Part 143: Extra Study Material (1)

Uu... Naegi...

I'm so tired...

You sure look that way... What happened?

I woke up this morning earlier than usual, so I did push-ups and sit-ups and squats...

...1000 repetitions each.

Is that why you're tired?

So tired...

Y'know what a weary body desires? Something sweet... For example...

The kind of food made of fried dough that has flour and sugar and eggs and butter in it...
I think what Asahina-san is trying to say is...
Cookies /
Donuts / Churros

Got it. You mean donuts, right?

This is just between you and me, but I found frozen donuts in the storage room back at the dorms a while ago.

Try imagining them, the moment they go into the microwave!

Try imagining those hot, steaming donuts!

You wanna eat them, don't you! You wanna eat them too!

You really do like Donuts, don't you.

Is there anyone who doesn't?! The entire world... no, the entire universe loves them!

Y'know, when I eat donuts...

That sweet sugary taste spreads through my mouth, followed by that chewy dough...

And then, just as the the flavor of eggs and butter suddenly makes itself known...

My body itself feels like it's about to melt!

It's such a wonderful feeling! Just like I'm falling straight down the donut's hole!

I believe it's scientifically known as "donutification".

...No, you just made that up.

Oh no!

I can't take it anymore! I'm drooling like the Niagara falls over here!

Naegi! Step aside! If you're in my way, I'll trample you down!!

Um, I don't
mean to get in your way...

I'm coming, o God of Donuts!
Asahina-san didn't waste any more time, and ran away full speed.

When I'm talking with her, I feel... how should I put it? The vitality of human life.
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Aaaah... So hungry...

Do something, Naegi. I'm really hungry!

Um, what exactly am I supposed to do about it?

I wanna eat something... I'm so hungry I could eat paper.

...How about donuts? That's what you usually eat, isn't it?

I...I can't!! Donuts are my secret weapon for rainy days!

If I ate them all the time, I'd just end up chubby!
I guess it's natural she'd feel this way. She's an athlete, after all.

Also, I don't feel like something sweet right now. I want a salty snack.

...Maybe potato chips?

Ramen would be nice...

That's not a snack, you know.

It isn't? What is it, then?

But, more importantly, what kind of ramen do you like, Naegi?

I usually go for simple soy ramen...

Yeah! That's real good!

your favorite, Asahina-san? It's probably something without a lot of calories...

Tonkotsu, of course!
...She really is a girl after my own heart.

...So I guess you don't care that much about calories after all.

Y'know, you ask them to put some extra pork fat in it? And then you add some butter? It's so good!

...Doesn't the oil harden it?

Ah, Talking about it just made me more hungry...

Maybe I should go to the kitchen and make some...

...Are you sure? Even donuts are less fattening!

Don't be so petty! You're a man, aren't you?

Did you get intimidated because I'm a girl who likes ramen?!

You're the worst, Naegi!


I've had enough! Step away!!

Or maybe you want me to kick you?! Are you standing in my way so I can kick you?!

No... I don't
mean to get in your way...

Don't try to stop me! One has to live the moment!
Yelling at the top of her voice, Asahina-san ran into the kitchen.

She's... scary when she has food on her mind.
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Uu... I'm so depressed...
What's up with her? She's not her usual energetic self...

Did something happen, Asahina-san?


At first I thought I was just imagining things but it seems it's true, after all...

What is it?

I... gained weight.
I see.

My body is too heavy! There's no doubt about it!

This is bad... Real bad!!

I'll have to change my entire personality...! Turn from an energetic wonder-child into a cheerful chubby girl...

But, what if I'd get even fatter after that...?!

I may even get so fat no one will want to marry me...

...And then I'd get even fatter and won't be able to walk by myself anymore. I'll become a lonely old woman...

I'll die with no one next to me, and then my body will be left undiscovered and rot into a gross skeleton...

Y...You worry too much...

I don't even see anything different about you, you know.

You're lying. I'm obviously much rounder than before.

...No, I'm not lying.


Would you say I have... a "nice body"?

S...Sure... Well, I guess...

