Part 112: Super High-school Level Update #100
CHAPTER 04 - Despair Junk Food for a Dashing Youth / abnormal days part
Let's put things in order...
Yesterday night, I was attacked by someone in a mask.
And that mysterious person...
Is now lying dead in front of my very eyes, and I have no idea why.

Gaahaaheehaahaahaa!! You see? I was right!! It's a dead body!!

A...A body? I...Is she really dead...?

We must investigate, but...

Be extra careful. We don't know what's going on.

Before we investigate this body, we can go around checking if anyone has anything to add.

W...What's going on? Who is that person...?

If you see something on the floor...

You should pick it up, even if it's a body! Gaahaaheehaahaa!!

Why is there a body here...? And who is it, anyway?

Who is this person? Why are they lying dead in this place...?

We must solve these mysteries before we can proceed.
Nothing of much importance. Let's get on with the real deal.
First, we must find out who this body belongs to.
But, since there's a mask over its head, I can't tell just by looking...
Also, because of the white robe covering it, I can't even tell anything from the shape of the body or the clothes it's wearing...
A mysterious victim...
But... there's one thing that's clear.
Last night, I was attacked by this person.
So... why are they...
...Lying dead in here...?!

It isn't breathing... Its chest isn't moving at all... Every sign of life is gone...

There's a knife thrust into the abdomen area, with deep red blood all around it...

It seems the flow of the blood has already stopped, but it still hasn't dried.

Be careful not to get yourself dirty touching it...

H...How can you make such a calm analysis at a time like this...?

Who is this corpse? The face and the body are hidden, so I have no clue...

I think... it's a girl.

Eh...? How can you tell?

It's the shape of the chest... and the general line of her body...

I'm pretty sure about it. This body belongs to a girl...
...A girl? So, maybe...!

Gaahaaheehaahaahaa! It's now or never!

Let's just take off that mask and see which lovely face is hiding under it!!

Hey, wait...
But it was too late. When Togami-kun called after her to stop...
...Fukawa-san's hands were already on the mask.
And then, the next second...!!
With blinding light and ear-shattering noise...
The body exploded...
Exploded exploded exploded exploded exploded...
...And my vision turned dark.