Part 26: Chapter 1 Extra Study Material
Chapter 1 Extra Study Material
Before we go on to chapter 2, we have some ground to cover seeing the Social Links we missed. It's true, dead people are dead. But whoever said that didn't know about saved games.
I'm seeing a lot of this stuff for the first time myself. Doing this update also made me realize for the first time that you simply can't see the full story for most of the characters on a straight playthrough, and the replay chapter feature must be used. As you'll see below, both Leon and Junko have 3 scenes each, even though there are only 2 Free Activity periods.
All of these scenes happen chronologically before the characters are shown their videos.
But before we get to Leon and Junko, there's still a scene left with Maizono.
We've already seen her dialogue before the special scene, so I'll skip that. I will tell you I gave her this present, though:
White Rabbit Earwarmers
A popular item from goth-loli fashion brand Inabaua.
I must admit research failed me this time. I ventured as far as the goth-loli thread on A/T, but I couldn't find any real life brand this might refer to. My best guess is that it's a play on Inabauaa, that is "Ina Bower", a figure skating move popular in Japan to the extent that its name became slang for any activity requiring bending over backwards.
And now, let's see what Maizono has for us.

By the way, May I ask you a question, Naegi-kun?

Youre suddenly so formal again... Whats up?

I know its a little rude to ask, but...

Do you have a girlfriend, Naegi-kun?

Eh... Eh!?

Why do you ask all of a sudden...!?

Why are you panicking? Does that mean you have one...? I dont! I dont have a girlfriend yet! there anyone you like?

W...wait a second!

Whats with you all of a sudden? Why are you asking me this?

I was just curious, so I thought Id ask. Was that wrong?

I dont think wrong is the right word...

But its just natural Id be curious. I mean, you and I... and her...!?

...were classmates stuck in the same situations, arent we?

But... youre really more than that, Naegi-kun...

Weve surpassed being just classmates...
...surpassed being classmates!?

Were friends. Ever since junior high.
Is that... so...
Yeah, were friends. Of course, thats how it is...


...arent you going to ask me, Naegi-kun?

Eh? Ask you what?

Isnt it clear?

Whether I have a boyfriend or not?
Honestly, I do want to ask. But theres a part of me that doesnt...

Im sure youre very popular with all sorts of men. It wouldnt be strange if you had one...

Wrong answer! I dont have a boyfriend!

...I mean, Im too busy to have one. Its not just an excuse, its true.


Is there... someone you like...?

...tee hee, I wonder...?

There is someone who...
interests me...
Maizono-san looked straight into my eyes. It seemed to me her cheeks turned just a little red...
...Eh? Shes looking straight at me?

But I should put those feelings aside for the time being. Our priorities should be on finding a way out of here.

Y...yeah. Youre right...

...Naegi-kun, lets leave this place together.

You wont betray me, right?

O...of course I wont...! Theres no way Im going to betray you!

Naegi-kun, Im going to say something from the heart. Im not faking it, its what I truly feel...

Im... really glad youre here with me, Naegi-kun...
As I looked at that smile, my entire body was overflown with energy.
It was like her smile... metamorphosed into strength.
I probably became much braver just by having her here with me...
The bond between us makes me strong.
It makes me feel like I must give it all I have!
...for Maizono-sans sake!

Im happy. Youre going to do your best for me!

Eh!? How did you..!?

I can read minds.

Im just joking. I just have good intuitions... But...

...did you really think that?

Um... I...

Anyway! Lets cooperate and get out of this place together!

I will not let you down!!

Yeah, youre right. Lets leave together.

Hee hee hee!
Give it all I have. Never in my life had these words sank deeper into my heart than now.
We get an SP increase out of this encounter.
Next, Leon. We corner him next to the exit from the dormitory area.

Yo, Naegi! What are you doing? Lets search for a way out of this place!!
"Do you want to spend time with Kuwata-kun?" "Yes" dont just plan to kill me when were alone together, right?

If you do that, my fans will be all over you, man! Im very popular, yknow. Just as much as any idol!
I spent some time with Kuwata-kun...
Then we give him a present.
Cola Cola
A carbonated drink combining strong stimulus with addicting sweetness. Goes well with fast food.

Yknow, I think Ive gone beyond just being scared. Im just angry now...

Why!? Why did such a thing happen to me!

This is so unfair! Dont you also think so, Naegi!?

Well... I agree its unfair...

Isnt it?! Its unfair! Super unfair!

Its as unfair as having to shave my head before a big match!

I dont think you look so bad with your hair shaved...

What the hell, Naegi! Why are you against me!?

Even though I didnt even want to go out and play, the coach always came to ask me personally, so I couldnt refuse!

But to shave my head on top of this? Thats clearly unfair!

So its true you really dont like baseball...

