Part 129: Super High-school Level Update #116

This locker seems to be in one piece. Maybe I can open it.
* rattle rattle *
...It's locked.

There's a card reader above the handle...
It's probably used as a key to the locker.
It looks just like...
...just like the card readers to the changing rooms on the second floor.
Those card readers are activated by our Electronic Student ID Cards.
So, maybe this locker will also...?

I took my own ID card, and swiped it at the card reader.
And then...
* bzzt *

...It probably only works with the card belonging to the locker's owner. That means it's impossible for any of us to open them.

When I swiped the emergency Electronic Student ID Card at the card reader...
* Beep beep *
Yes! Just as I thought. It's open!
...Let's see what's inside.

This is... not exactly what you'd call a tidy locker.
The owner must have not been a very tidy person.

This is... a crystal ball.
Hm? A crystal ball...?

Are those... playing cards...?
No, they're not. They're tarot cards.
Eh? Tarot cards...?
Aren't they used for fortune telling...?

Text books and notebooks are piled on the shelves.
They're all covered in dust...
The owner of this locker must have not been a very strong student...
...But I shouldn't speak ill of people I don't even know.
Then, without really intending to...
...I picked up a single notebook.
But, the moment I looked at it, my indifference quickly blew away.

The name on the notebook, without question... "Yasuhiro Hagakure"...

In addition, there are several classes worth of material summarized carefully inside.
In other words...

No, that's impossible...
I mean, Hagakure-kun arrived at this school with the rest of us, just a few weeks ago.
And then, we all immediately got trapped here... We never had a chance to take any classes...

System message posted:
Notebook found in the locker room was added to your notes.

When I swiped the emergency Electronic Student ID Card at the card reader...
* Beep beep *
Yes! Just as I thought. It's open!
...Let's see what's inside.

This locker is mostly empty...

A single notepad lies on the shelf.

There is no name written on the cover, so I can't tell who left it here...
But... I'm a little curious about what's written inside...

The handwriting inside the notepad looks like it belongs to a girl.
Furthermore, the letters are all exceptionally tidy and written at perfectly regular intervals.
The girl who wrote them must have been a very meticulous person...

The page I stopped at when I was flicking through the notepad...
...had a number of words I recognized.

The plan is to lock down Hope's Peak Academy and have the students live a communal lifestyle...
I decided to go and talk directly to the man who made that plan.
My father, Hope's Peak Academy's headmaster...
This is what he said to me:
"The goal of this plan is to protect our nation's genius and bring hope to the future."
"The only people who can conquer a calamity are those with extreme talent. Only hope can defeat despair."
"I will not be remiss in calling this plan our nation's last hope...!"
"I must pull you away from a world that has already corrupted its excellent youth, and make you the cornerstone for a better future."
"This is our one and only hope... And I wish to have your cooperation."
...Those were my father's words.
As usual, he just decides things on his own...
A truly despicable father...

The owner of this notepad was now clear.
Kirigiri-san... It can't be anyone but her.

Why is it in this locker...?
Also, what's written here completely contradicts what she told me.
She said she never met her father once after being separated from him as a child...

I decided to talk to the man who made that plan directly.
My father, Hope's Peak Academy's headmaster...

I leafed through the rest of the notepad's pages, confused.
I looked for something that could answer the many questions running through my head...
And then, as I reached the notepad's final page, the questions in my head...
...became even larger.

On that last page...
...Written in shaky letters, completely disjointed from the tidy handwriting on the rest of the pages...

Despair is among us...
That's why we are still alive...
There are two Despair...

System message posted:
Notepad found in the locker room was added to your notes.

The more I investigate, the more confused I become...
Wasn't this locker room used by our upperclassmen at Hope's Peak Academy...?
In that case, why did I find these things inside the lockers...?
Why did I find things belonging to those two...?

I'm sure she means well, but... why do I get to be the human bomb-detector all the time?

Asahina-san quickly got on her knees and crawled under one of the desks.

She... does means well, doesn't she...?

I was prepared to put some strength into it, but the door was surprisingly easy to open.

There was no explosion. It's just that...
My first impression was...

There's a trap door set in the floor, but...
...I think all that machinery in front of us takes priority.

What the hell is this machine...?

It looks like some kind of a control panel...
It sure feels bombastic. Like some sort of a military installation...

A door with Monobear painted on it... A control panel that looks like a cockpit...
...Could it be...?!

...But, I was too late.
Asahina-san's finger was already pushing the button.
* boing *

When I looked more closely at the control panel...
...I saw several buttons with room names printed on them.
Among them, there was one labeled "Data Processing Room".
That's the one Asahina-san must have pushed...
But, the Data Processing Room...
...That's the room on the other side of the door!
That's also where the strange sound we just heard came from. It's the room we had just been in until a few minutes ago...

The sound we heard... it's just what I thought it was...

It's Monobear. ...Isn't it?

A...Anyway, I think things are clear now.
I think I know the purpose of that control panel...

That's right... The mastermind was always in this room...
He had to control Monobear from this room...
But, the monitors showing the security camera footage are in the Data Processing Room. They're in a different room...
In other words...

Kirigiri-san was right.

But, if that's the case...

Is the mastermind really one of us sixteen students...?

No... I still can't believe it.
It's impossible... isn't it?

System message posted:
Monobear control room was added to your notes.

Traps... I can't say it's impossible...

* click *
The second we closed the Data Processing Room door behind us, we heard a strange sound.

I quickly grabbed the door handle I just let go a few seconds ago.
* rattle rattle *

Asahina-san took off at full speed.

There is no other way...!