Really?! Are you sure you don't just need glasses?

No, I think my eyesight is fine.

T...Thank god...

...But I can't get too comfy!

It's decided! Starting today, Aoi Asahina goes on a diet!

A diet...?

I'll show you! I'm going to lose tons of weight in no time!

I think you're overreacting, just a little bit...

It's no use trying to stop me! I've already decided! I have iron willpower, y'know!

Right, and to celebrate my decision...

I'll go stuff my body with donuts one last time!
As soon as she finished talking, Asahina-san dashed out of the room full-speed.

A diet, huh? I don't think it's going to be easy for her...
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Hey, Naegi... Do you have a minute...?

...What is it?

Um... There's something I want to ask you...

...Eh? What?


You see...


T...This place is no good! Can you come to my room later?


I'll see you then! Don't forget!
Asahina-san ran away without waiting for an answer.

What's up with her? Why is she inviting me over so suddenly?

She acted a little strange...

I guess I'll have to go and see.
I did I was told, and went to Asahina-san's room.


I'm sorry for making you come here...

It's fine, I don't mind. What's up?

There's something I want to ask you, Naegi.

I want an honest answer, okay?


What... do you think about me?


I mean...... as a woman.

W...What's that all about?!

What's not to get?!

I want to know if I have any appeal as a woman...


...I mean, why are you suddenly asking me that?!


I've always been told I don't act feminine enough.

I mean, I don't think they're wrong... I don't really care about anything but sports, after all.

But, I think part of it is that I've never been in love.

I've never been in love, and that's why I can't act like normal girls do.

So, um...

I want you to be my boyfriend, okay?


Ah! Don't get me wrong! I'm not talking about a
real boyfriend! I just want to practice!


I'm not feminine because I've never been in love, but I can't get a boyfriend because I'm not feminine.

That's what they call a vicious circle, isn't it?

So I made a plan to get a practice boyfriend to bring my femininity into the surface!

After I do that, I'll be able to fall in love for real!

So, please! Will you be my practice boyfriend?

B...But, I don't think I'd be any good...

You're the only one I can ask, Naegi.

I don't have any other guy friends...

Please! It's just for a little while!
I think she's serious...


O...Okay. If it's just for a little while...

Really?! Yay!

...So, what should I do?

Um, I think...



Oh, whatever. Let's just begin.
Begin what...?

Here we go!

...Welcome home, dear. Do you want dinner? Should I prepare the bath?

Asahina-san... I think that's more a housewife than a girlfriend.

...Eh? I got it wrong?

Um... Then, how about...

You've been deceiving me, haven't you?! You told me you were going to divorce your wife!!

I think that's... even worse.


You mean, I can't even get it right while practicing?

I'm really that much of a failure?!

W...What am I going to do? At this rate, I'll end up being lonely my entire life!

No... I think you've got it all wrong...

You don't really need to practice, do you?

But... I'm not feminine enough...

But, isn't that exactly what's so appealing about you, Asahina-san?


If you try to force a change, you won't be yourself anymore.

I think you're fine just the way you are. I mean, that's who the real Aoi Asahina is.


Love is supposed to be fun, right? But, not being yourself isn't fun at all.

I mean, I'm probably not very convincing, since I don't have any experience myself...

No, not at all...

I think I can believe it...
because it's you speaking, Naegi.

I see... I shouldn't force it... I should be myself...

I'll just have to wait until fate brings a cool guy to me! Someone like Jason Statham!
So she likes them rough... I don't think she should count on fate.

Thank you, Naegi! Somehow, you managed to say just the right words!

And, y'know? It was kind of fun, practicing with you.

Let's do it again sometime!

No, I think I've had enough...

Oh, you did?

So... maybe if it's not just practice...


...Ha ha, I'm just joking!
A joke... I was starting to get nervous...
But, joke or no joke, I think I can really call Asahina-san my friend.
We talked about all kinds of things, and I think I got to understand her...

...So, what's your type, Naegi? What kind of girls do you like?


No, no! I'm fine!

Heh heh! You're blushing!!