Isnt it natural? Who would like such a thing, running around on a dirty field?!
A dirty field... for a baseball player that should be a holy place...

Its so unfashionable, being all covered in sweat and dirt... putting all that effort into practice...

Its just baseball, isnt it? I dont even need practice! I win every time without it!
I think god made a mistake... he gave genius to the wrong person...

But, yknow... even though I say that, there was one thing good about playing baseball...

I think I know what you mean... You liked standing shoulder to shoulder in a team of friends, didnt you!

No, no. Thats not it at all! I hate those sweaty dudes. Theyre the worst!

So... whats good about it...?

I hate studying and I could get into school on a sports scholarship.

All I have to do is show up to matches, and they wont throw me out!

And theres one more thing...

Im so popular! Arent you jealous!?

I hate hitting the balls all day, but I love hitting the girls all night... you know what I mean!


Heh heh. Ill tell you all about it next time. Theres a ton of stuff I can teach you...

So come play with me again sometime. Talking to you turned out to be a great diversion!
Kuwata-kun walked away with a smile on his face.
It seems Ive caught his interest just a little bit.
This encounter gives us the skill Strong Arm: Usable during the school trial. The speed of your Evidence Bullets becomes faster.
Next time we encounter Leon, he's hiding in the dormitory area's toilet.

Ah, Ive become agitated for some reason.

Maybe something is wrong with me? Maybe Im sick?

Hey, whoever is in charge here! You have a sick person! I want to see a doctor!

Uuu... take me to see a doctor... please...
"Do you want to spend time with Kuwata-kun?" "Yes"

Cool! A strategy meeting!

Hey, Naegi... So - which of the girls do you like?
I had a strategy meeting with Kuwata-kun...
Present time!
Rainbow-colored Hardtack
A biscuit that can be preserved for a long time for emergency situations. Enjoy the seven different flavors contained in the package.

By the way... I have a question for you, Naegi my friend...

Eh? What is it?

Im thinking of starting a band. Do you know anyone who can write lyrics or play any instruments?

Oh, its no good if theyre popular. I want my bands vocalist - that is, me - to be the most famous!

So you were serious about wanting to become a musician...

Of course I was!!

My name is Kuwata, but I prefer being Keisuke rather than Masumi!!
Keisuke Kuwata is a super-versatile Japanese singer-songwriter who has been popular since the late 80s. Masumi Kuwata is a Japanese baseball player, now retired, who also had a stint with the Pittsburgh Pirates.

By the way, what musical genre do you like?

What do you think about The Damned, The Pistols and The Clash?
Those bands that Kuwata-kun just mentioned... The genre he likes must be...
Punk rock / Heavy metal / Pop

So you like punk rock, right?

Ooh! You got it right! I want to reach the top of the world with punk!

Yknow, if its punk... I dont even have to be that good at singing.
Im not sure... he should be so confident...

Anyway, I planned to quit baseball once I entered this school...

I used baseball as a springboard, but what I really wanted to become after coming to this success-guaranteed academy is...

A Super High-school Level Musician! I will definitely be a hit!

...but it seems my plan didnt quite work.

Just as my dream was about to become true... I had this happen to me...

Shit... I will definitely, definitely become a musician...! No way Im giving up!

So stop fucking with me! Give me back my youth!! Give me back my dreams!!
Dreams... Kuwata-kun certainly has them. Even though they dont involve baseball...
But its not my place to criticize him... even if he never took baseball seriously...

Shit... If I dont become a musician...

...that cute girl at the hair salon will never go out with me!!

Thats what she told me. She said she liked musicians.

Her face isn't all that great, but she has such a dynamite body I really want to take her out!

I hate to ask... but is that the only reason you want to be a musician?

Should I have any other reason? Isnt thats what being a musician all about? Being popular with the girls?

Oh, by the way, do you happen to know what kind of guys Maizono likes?

I bet shes also into musicians, right? Or maybe actors? Maybe I should become one of those...!

I see... I think I figured out what Kuwata-kun is all about...
This encounter gives us extra SP.
One final event with Leon. Skipping the preliminaries (we've seen them before) and going straight to the present and the main course.
Yasu Shishido T-Shirt
A T-Shirt with a print of legendary Japanese punk rocker Yasu Shishida. Only 100 were made.
My research fails me once more. Anyone who knows more about Japanese punk is welcome to contribute. Yasu might be referencing the legendary Yasu of Japanese detective games past, but there's a much more explicit reference to that dude elsewhere in the game.

Hey, Naegi, I have a little secret to tell you...

Lets talk in my room, okay?

Your... room?

Ill be waiting for you!
I'm invited to his room? Whats up with that?
I did as he told me and followed him to his room.

Welcome to my Superstar Room!, what is it? That secret you wanted to talk to me about?


Well.... yknow....

I want you to play baseball with me...!

