Part 31: Super High-school Level Update #27
Ding dong ding dong

Good morning, you bastards! Its 7 am in the morning! Time to wake up!

Lets all strive to do our best today!
Well, then. I should get going to the cafeteria...
I followed our daily custom and headed into the cafeteria.

Is that... everyone? There are considerably few of us...
Just as they said yesterday, Togami-kun and Fukawa-san were nowhere to be seen.

The dining table... became larger again...

Three became victims and two more are boycotting the assembly.

With five people gone, its no wonder the table doesnt feel as small as before...

But... even if we leave Togami alone, shouldnt we go call Fukawa-chan here?

Nah, its fine. Shes so tedious.

Thats a cold thing to say so plainly. Its as if youre an iceberg lettuce...

No, iceberg lettuces arent cold! Theyre green!!

...the real problem is that bastard Togami.

If we leave him alone that kid is really going to go and kill someone. He seemed very serious...

We should tie him up with a rope or something...!

T...thats a little too much...

Thats right, Oowada-kun! The scariest thing in this kind of situation is recklessness within a group of peers.

Havent you heard the stories about the activities of radical student movements?!

Aa? What activities and movements are you talking about?! Do you plan to have a rope pulling contest!?
I hate doing a straight translation note, but this one didn't come out as invisible as I like. Ishimaru is talking about the student movements (gakusei undou) of the '60s. There were riots involved, and other things Ishimaru probably doesn't approve of. Oowada heard the word "undou" and thought of an "undoukai" - the sports festival held annually in Japanese schools, where a tug-of-war contest is often an event.

What--? Youre...

A real clueless idiot!!



Hey, whats the matter, Fujisaki-san...? You dont look too good...

Im currently busy... hating myself...

Hating yourself...?

Yesterday... when Togami-kun yelled at me... I got scared and couldnt even answer back...

Oowada-kun had to rise up to defend me... he even called it bullying the weak.....

I really hate it... being so weak...

Ah, I see, so its Oowadas fault you feel down...

Huh, my fault!?

I didnt have any bad intentions, did I!? Isnt it natural for girls to be weak, for the most part!?



H...hey... Are you crying...?

Its because you raised your voice at her, isnt it...?


H...hey, dont cry... I... Im sorry... I wont shout again...

Reeeaaly? You sound veeery suspicious... dont have to be so mean...!

...All right! Ill give you my word as a man!

Your word... as a man...?

I told that story before...

Ever since I was a little boy, it was something my brother always taught me...

A mans word is absolute... Those are the words my brother left me.


Aa... My brother is dead...

Im... sorry...

Well, lets leave that story for another time. I cant let my eyes get wet right now!

But anyway... I will definitely not shout at you again. So you dont have to cry anymore!

Y... yeah...

Thank you... Oowada-kun...


But... I cant go on that way... I must get stronger...

Its no good if I just give up and cry so easily...

But you shouldnt strain yourself just to get a little stronger...

...No, I
want to become stronger.

I think I should also... start working out......

If you are intent on that, I shall be happy to help.

Y...youll ruin her... Youre going to ruin Chihiro-tan!!
I don't think we had -tan before. It's a cutified version of san/chan, used mainly by people who look like Yamada.

...oh, just shut up.

Hee hee... hee hee hee...

Ah, so youre finally laughing?


Thank you, everyone...
Thank god... somehow Fujisaki-san cheered up again...
Thats right... we should support each other that way more often...
If we do so... Im sure some day well be able to escape this place together...
Surely... some day......
But the most worrisome thing...
Are Togami-kun and Fukawa-san, who didnt show up at the cafeteria this morning at all.
What should we do to make those two understand...?
Well then, what should I do today...?
Social linking, that's what! We start with Aoi Asahaina. Take one guess where she is.

Even when things get tough, I must endure! Endure, endure!

That's something Samuel Wanjiru, the marathon runner, said.

But there are limits even to endurance...
The game was written and published a few months before Wanjiru died a tragic death. I couldn't find an English source for that quote. It's probably something he said when living in Japan.
Spend time together / Go somewhere else

So, you want to take a break together?

Ah, if were taking a break, that means...

Yeah! Its time to go swimming in the pool!
I took a break with Asahina-san in the pool.
I feel we became a little closer.
Should I give her a present?
Give / Do not give
Kitten Hairpin: A hair pin with a kitten-shaped badge attached. It's a minor accessory, but it makes girls shine.

Eh!? Is it really okay!? Can I really borrow that!?

Ah~! Im so happy~!
I can't help but feel happy that she's so pleased with it...!

Hmm... Yknow, somehow...

What is it?

I suddenly feel all pumped up!

Eh!? Why!?

Theres no special reason! But since I feel that way, lets have a race or something!

