Part 41: Super High-school Level Update #37
So we're back at the dorms, based on the hint Yamada gave us that Celes might be here and that she might know something. Maybe she's in the cafeteria.
Nope, but Asahina is here, neglecting her duty looking after Fukawa.

Ah... Asahina-san. Is Fukawa-san okay?

Shes the same as before. It doesnt seem like shes going to come out, and she keeps babbling about Genocider Syo...

...So I decided to leave her alone and came here for a while.

C...came here for what...?

My head is too full of problems right now, and my appetite grew with it.

But when Im done eating Ill go straight back, so dont you worry.

She can be a little rude sometimes, but you cant help but worry, yknow?

By the way... what are you eating?

Isnt it obvious?! Donuts!!
How is that obvious...?

When I heard god created both donuts and the universe, I couldnt help but approve of him.

I... I see...

Fujisaki-chan... probably also wanted to eat more donuts before she died... Its such a shame...

Sigh... I should have tried to be more friendly with her when I had the chance...

By the way, do you know who Fujisaki-san was friends with?

You know, she was kind of weird. She didnt hang out with any of us girls.

It sometimes seemed... as if she was deliberately keeping distance from us...

Yeah, Oogami-san also mentioned it...

She said when you two invited Fujisaki-san to exercise with you, she kept refusing...

Thats right... But it wasnt just us. She kept her distance from all the girls...

Maybe she was just... shy?

...But, you see, she seemed to be able to talk to you guys just fine.

Isnt it strange, being distant from classmates your own sex but totally okay with the opposite?

Oh, wait! Maybe...!

Maybe she was the really flirtatious type. They say a lot of people are the exact opposite of what they look like, right?!
That girl...? I cant even imagine her being that way...
System message posted:
Asahinas testimony was added to your notes.
The next place to look for Celes is the storage room.
There she is.

Celes-san... What are you doing in this place?

This storage room sure is an amazing place... There are all kinds of essential goods stuffed in here.

Everything from food to clothing and towels... It makes things so much easier.

Changing the subject... did you find anything useful for the investigation?

...So youre asking me after all...

I thought Id trick you with my explanation about the storage room, but I guess that was useless.

...So, do you know anything?

Well then, Since youre such a special boy, Ill let you know.

...I saw something last night. Fujisaki-san was in this very storage room...

Eh...? You saw Fujisaki-san!?

It was just before it became Night Time...

Oh, my. And what would you be doing in a place like this at this time of night?, I was just...

Do you intend to go exercising?

Eh!? How did you... know?

I can see it hanging out of your sports bag. The sleeve of a blue jersey...

Oh, it really is hanging out... Thank you...

So, um... I'm in a hurry so I really must go...


She stuffed that jersey into the bag looking like she was in a hurry... It was almost as if she was hiding something.

And then... she left without saying another word.

I was certain she was just preparing to go training the next morning, but...

It seems she chose to ignore our Night Time rule and went training there and then.

Thats what happens... to someone who breaks the rules...

She has only herself to blame...
So, Fujisaki-san definitely...
Sneaked into the girls changing room to do some training... Thats why she deliberately chose to do so during Night Time...
Wait, something is strange, though...
Celes-san saw a sports bag and a jersey, but there is no trace of them at the crime scene.
Did the culprit destroy some evidence...?
System message posted:
Celes testimony was added to your notes.

Ehhh... I am getting bored... We should start the show, dont you think?

The school trial... everyone is waiting for!!

Well then, please go to the usual place!

Enter the red door in the first floor of the school area.

Upupu... Ill see you soon!!
Its starting... The school trial...

So its time again...
That red door... Behind it...

Ehhh--, is everyone here...? Huh!?

Theres someone missing?

Its that girl, Fukawa...

Fukawa, you say...?

Dont you remember her?

Im joking, Im joking! There is no way Id forget!

Fukawa-san is an indispensable part of todays trial, after all!

Well, Im going to go drag her in here. Please wait just a little longer!!
Just as he promised, a few minutes later...
...Monobear came back into the room, dragging Fukawa-san after him.

Uu... uuu......

I... I told you to stop... dragging me like that...

Youre cruel! CRUEL!!

Phew. With that done, were all here!

So, go ahead and step into the elevator in front of you, and lets get this trial going!

Im going up ahead!!

...Well, then. Lets go. We must reveal the culprit who killed Chihiro Fujisaki.
Chihiro Fujisaki-san...
That sweet, kind, weak girl, who couldnt have possibly angered anyone...
Theres a culprit... whod kill someone like her...
That culprit... is someone among us.
Somone... among....
...But before we go in, let's do the usual round of listening to everyone's final thoughts.

I gave you some hints... but you will see my true deductive powers shortly...

Fukawa-san... she doesnt look well...

I dont think her state can be explained by a simple shocked reaction...

I couldn't find anything this time too, after all. Heh heh.

That Fukawa girl... Why the fuck is she acting like that?

Uu... Uuuuuuuuuuu.....

This time I dont even have a guess as for who the culprit might be...

Somehow, we will overcome this! Justice always prevails! Isnt that right, Aniki!!

Chihiro-tan... She was exceptional even for a 3D girl...

Even though... just being 3D made it a little bittersweet...

Lets brace ourselves and jump in, right...?

...Lets get it over with.

Let us reveal the evildoer who would kill the weak.
And that is everyone. All that's left to do is step into that elevator.

We have no choice... but to go on.

Thats right...
I whispered those words quietly...
And then, let out a single big breath and stepped towards the elevator, shivering.
With each step, the beating of my heart grew faster.
And then, when we were all on board...
The elevator started moving.
It carried our whirlpool of emotions, our suspicions and our thougths...
Leaving a clinging noise in our ears, the elevator descended deeper and deeper.
As it went further down, our sense of unease grew larger...
Nevertheless, the elevator continued to descend even deeper under ground...
And then...
It suddenly stopped.

What do you think? I changed the wallpaper! Isnt it fresh? Arent you excited?

Why should we care? Lets get this thing going, quickly.

How nice! Youre full of energy! I like it, keep it that way.

Well then, lets begin!

Go to your assigned seat already, you bastards!
And just like that, it began again...
A courtroom of life and death... Mutual deception of life and death... Betrayals of life and death...
Puzzle solving of life and death... Vindications of life and death.. Trust of life and death...
A School Trial... of life and death....!