Part 25: Super High-school Level Update #22.2


It seems you have reached your conclusion. Well then, lets get to voting!

Please use the switch in front of you to vote, you bastards!

Oh, let me say it just for cautions sake...

Dont think of not voting for anyone!! You wouldnt want to be punished for such a trivial thing, would you?


...Right! Well then, give it all you have!!

Who will be voted as the culprit!? Will it be the right answer, or the wrong one--!?

What will it be---!?
Judgement (Youtube via Polsy)
The court scene ends here. From now on we're back to regular graphics and not much speech.

What do you know! You hit the jackpot!!

The culprit who killed Sayaka Maizono...

It really was Leon Kuwata!!



H...hey... wait... a... second.......


Did you really...

Kill... Maizono-san?

I... cant believe it...

You fucker!! Why would you do such a thing!!

I... didnt have any choice.....

I was about to get killed myself...

Th...thats why... I didnt have any choice...

It would have been the same if it was any of you!

Just because I was Maizonos target...

It suddenly... went all wrong...!


Or... do you think I shouldve just let myself get killed?
With that, its finally clear...
...the answer we reached was the correct one.
But what should I be thinking?
Its as if... by acting the way he did, he saved me.
After all, if the conclusions we reached are all correct, its also true Maizono-san tried to frame me for a murder...
Even if thats the case...
I dont think Maizono-san is to blame.
The only culprit here is...

Its all because of... that video......

What was on it... managed to disturb even me...

It must have been so much worse for Maizono-san herself...

Were locked in this place and cant get out...

Im sure... my friends are waiting for me...


Her dream and her friends were the most important things in the world for her...

Showing her that kind of video... showing her friends...

Maizono-san... must have been...

In order to make that dream come true, I was prepared to do anything.

Even bad things... Really... anything...
Thats why Maizono-san acted... for the sake of her precious friends...
She... betrayed me...
Her words that time...

Whatever happens... please always be my friend...
They were only meant to deceive me, from the very beginning. She was just using me...
Did she ever really want to be close to me?
I... dont know anymore...
And there is no way to ask her anymore...
There is no way... to return someone from death...

As expected, show business is scary!

Those people can kill someone just for nothing more than human relations!

Beneath all those exemplary personalities lie their true faces, full of nothing but madness!

W...what did you say...?

Yes, I know how it is. Indeed, I do.

You must be in despair, being betrayed by Maizono-san like that?

Love, friendship, compassion... the stronger these feelings are, the deeper you fall into despair when they are broken!

Dont play with me! It was all your fault, wasnt it?!

Everything Maizono-san did...

Everything... everthing....

Its all because of you!!
As if moving inside a dream, I made a lunge for Monobear.

Please stop it.
Kirigiri-san held my shoulder strongly.
So gripped it so strongly it will probably leave a mark...

If you really want to defeat her true enemy... please let it go for now...



Aa, my heart is fluttering. I thought I was about to be attacked.

It was a close shave! Oy!!

...and so! You have splendidly discovered the culprit in this School Trial!

So now its time to get to Leon Kuwatas punishment!



W...wait a second here!

I only killed her because I didnt have any choice!

Thats it! It was self defense, wasnt it!? I was just defending my own body...

What exactly was self defense about your actions?

In order to break the shower rooms lock, you used your own tool set, didnt you?

That is, after that girl closed herself in the shower, you deliberately returned to your own room...

...used a screwdriver you got there to break the lock, and made the killing strike.

You had plenty of chances to stop yourself.

But you didnt do so...

You really did feel like killing her, didnt you. I mean....

Ive had enough...

Lets just stop this.

Oh, would that be okay with you? You were Maizono-sans best friend, after all?

Your precious Maizono-san... was killed... werent she?

I have no intention on blaming Kuwata-kun alone...

Of course, Im not going to blame Maizono-san alone either.

I mean...

The only one whos evil here is that thing!!


If it wasnt for you... this wouldnt have happened to either Maizono-san or Kuwata-kun...!

What we should be fighting isnt one another...

...its that guy. The single person who planned all of this!

Oh, did your sense of justice suddenly awakened!?

But you know, there is nothing more immoral than a sense of justice.

Isnt a bunch of guys brandishing their justice the reason we still have wars?

Is that the reason you suddenly have a sense of justice?

Shut up...!

Oh, well. Rather than argue...

We should get to business! Everbody is waiting!

Please, I beg you.....! Stop it.....!

I wont hear no excuses!! If we want to keep the public order we must punish offenders! Those are our societys rules!