Um... I think Ill pass... its not like I have a chance of winning... that so? Well, maybe I should go run a few laps alone!!

...You know, youre always so full of energy, Asahina-san...

Ah! Why are you saying that...? Are you making fun of me...? I think its admirable...

Are you sure...?

Sometimes guys talk behind my back. They say I am an energetic idiot.

...energetic idiot?

They see me spend the winter wearing shorts, and thats what they say.

Its them who don't have enough energy to win against the weather, though!

But, wont you catch a cold?

Catching a cold means youre too soft! Its better to wear light clothing especially when its cold outside!

Its just one more aspect of my training!
Training... is it...

...Could it be that youre the type who catches a cold easily, Naegi-kun?

Yeah... I get them every winter...

See? Too soft! You dont train enough!

Right! I have a great health trick to teach you! Make sure to try it starting tomorrow!

Eh? A health trick...?

I do it every morning myself.

You strip to the waist, and rub your skin with a dry towel!

Its called...


Huh? What was it...?
Stripping to the waist and rubbing the skin with a dry towel... thats...
Yoga /
Kanpumasatsu / Aodakefumi
Kanpumasatsu is a real thing. Some Japanese believe rubbing your body with a dry towel will keep away the flu and keep you healthy. I haven't tried it myself, so I can't vouch if it works or not. Aodakefumi, by the way, is another health technique where you massage your bare feet on a length of bamboo.

Its kanpumasatsu, isnt it?

Yeah, thats it!

Standing in my apartments porch and doing kanpumasatsu in the early morning breeze...

Its such a great feeling! I did it every morning!
Standing on the porch stripped to the waist...
Is that... really alright...?

You should really try it! Health is the most important thing, yknow!

If you catch a cold here, its me whos going to get worried.
After being introduced to a health trick by Asahina-san, I returned to my room.
We get a skill, Running, which is going to be a lifesaver for me. It's one of the three skills usable outside the courtroom. This one allows me to hold the cross button while moving through the 3D school to go double speed. Incidentally, this one, as well as the hotspot reveal skill we got from Kirigiri earlier, come pre-equipped in the new budget version of the game, and the Social Link events give you an SP upgrade instead.
I still have time today...
Where should I go...?
To see Touko Fukawa, of course. You just can't keep away, Naegi. She's in her room again. She really doesn't go out often.
Lets try the intercom...
* Ding-dong *

W...what is it...? Do you... need something...?
Spend time together / Go somewhere else want to spend time with me...?

I... I dont know what youre scheming, but...

Do... as you please...
I spent some time with Fukawa-san...
I feel we became a little closer.
Should I give her a present?
Give / Do not give
Oblaat: A thin, easily dissolved film made of starch. It's a treasure trove when you have to take a bitter pill or speak ill of somebody.
I don't even know. I looked it up on Wikipedia. You can do the same.

Getting something like that from someone like you...

I...its not like Im happy... its bothersome, really...
I think shes a little happy...?

I was convinced Fukawa-san just plainly didnt like me...

But she doesnt try to avoid me... she doesnt start a conversation either, though.

H...hey... Fukawa-san...

W...what is it? Do you want to ask me something? Is there something about me you want to know, as a friend...!?
Huh? Shes happy...?

Well... I tried to ask you before, but how do you usually spend your time, Fukawa-san?

Im... writing novels... I have a serialization deal in a magazine, so Im very busy...!

I have to both study in school and keep deadlines...! Someone half-witted like you probably wouldn't understand...!

Aa, I did it again...! I said something I shouldnt have again...!

Its probably settled now... you hate me... youre just going to bully me from now on... I dont really mind...

I think writing novels is amazing. And on top of that, to be recognized for them...

But, I wanted to know... how do you come up with the stories?

Are they based on real experience...?

Are you an idiot!?

Fukawa's exact line here is, "Anta, Baka?!". This should be instantly recognizable to Evangelion fans. Anyone else, never mind.

You know this, dont you? I write romance novels...!

How could someone like me base love stories on real experience...?!

Its fantasy! It's all fantasy!

If it's fantasy I can be loved as much as I want! Even when I have no idea how it's done in reality!

Are you saying... only someone who was in many relationships can write romance stories? thats not what I meant...

I... I dont really mind. Im used to being made fun of...

B...but... day Ill show them all... Ill become pretty and show them all!
Leaving me with burning-hot words of revenge, Fukawa-san went away...

After all that... she must hate me even more...
After parting with Fukawa-san, I returned to my room.
This encounter gives us an SP upgrade.
For some reason... I feel a little hungry...
I should go eat something before it becomes Night Time...

I think I'll go visit the cafeteria...
This day isn't over yet! Join us next time, but for now - Happy new year!