Part 107: Super High-school Level Update #96


As your teacher, I trusted you guys, and then you go and betray me...

It truly is a mentally exhausting world we live in, isn't it? Makes you want to escape into fantasy...

...Um, what is that treasure you're talking about?

Quiet! You're going to be thrown to the streets when the time comes for you to grow up and find a job, all of you!

He's gone... What was that all about...?

He said some treasure of his was stolen...

Does anyone have any idea what he was talking about?

It must be Kirigiri's doing.


No one but her could have done it. She stole something from Monobear...
Kirigiri-san stole something from Monobear...? But...
What did she steal...? Why would she do such a thing...?
* ding dong ding dong *

Eh... this is a school announcement. It is now 10pm.

Night Time begins now.

The cafeterias doors will be locked shortly. You are forbidden to enter it.

Well then, good night. I wish you all have pleasant dreams...

...We should leave the cafeteria before Monobear does something.

Let's leave the rest of this conversation until tomorrow. We'll decide what to do with Kirigiri-chi then, too.

With Monobear and Kirigiri acting the way they did, the atmosphere just grew threatening.

You should stay alert tonight. Try to avoid going outside your rooms during Night Time, of course.

Yeah, you don't have to tell us...

Let's disperse for the night, then.
We left the cafeteria and returned to our rooms.

Oh, I almost forgot...

I should hide the knife Fukawa-san gave me...

I'll put it inside my desk drawer. It will probably be safe in there...
Is Kirigiri-san really going to be okay?
She can't enter her own room. What does she intend to do...?
Is there nothing I can do to help...?
Anything... I can do...
*ding dong*

As I opened my eyes, I realised I fell asleep.
But, more importantly...

Was that the doorbell...?



I'll be waiting in the public bath...

Come as soon as you can.

W...Wait! Kirigiri-san...!
She didn't turn around as I called after her. Her figure disappeared from view as she walked down the corridor.
Togami-kun told us to avoid walking outside during Night Time, but...

I can't just leave her alone...

...I'm sorry for calling you this late at night.

Don't worry... I've gotten used to it.

...I see.

Well, let's not waste time with idle chatter.

Is there something you want to say that you couldn't in a place with cameras?

Is this about...

Kirigiri-san. Does this have anything to do with whatever was stolen from Monobear?


He told us after you left. He said a treasure of his was stolen...

Did you do it?


Yes. I did it.

So it's just as we thought...

But, what did you steal?

I stole this...

...A key?
It was clear it wasn't just a simple key.
It was carved in the shape of Monobear. As ominous as a key can be.

Where did you... get this?

At the headmaster's office. That's where I found it...

Eh?! Did you sneak into the headmaster's office?!

But, that room was locked...

The lock was broken.


It was Oogami-san. She did it for us...


Do you remember what she wrote in her letter? "I will not simply walk to my death without taking action. I have already fired the first shot that will lead to your downfall."

So... did Oogami-san break the door to the headmaster's office for us?

She wanted us to investigate the secrets hidden in that room...

Oogami-san... did that for us...?
She broke the school rules for us...
She knew she was going to die, so she didn't care about the school rules...

I noticed the lock was broken yesterday, just after the school trial was over.

But I couldn't just enter the room. Monobear would surely have noticed. That's why...

I used you as a decoy.

Is that why you told me to go to the data processing room last night...?

That's right. I wanted to pull Monobear's attention elsewhere...

When he was busy with you, I sneaked into the headmaster's office. And, as a result...

I got this key.

So that's what that was...

In that case, was the thing you told me afterwards also something you found at the headmaster's office...?
Mukuro Ikusaba...
The sixteenth student in this academy...
The girl they call "Super High-school Level Despair"...
Beware Mukuro Ikusaba...

Did you learn about this Mukuro Ikusaba person at the headmaster's office?

I found a file about "Mukuro Ikusaba" at the office.

I don't have all the details yet, though.

But I do know she's dangerous.


If my guess is correct, she might even be the mastermind.

T...The mastermind!?

But... didn't Alter Ego say it's likely the mastermind is Hope's Peak Academy's headmaster?

No... the headmaster isn't the mastermind.


I don't have any proof yet, but I am certain of that.
Certainty without proof... that's rare for Kirigiri-san...
But, if the headmaster isn't the mastermind...
...Is it really that Mukuro Ikusaba?

Anyway, this key is probably our biggest chance right now.

We can't let that chance escape, can we?

So, what does that key even open?

I don't know yet. And that's why...

I need you to be a decoy again, so I can find out.

Are you... planning to sneak somewhere again...?

That's too dangerous!

What if there's more than one person behind Monobear? A single decoy wouldn't work!

If it's an organization, they can still monitor the cameras...!

...But it did work last night, didn't it?

That was... just by accident. It worked by chance...!

My theory is that the mastermind can't operate Monobear and monitor the cameras at the same time.


That's why I didn't get caught last night.

But it's also possible you are correct, and it was just by chance.

And that's exactly why we must try it again.