Ha, Im just joking! Totally joking! Isnt it funny, me wanting to play baseball!


Huh? It wasnt a joke?

Could it be that you really want to...

D...dont be stupid!!

Its just like I told you! I dont like baseball at all!

I... hate... it...

...thats what I thought, at least.

To tell you the truth, this is the first time I havent played baseball for so long...

Ive been so good at it ever since I was young... I cant remember a time I wasnt playing baseball constantly...

So now that youve been pulled away from it, you realize how you really feel?

Shit! Its mind control! Ive been brainwashed by baseball!!

Aaah, Ill take anything! Give me something to throw! Something to hit!

Shit! It's impossible to play baseball alone!

Uuuh... I really shouldnt have come to this school after all...


If this turns out to be some kind of a school event, and everything will soon be over...

...I think Im going to quit this academy... and go back to my old school.

They probably wont accept me right away, but Im going to beg the team and the coach to take me back...

I... I dont think you have anything to worry about. Im sure theyll take you back.

If you show them how you really feel about baseball... If you show them that you can practice with everyone...


No, thats out of the question! If theres one thing I really hate, its practice!

I dont want to practice or do simulation matches! Its not like I need any of this!!

I... I see...

Oh, well. Im sure youll manage somehow...

Yeah, dont underestimate my fighting spirit! They'll take me back for sure!

We're talking about me here, after all! A superstar that even the pro league took notice of!

Heh heh heh! Thanks for believing in me, Naegi-kun!
I don't think he's capable of learning from past mistakes... But somehow, he's peculiarly likable...
I guess that's who Kuwata-kun is... After spending so much time together, I finally understand him.
And that's it for Leon Kuwata. We get a skill out it, Motion Sight: Usable during school trial. The target moves automatically in Concentration mode.
On to Junko Enoshima, act 1 of 3, location: the laundry room.

Yo, Naegi! Wasting time again!?
"Do you want to spend time with Enoshima-san?" "Yes, already!"

Yeah, I'm also a little bored...

...sure. I'll hang out with you.
Present time
Golden Space Shuttle
A golden model in the shape of a jet and a space shuttle excavated from Columbian ruins. Known as an OOPArt.

Hey, I just want to let you know in advance...

Don't get any wrong impressions, okay? Of what?

Don't expect to get anywhere with me...

Chastity is very important to me!


I... I wasn't expecting anything... I wouldn't do such a thing...

Yeah, I guess you're right. You do seem like that type of person.

You're just the same as you look. A herbivore man.
Popular terms in Japanese pop psychology: the herbivore man and carnivore (wo)man. The herbivore man is meek and shy and prefers to stay home and mess with his hobbies rather than doing manly things like going after girls. The carnivore man is the classic macho.

But, y'know, if I don't warn you in advance, all men eventually turn into savage beasts.

I don't know why, but these kind of men always gather around me.
It's probably because... you're so flashy...

They say, "Let's go sing together all night"... I know what they really want!
She means...
Late night public bath /
Late night karaoke / Playing in the sea
I failed miserably (it's a theme today) translating the wordplay here like I did in previous updates. Enoshima told Naegi what guys asked her in heavy colloquial speech. The "all-night" part was referred to as "Ooru", which comes from the English word "All". Incidentally, this is also how you pronounce "Oar" in Japanese. The Karaoke part also used a made-up verb. A guy like Naegi is very likely not to have any idea what she's talking about.

You mean, they take you out to late night karaoke... right?
Incidentally, for those of you who never had the experience of Japanese-style karaoke, it's not the public spectacle that the west made it. You get a private room, usually for groups of one to ten friends (there are also party rooms for larger groups), and you sing, eat and drink in privacy. A lot of places offer a cheap flat rate for late night unlimited usage.

Huh? Why are you so pleased with yourself?

Um, no, it's nothing...

Anyway, I can't get serious with these kind of guys. They're so stupid!

It's really frustrating, you know! I always have to keep them away!

It must be really tough...

You're a model, after all. There must be so many of them after you...

Y'know, you're really perceptive, Naegi...

You really do understand, don't you? Yeah, you really do!

I... I do...?

Tell you what. I'll introduce you to my friends some time.

So what's your type? You're a herbivore guy, so do you prefer a carnivore girl?

I think this kind of girl will do you good! You know how opposites attract, right!?

No... I don't think I...

Right. When we get out of here, I'll arrange everything!

Ahaha! I can't wait!!
Enoshima-san left the room, clapping her hands in joy.
I don't really understand... but I think she took an interest in me.
That one gave us extra SP.
Act 2. Location: the A/V room.

Y'know, we have too much free time. It's impossible living here forever!

"Do you want to spend time with Enoshima-san?" "Sure"

I don't really mind hanging out with you... tell me something interesting, though, okay?
I spent some time with Enoshima-san, but I'm not confident I was interesting enough...
Today's present is...
A snack food made of potatoes cut thin and fried in oil. Contains more calories than other products of the same type.