P....please stop!!

This time, I prepared a special punishment for Leon Fukawa, the Super High-school Level Baseball Player!!


Lets give it our best! Its punishment time!
Million Fungoes (Youtube via Polsy)
What occured before our very eyes...
...was true despair.
There really was no other way to describe it.

Woohoo!! Extreeeeeeeme!!

My body is full to the brim with adrenaline!!


W...w...w...what was that.....!!

I... cant take it anymore...

Do we... really have to keep on going like that...?

I cant take it...!!

If you dont like it...

All you have to do is cut your links to the outside world completely and live here quietly your entire lives.

That is, if you bastards can really do that... upupupup....

Hyaa hyaa haa hyaa! bastard... what do you expect to gain from all of this?!

Gain...? Youre talking as if Im a member of some kind of evil association!

Though in my case, Im probably a memBEAR of an evil association, right?

Hey... why are you involving an upstanding citizen such as myself in such discussions?

Because, what are you going to do if youre forced to think sensibly about things that defy common sense?

Its just like trying to measure length with a scale, isnt it? Well, not that thats impossible...

Ah... I think I lost the flow of conversation somewhere...

...Shit! I dont who or where you are, but Im definitely going to kill you...

Upupu. Youre so mad... do you hate me?

Hating me is unjustifiable, though, you know.

The murder we just had occured because you bastards want to get out, wasnt it!?

Its you bastards, who cant let go of the ourside world, who are the bad guys here!!

I...isnt it natural? Suddenly being imprisoned in such a messed up place...

Oh, imprisoned, was it?

...but when you finally discover this schools secrets, I have no doubt you will all reach the same conclusion.

Living here our entire life is hapiness!

W...what do you mean by that...?

I think he just said a very important thing. He did it once before, though.

We should get to business! Everybody is waiting!

Who are these everyone you were talking about?

Well then, thats all youre going to hear from me this time. We must leave some excitement for the future!

Hyaa hyaa hyaa...!!
And then, Monobear disappeared.
Leaving the rest of feeling as if they were beat to a pulp by a nightmarish reality...
Even after Monobear let us go, we stayed in that place for a while, unable to move.
No, it wasnt a while. It was probably a very long time...
I think everyone was very scared... was a unifying experience.



No one even opened their mouth.
Everyone stayed quiet, their faces sank in a gloomy expression.
And then...

...Naegi-kun. Do you have a second?
She came all the way to where I was standing, and talked quietly, as if whispering in my ear.

Before we go back...

There is something I want to talk to you about...


Is it... about Maizono-san?


I didnt think youd know...

Do you remember what I told you before the school trial began?

Its you who must unravel this cases mysteries...

Did you want me to notice Maizono-sans betrayal by myself?

She made a fool of me without me suspecting anything... I believed in her, and she made me a suspect...

Its true that Maizono-san tried to frame you. Thats the unescapable reality...

But I think she had second thoughts until she died. You see...

She thought of you in her final moments.

In her final moments... she thought of me...?

Please dont say such foolish things...

We have... no way of knowing for sure... after all...

There is no way... to ask her anymore...

Even though we cant ask her, we can reason it out, cant we?

Her last thoughts...

Were about how to save you.

She used her last bits of strength to leave dying message. Thats the proof.

If she didnt care what happened to you, she wouldnt have left a message at all...

Maybe she just... wanted revenge on Kuwata-kun who killed her...?

Youre right. This is also a possibility.

But I dont think its true, personally...

She was lost, that girl.

Her heart wasnt in it. Not in tricking you, and not in killing another person.

Thats why her plan didnt succeed.

Her feelings of doubt... led to failure.

Its a little ironic, isnt it?


Why are you talking to me about that?

Youre a person... who can get over things.

A person who can get over the death of his friends and continue walking forward.

If you arent, you will not be able to break out of the extreme situation we found ourselves in...

I can... get over my friends deaths?

I think youre overestimating me...

That kind of thing is... impossible.


Thats why...

I will always keep them with me.

I cant get over any of it... Maizono-sans or Kuwata-kuns deaths...

I will always keep them with me.

I will keep going forward holding everyones memories forever!!


Youre choosing a road that is much more difficult than simply overcoming.

But Im looking forward to it.....
Saying that, she smiled a little smile.

...Naegi-kun. There is one more thing I want to ask you...

How did you know I wanted to talk to you about Maizono-san?

Oh, that.


I can read minds.


Im just joking. I just have good intuition.
Students still alive: 12
Game system posted:
You got the present, "Despair Bat".