If we succeed a second time...

...It means my theory will not be a theory any more.
Kirigiri-san continued to speak in an excited tone. I kept listening quietly.

If the mastermind can't operate Monobear and watch us at the same time...

...That leaves us with a significant advantage.

We must find out if I'm right about this.


It's just too risky! If we fail, who knows what's going to happen...!

You shouldn't worry about that. Remember...
4. You may investigate the school as you please. There are no special restrictions on your actions.

The school rules explicitly place no restrictions on our investigation, don't they?

I'm not planning on breaking any school rules. I didn't even break any when I stole the key last night.

But, if the mastermind gets really mad, he won't care about the school rules...

He'll probably just kill you without giving it a second thought!

I see... if my plan fails, that would be made clear.


When push comes to shove, will the mastermind break his own rules? Or will he follow them to the letter?

Whether I succeed or fail, there's something to be gained. There's no reason not to do it, is there?


If one wants to move forward, danger can't be avoided.

To solve a mystery, one must be fully aware of the risks, and keep on going anyway.

...Don't you agree?
At that moment, I finally realized...
Kirigiri-san's eyes didn't have a shred of fear or arrogant courage in them. It was as if...
It was as if she faced the enemy that must be defeated... the mystery that must be solved... And with that and only that in front of her eyes...
...She smiled.

I won't change my mind. I don't intend to ever do.
Then, she took something out of her pocket, and handed it to me.

Eh? What's that...?

It's something like a declaration of resolve. Don't open it yet.

Open it... if something happens to me.

I...If something happens...?!

It's just for caution's sake... Even if the worst happens, I don't plan to die without a fight.

...Please. I want you to have it.

I'll take it... I'll take it, but...

But I'll definitely give it back! I'm sure of it!

Yeah... I know.

There's one more thing I want to ask you.

I want you to keep all this a secret from the others for now.

The less people in the know, the more difficult for the mastermind to find out...

That's... true, I guess.

Do you have another reason...?

It's nothing. Forget it...
No, there's no way I could just forget about it that easily...

...Well, we should probably begin.

Naegi-kun, I'm counting on you.

I should just distract Monobear for a while, right? I'll give it a try...

I'll be leaving, then. Good luck.
As usual, Kirigiri-san left with the shortest of parting words...
As usual, she disappeared quickly...
But, not everything was as usual.
As I watched her walking away, a feeling of panic rose inside my chest...

No, I'm sure she'll be fine!

This is... Kirigiri-san, after all!
I spoke to myself, trying to calm down...
And then I started my intended role.
Right, here we go...!

Hey, Monobear, are you listening?! I have something to ask you! Come out!!
And then, a few moments later...

This sure is a rare occasion. I don't think you've ever called me out before, Naegi-kun.

By the way, Naegi-kun!

W...What is it...?

What were you doing in there with Kirigiri-san? I saw the two of you going into the bath together...

You were probably getting all hot and sweaty in there, weren't you!?

Hot and sweaty and dripping wet... and then...

[Redacted to satisfy CERO rating restrictions.]

...Am I right?!


So you're going to exercise your right to remain silent... too bad...

I don't care. I'm not like you, Naegi-kun. I have no interest in dirty business in the bath...

I am indifferent to anything rated R and above. My watchful big brother life is healthy and clean!

Is that why there are no cameras in the public bath?


Are you sure it's not just because the lens get cloudy from the steam, making them useless?


I think I just hit the real bingo...

More importantly, what do you want!? Why did you call me here all of a sudden?!


There's something I want to ask you...

...Do you want to know if I'm male or female?

Bears don't have gender, you know!

No, I'm pretty sure they do...


So, so... What am I...? What is... my existence...?

L...Let's stop here... If I think about it too much I'll get depressed... So, what is it you wanted to ask...?

Um... You told us a treasure of yours was stolen...

I wanted to ask what that treasure is...


Um... Don't tell me...

Did you call me all the way here just to ask me that?


I'm shocked! 100 megaton shocked!!

I thought it was going to be something much more important! Like how to find honey, or how one spends their breeding season...


Worthless... You're a man at the peak of his youth, and all you have to ask is such a worthless question...?

I came here so I might as well tell you even though it's a worthless question! It was a key and a honyalala! That's it!


You'll have to guess that one! It's a secret!

Speaking of, I'd sure like to explore that brain of yours. The one that decided to call me in the middle of the night just for that question!

If you do that again, I may just cut your head and take a look!
Monobear left, still screaming.

That should have been enough time to keep Monobear's attention away...
Now... all that's left is to believe in Kirigiri-san, and wait until she returns.
I'm sure she's going to be just fine...
She will... won't she?
As I tried to dispel the lingering panic in my chest, I returned to my room and soon fell asleep...

This is Monobear Commercial Theater. This program is sponsored by Spike, ltd.
Commercial (Youtube via Polsy)

Shooting beams out of one's eyes is pretty silly, isn't it?

Nevertheless, I'm going to buy it! I'm going to buy two copies! I Can't wait!