Part 46: Super High-school Level Update #42

Oh, I see! She was a man! Thank you very much for your troubles!


Y...youre joking, right?

I never joke!!


A... a man...? Fujisaki-san...?

What? You didnt know? It was obvious from the very beginning!!

Chihiro Fujisaki was a boy in a dress!!

H...he was a crossdresser! This is such a turn on! I should have killed him first...!

I see... so thats what Kirigiri-san wanted to show you...


Upupupu... It really was interesting. The trial is sure to get more exciting now...!

Well, then. Before we lose track of the excitement, lets go back to the courtroom and resume the trial!!
And then, following a brief "loading" screen...

Eh--, sorry to have kept you waiting. Let us resume the trial!

A shocking revelation! Chihiro Fujisaki was a man! Please continue with that in mind!!

I dont know what were his reasons, but Chihiro Fujisaki was male, not female... that much is certain.
I cant believe it... Fujisaki-san was a boy...
I didnt notice it at all...

Furthermore, because the victim was male, he shouldnt have had any problems entering the boys changing room.

If his Electronic Student ID Card was coded for a boy, thats certainly the case...

Of course I gave him a boys Electronic Student ID Card! He was a boy in a dress, after all!

In that case, Naegi-kuns reasoning is free of problems...

The victim was killed in the boys changing room, and then carried to the girls changing room...

When entering the girls changing room, the culprit could easily have used Maizono-sans or Enoshima-sans Electronic Student ID Cards.

So, youre saying the crime scene where Fujisaki-kun was killed really
was the boys changing room!?

As before, we may not fully understand the intent of such an action, but the possibility that thats the case is high.

I see... I did think it was strange...

did feel something was... out of place when I held the body...

This was... certainly an arousing situation, wasnt it...!

But... all the mysteries tied to this revelation are finally clear to me...

I dont care if theyre clear to you or not... What happened to the conclusion that you are the culprit...?

Heh heh... How interesting... This is truly interesting...

Sigh... He seems to have gone into a different world from the rest of us...

What do
you think, Naegi-kun? Do you still think Togami-kun is the culprit?

...I think the one who faked the crime scene to look like Genocider Syos work was unmistakably Togami-kun.

But... but, I...


When all is said and done, I dont think the culprit is Togami-kun...

Huh...? Wasnt it your idea in the first place, Naegi Makoto-dono?

But... Togami-kuns composed demeanor... it seems as if hes enjoying solving this cases riddles...

He acts as if its someone elses business... And acting that way means... means it really is someone elses business?

Furthermore, the evidence Togami-kun left was... somehow too obvious.

He went so far as to use an extension cord we all saw him using...

Its almost as if...


In addition, when we discovered the murder took place in the boys changing room, you started visibly shaking, didnt you...

It was the same when we discovered that Fujisaki-san was a boy...

If you were the real culprit, those facts shouldnt have surprised you...

I see... thats how it is. Its too bad you dont have any concrete evidence to support you, but...

Whatever. I think I can let you know the correct answer now.

The correct answer...?

Its just as Naegi says. I am not the culprit.

I just accidentally found the body in the girls changing room before everyone else, and faked the crime scene. bastard... are you trying to mess with us...?

I am not messing with anyone. This is the truth.

Do... do you think we believe you...?!

If you dont want to believe, thats fine with me. It just means everyone dies here together, doesnt it?

If youre really telling the truth... what made you fake the crime scene?

The reason for that shouldnt bother you... Isnt it much more important right now to catch the real culprit?

Oy, Naegi... if I am not the culprit, who would you say is the real one?

I...I dont think I can answer that, unless we discuss things a little longer...

Are we still going on? Didnt we do that enough? Its pretty clear Togami-chi is the culprit!

...I agree with Naegi-kun. As long as there are still open questions, the best thing to do is to discuss them.

If we make a mistake in judgement here, we are all going to get executed, after all...

...Shes right. I'm also with Naegi-kun.

Of course I also agree!

Dont you have your own free will!?

I do have free will! Im not an insect, right?!

Anyway, lets discuss it again. We cant be too far from figuring out who the culprit is.

That does seem to be the case.

Our lives... depend on it...

