Part 133: Super High-school Level Update #119.2
I should be able to watch the DVD in this console...

Right, let's see what's on it.
I took the DVD Kirigiri-san gave me, and pushed it into the slot.
I pushed the playback button, but no picture appeared on the screen.
I watched a dark monitor for a few moments.
It was probably just a few seconds, but...
...But for me, it seemed like a very long time.
And then, very suddenly...
The video started playing.

I was completely blindsided. The moving image of Maizono-san, which I haven't seen since her death, appeared on the screen.

Let's start the interview...
The voice belonged to the man sitting near the camera.
It was the voice of an adult man...

I'm sorry, but this interview is being taped.

It's just that I'm not very talented...

I can't handle writing down a summary of the interview while I'm speaking, you see.
The man said that in a joking tone of voice, but Maizono-san's nervous face didn't move a single millimeter.

This video will serve as a contract, in a manner of speaking.

It's not that I don't trust you. It's just for insurance. So, please, don't worry.


Well, then. Let's go straight to the main issue...

It's likely that you will spend the rest of your life inside the walls of this school.

...Do you acknowledge that?

I...It doesn't really matter if I do, does it...?
Maizono-san's face was clearly troubled.
Of course it was. She was being told she's going to spend the rest of her life inside the school. There's no way she could just accept...

I understand...

...I see. I'm sorry.

I give you my promise that I'll do everything I can to protect you all.

I swear it... as Hope's Peak Academy's headmaster...
The screen turned black.

I know I say that a lot, but this time...
This time, I really...

...I have no idea what's going on.
Didn't Maizono-san desperately want to escape this place...?
She wanted to go back and continue chasing her dreams with her dear friends. That's why she...

That's why she tried to trick me...

So, why...?

Why is she agreeing to spend the rest of her life in this school...?
Then, suddenly, white light appeared in the corner of my eye.
The video, which I thought was over, started playing again on the monitor.
I turned to stare at it, by reflex.
When I saw what was on the screen...
...My confusion just grew tenfold.

The figure on the screen was me.
It was me, unmistakably.

Naegi-kun. Before we start this interview, I'd like you to know it is being taped.

I watched me facing the headmaster...
I watched me talking to the headmaster...
But, as I'm standing here watching this video right now...
...I have no memory of this ever taking place.
Not just this interview. I don't even remember the headmaster. So why...

...Well, then. Let's go straight to the main issue.

Neagi-kun. It's likely that you will spend the rest of your life inside the walls of this school.

...Do you acknowledge that?


It can't be true... can it?
Did I just say "yes"?

I'm sorry for forcing you to make this decision.

I know we have no choice.

Nevertheless, as long as you're in this school, I will do my best to protect you.

That's the only promise I can give you as Hope's Peak Academy's headmaster...
The screen turned black again.
Next, more clips started playing, one after another.
Everyone made a declaration agreeing to be locked up inside the school for life...
And then...
Her interview was also recorded on the DVD.
So, she met him after all.
She met her father... Hope's Peak Academy's headmaster...
When the headmaster asked her the same question he asked the others, she replied the same way.
She agreed to being locked up for life...
But then, when Kirigiri-san's interview's footage finished playing...
Suddenly, without warning, the monitor lost power.

It wasn't just the monitor. The entire playback system was off.
The DVD itself also stopped playing, of course.

W...What's going on...?

Oopsie... Seems like we have a power failure.

Huh...? A failure...? Right now?

Power failures are always sudden. You never know when one will hit you.

That's why they're called failures!

This can't be a failure... He was messing with the system on purpose...!
But, why...?
Every clip I saw was the same. It would probably have continued that way...
The rest is probably just footage of the rest of us being asked that question, and answering the same way...
I let out a big sigh, and when I did...
Her words floated in the back of my mind.
It was just after I woke up at that time...
I felt... a strange discomfort I couldn't explain...
When I think about it now, my memory must have already been gone back then.
And the two things I've forgotten everything about were...
The goal came to this school in order to fulfill... And the skill they called me a "Super High-school Level" for...
But... Why would you forget those two specific things...?
It's a mystery, isn't it? It can't be a coincidence. Not in this place, where everything is tinted with opportunism...
"Tinted with opportunism"...
The mastermind has something to gain from all this.
So, is my situation the same...?