Ahh... I'm bored. Totally bored...

I'm going to die. Totally going to die of boredom...

I think I'm already half dead. There's nothing to do around here!

You're... really that bored...?

I'm not very good at doing nothing...

Y'know, I only noticed that recently.

I noticed it soon after we got locked up here.
That's... really recently.

I mean, if I had known I was going to be locked up in a place like this, I would've preferred going back to sleeping outside...

S...sleeping outside...?

Oh, y'know... "homeless"? I've been one once...

You have!?

Yeah... lots of things happened...

But... you're a model now!

Well... A lot of things happened since then too...
I think she had too many things happen to her for a lifetime...

But if I had to choose between this place and sleeping outside again, I think I'd choose the latter.

But... that's obvious, isn't it? This place is as risky to your health as it gets...

Hey! Don't underestimate sleeping outside! It was a warzone! You never knew when some kind of enemy would attack you!

...Warzone? Enemies?

I mean, there were guys preying weak and helpless girls all around.

Isn't our entire world nothing but warzones and enemies?

Oh, well. Since I've left that cruel life behind me I only became stronger...
That's... some heavy stuff. It really seems she went through a lot...

Anyways, this discussion turned to a weird place, and that's not what I wanted to say at all!

I just want to know when we can get out of this place!

Hey, can you hear me, whoever locked us in here?! What's up with that?!

Just let us know how we can leave this place!

I swear I'll keep it a secret from the other guys! Just whisper the way out in my ear!

No answer... it's so irritating...!

There is no way you can get the answer that easily...


Hey, you're not going to act on that... strange thing he said before, are you?

Strange... thing...?

Oh, you mean that thing where you kill someone?

Ahaha! Don't worry! There's no way I can kill anyone!

Eh? Is that how I look to you? Like someone who can kill a person?

No... you don't look like that at all...

You've got that right!

Hey, were you just worried about me...?

It was kind of cute...

For just a second, it really touched my heart...

Ahaha! It's a joke! Did you think I was serious!?

You're interesting, Naegi. I never get bored talking with you.

Ahaha! Come play with me again sometime!
Enoshima-san waved her hand at me and left the room.

I... don't really understand her...
Is she playing with me?
This time we do get a skill. Trance: Usable during school trial. Makes the temp go faster in MTB.
Final act. At the laundry again, through the magic of replayed chapters. We've seen the surrounding bits, so straight to the gift.
A croissant made of pitch black dough. It looks like it's burned, but it doesn't taste bad.
Makkurowassan in Japanese. A portmanteau of makkuro "pitch black" and kurowassan "criossant".

Hey, Naegi. There's something I want to tell you...

Something special... I can only trust you with...

Something special...? What is it?

My true feelings...

...true feelings?

Y'know... I was really disgusted with all of it.

They called me a Super High-school Level whatever, so I got carried away and came running to this school...

But there was always a part of me the wondered if I was doing the right thing...

Are you not sure... about being a model?


The thing about dreams... they should change as you grow as a person.

Kindergarden, primary school, junior high, high school... each era carries its own dreams...

But it wasn't like that for me. Ever since I was a child it was always the same. I've been chasing the same dream...

So, y'know... I never had any doubts about it...

...Isn't that a good thing? It means you're a stable person...

That's also what I thought...

But isn't not being stable exactly what opens up your horizons? If you do and see many things, so many possibilities open up, don't you agree?

I've never done that until now...

I only chased one dream... Never believed in anything other than that tiny world...

I'm not sure if I'm just stressed... but I feel there are so many other things I can do...

I think I want to search for them.

Do you think I'm spoiled, thinking that way?

I... don't think so.

I'm searching for what I want to do myself, in fact...

...and I think I will continue doing that in the future.

I'll always keep on searching. Even after I become an adult. Always...

But, you know, it's not about finding your calling or not...

What's really important is the searching itself.


You said some really cool things just now, y'know? that wasn't my intention...!

You're probably right, though...

Doubt is excellent! Searching is excellent! It makes you happier!

Yeah, I think I'll adopt that way of thinking...

Thank you, Naegi...


In return, even if I decide to kill someone, I'll make sure it isn't you!

Please don't say... scary things...

But, I'm really glad I could talk about this with Enoshima-san. I feel I understand her now...
I think I truly became her friend.

But if I want to think that way, first we need to figure out a way out of here!

I'm going to get it out of him! The way out of this place!
"Get it out of him"... I'm sure there are better ways to find that out...
Oh, well. Enoshima-san has her own ways, and I have mine...
That gave us another skill. Charisma: Usable during school trial. The Expression meter recovers on a correct selection in multiple-choice questions.
That's it for chapter 1! Next time, the story continues.