Well, then... lets resume our hunting game for the culprit...
But, if Togami-kun isnt the culprit...
Who is the true murderer? The person who killed Fujisaki-san?
At the very least, at this point I can say the culprit was...
Female / Genocider Syo /
If the crime scene was the boys changing room, the culprit needed a boys Electronic Student ID Card to enter...
They couldnt use Kuwata-kuns card, so they must have used their own.
In short, the culprit is probably male...
But, thats not enough. I must find some other clue...
Phase 8 (Youtube via Polsy)
Evidence Bullets: Desk lamp at the library / Disappearing stain / Celes' testimony
Is there
no other clue anywhere that can lead us to the culprit?
Hmhm... if its a clue were looking for...
Maybe someone witnessed the culprit?
If someone did they wouldve said something already, right?
In that case, even witnessing the victim would be satisfactory.
We need every little piece of new information right now, right?
Its useless... As expected, its useless...
After all, the only person who witnessed the victim...
the culprit themselves...
And since theyre not going to say anything...
This is really... the end...
Hiiiii! This cant be then end!!
No one witnessed not only the culprit, but also the victim...
...but, was that really the case?
The Weak Point we have to hit here is both small and moves rapidly away from the camera. This is where the concentration button is of great help.
Evidence Bullet: Celes' testimony
the culprit themselves...

There was some else who witnessed the victim. Isnt that right, Celes-san?

...Now that you mention it, I did see the victim.


Yes. I guess I didnt tell anyone but Naegi-kun about it...

So you didnt know about it? Is that why youre making all that ugly commotion?

That doesnt matter, just tell your story quickly!!

It was just before Night Time yesterday. I witnessed Fujisaki...-kun in the dorms storage room.

He was stuffing a jersey into a sports bag.

It seemed as if he was heading to do some training.

A jersey in a sports bag...? There wasnt any such thing at the crime scene!

The culprit must have disposed of them, in order to get rid of evidence...

At that time... I noticed something he said.

So, um... Im in a hurry so I really must go...

Fujisaki-kun said he was in a hurry.

If he was in a hurry, he may have had someone waiting for him. Dont you think thats plausible?

In short, Fujisaki Chihiro-dono set up a meeting with someone, and went exercising with them...?

Despite refusing mine and Asahinas invitations to train together many times...?

That was because he didnt want to be exposed, wasnt it?

If we turn that around, the person he went to meet must have been someone he really trusted...

Someone he didnt even mind revealing his precious secret to...

Oohoho! A beautiful camaraderie!!

So if we assume that person he was meeting is the culprit, shouldnt we be able to figure it out!?

But, just that clue alone... more than enough, isnt it.


You should already know who the culprit is.


W...who is it?! Who is the culprit!?

Try thinking about the sports bag and the jersey the culprit disposed of...

If you think about their special features, its clear who the culprit is.

...Is that really true?

Can we really know who the culprit is based on evidence thats already destroyed...?

...Are you talking about fingerprints or something?

We dont have any tools, and even if we did its impossible for amateurs like us!!

In any case, that evidence is already gone. You cant take fingerprints from something that isnt there...

Nevertheless, I assure you it can be reasoned out. You will understand once you discuss it well...

J...just by discussing it...?

In that case, I have something to ask Celes-chan... was there anything special about the bag or the jersey?

The bag was... just one of the many normal bags that are in the storage room.

Theres only one type of bag there, so I dont think it had any special features...

If I remember correctly, there were several kinds of jerseys, though...

...which means the jersey Fujisaki took is connected to the culprit in some way?

...In that case, how about trying to discuss that jersey he had?
Theres a clue about the culprit in the jersey Fujisaki-san took...
...Is that really so...? Somehow... I cant believe it...
Phase 9 (1) (Youtube via Polsy)
Evidence Bullets: Desk lamp at the library / Disappearing stain / Celes' testimony
Before the murder, Chihiro Fujisaki...
...decided she wanted to
go training.
At that point, why...
...did he choose that kind of jersey?
What do you mean by that kind of jersey?
I got it! The jersey he chose was...
The same as the one the culprit was wearing!
In short, the culprit...
...has the same
blue jersey as Fujisaki was carrying?
Mine is
I... I dont even have a jersey...
I hate physical activities!
I have a
white jersey.
I took it from the dorms storage room!
Can we really figure out the culprit just from this?
No... Its impossible...
You heard it too, didnt you, Naegi-kun? That persons... carelessness...