Part 3: Solitary
John, we need to have a talk about the level design, seriously.

Dude, you were lead fucking designer! Of course it was your responsibility!


Ugh, fine. Is there anyone I CAN talk to about it?

....oh god.

John, seriously, you're a fucking dick.

I'm going to kill myself.

Anything is better than this. Come on.

John, I'm almost starting to feel sorry for you.

Solitary Intro (Google)
Solitary (Google)
Solitary Outro (Google)
(When recording this, I wasn't sure if I was going to splice the cutscenes back in, which is why the commentary acts like they're not there.)
Edit: Oh, and it looks like we've got volunteers to play as Superfly (god only knows why). So let me tell anyone who's thinking about jumping in. Things you'll need to participate:
- Skype
- Hamachi (TCP/IP is, not surprisingly, fucked up, so you have to use a Virtual LAN)
- Daikatana (not sure if the Gametap version works, although it probably does. I'm willing to help anyone test it who wants to test it)
- 1.1 patch (NOT 1.2, I'm pretty sure that won't work. We're playing with 1.1)