Daikatana's play, but then we have a cutscene that symbolizes Daikatana's retarded ass storyline and racial stereotypes. It's just unbelievable. A true microcosm. I'm still rather stunned.
Also, I think we'll probably need to record the next level. I forget who I said could come along, but if they can't do it, the slot is open.)