Did I also... forget?
What about the others?
Did they also forget?
Or maybe...

System message posted:
Emergency Interviews DVD was updated in your notes.
* ding dong ding dong *

All things have a beginning, and all things come to an end.

But when one thing ends, it marks a brand new beginning.

There is no night without a dawn...

But the morning might still be pitch black!

No rain will fall forever...

And we might even enter a time of draught when it stops!

That's right. Every ending brings with it a new beginning.

That's why we can meet again. Ending itself is a beginning, you see.

...Well, then. Let's begin!

It's time to start the final school trial!

Let's meet again, at the usual place!

It's starting... Again.
The school trial is starting...
The final school trial...
Where our lives are all at stake.
The final struggle between despair and hope... The final school trial...

We... have no choice.
I should go...
For the final time...!
It seems I'm the first one here...

You got here fast, Naegi-kun...

...Have you prepared yourself?

Yeah, I think so...

But, where is everybody else? No one is here yet...

Don't worry. They'll be here soon...
And then, just like Kirigiri-san predicted...




Soon, the rest entered the room, one by one.
But, on each and every one of their faces...






Everyone is silent...
But, it's not just regular silence.
They all look around in suspicion. It's as if...
...As if we're back on the first day of this school life.

Looks like I'm last!!


Oh, even a silent Byakuya-sama is perfect! He's all cool and hot at the same time!

But, don't worry, everyone!! Just leave the rest to me!

I brought my wonderful scissors along, and I'm ready to cut the Big Boss to pieces!!

Um, didn't you say you only kill boys who turn you on...?

I'm doing this for Byakuya-sama, so I don't care if it's a boy or a girl! So, leave it to...


U..uu... Where am I...?


Too bad. She won't be able to fulfill that promise now.

Upupu... I see depressed faces all around...

It's time to begin!

It's the final trial, all painted black! We're going dark to the max!

...It's going to be a fair trial this time, isn't it?

"This time"...? You're making fun of me, aren't you!!

If there was a grand championship for being the most fair, I would have taken first place!

I always fight and win fair and square!

Oh, I'm going to show all the people watching us on TV too...

I'm going to show them that despair is stronger than hope...

I've had enough. Let's begin.

Sure! Let's do it!

I'll be waiting downstairs...

...Don't run away.

Monobear disappeared, leaving his regular high-pitched laugh reverberating through the room.

Hmf. Whatever.

Let's get this over with.
Togami-kun was the first to step into the elevator.
After he did, the others followed...



Everyone entered the elevator in silence, never looking at one another.

Everyone's acting weird...

It's like they can't trust anyone... Like they can't trust each other.

But, your face tells me that you know their reason. Do you?

Y...Yeah. I think I do...

Great. I'll hear your story later...

Later, at the school trial.

I know. I think I'm ready...

...Ready to win?

Of course...

I'm glad to hear you say that...
Then, Kirigiri-san disappeared into the elevator as well.
...I started walking.
I faced the elevator, and started walking towards it.
I was telling myself that I'm doing this for the last time...
...Mysteriously, I didn't feel any fear.
Every bit of nervousness was gone.
And then, with a firm step...
...I, too, entered the elevator.
The elevator started moving on its long journey down.
Deep, deep into the ground...
Deeper and deeper and deeper...
It kept going...
...I slowly closed my eyes.
Soon, the sound was also gone.
I stood there like that, waiting for the doors to open again.
And after a short while...
I felt the elevator come to a stop.
...And I slowly opened my eyes.

Is this... the final courtroom...?

What do you think? This design is perfect for a showdown for you bastards' lives, isn't it?

This is the long-awaited final stage! The final boss battle you've been waiting for!!

Upupu... Since I'm participating this time, I think I'll take that empty 16th seat.

Let's go!!