Part 47: Super High-school Level Update #43
Phase 9 (2) (Youtube via Polsy)
You heard it too, didnt you, Naegi-kun? That persons... carelessness...
Is she saying... something someone just said was strange?
You all know what it is.
Evidence Bullet: Celes' testimony
...has the same
blue jersey as Fujisaki was carrying?

Wait a second, Oowada-kun! What you said just now... was strange...!

...Aa? What was strange about it?

I mean... when Celes-san told her story earlier...

He was stuffing a jersey into a sports bag.

It seemed as if he was heading to do some training.

She didnt say anything about the jerseys color. So, how did you know...

...that the jersey Fujisaki-san wore was blue?

W...what are you saying... you bastard...!!

Oy, Celes. What color was Fujisakis jersey?

It certainly was... blue...

Did you tell this to anyone else before the school trial began?

I only told it to you, Naegi-kun.

In that case, when did you find out, Oowada? The fact that Chihiro Fujisakis jersey is blue...


H...he probably... found that jersey during the investigation...

No, that cant be right...

We started the investigation after the bag and jersey were already disposed of.

So, he probably found out...

Because he saw Chi-tan before she died! Thats the only way, right?!

Chi-tan... do you mean Fujisaki-chan...?

Well, whats your answer!? Did you or did you not see her jersey?

I... saw it accidentally... yesterday evening.

That kid... I saw him walking down the hallway with it...

...No, thats also not possible. I mean, according to Celes-sans testimony...

She stuffed that jersey into the bag looking like she was in a hurry... It was almost as if she was hiding something.

And then... she left without saying another word.

Fujisaki-san stuffed the jersey into the bag after Celes-san told him it was sticking out.

That means that if you saw him accidentally, you wouldnt be able to tell the color of the jersey inside his bag.

U...gugu...!! just dug your own grave, didnt you?

Was that your plan all along? Is that why you said what you did?

That lie about how if we thought about Chihiro Fujisakis jerseys special characteristics well be able to figure out who he was meeting with...

...I see. So she was bluffing?

Your true goal was to get a slip of the tongue out of someone?

Thats why you said you knew who the culprit is. You tried to get them restless...

Thats right, but...

I was after Oowada-kun from the very beginning. I already knew he was the suspicious one!

Why... why did you think Oowada-kun was suspicious?
This is my big translation failure. This bit of evidence is subtle as hell in the original Japanese, which is why it slipped my mind when I started translating the game. Rest assured, its all fixed now. In fact, its been fixed since before the previous update, when I did a retroactive stealth edit of many updates going back to the beginning of this LP earlier this week. If youre a new reader, rest assure this clue was present.

How did I figure that out?
His words changed / He acted strange / Because I hate Oowada-kun
Yeah, the player is asked a multiple-choice question from Kirigiri's point of view. Note the lack of Naegi's "I got it!" face when you choose correctly.


The reason I thought Oowada-kun was suspicious...

Oowada-kun. You always subconsciously use different words when talking about males and females...

When you speak about girls, you say that girl, but for boys, you use that kid...

After the murder, you started referring to Chihiro Fujisaki as that kid.

Thats when it occurred to me that you may already knew Chihiro Fujisaki was male...
In Japanese, Mondo uses ano onna (that girl) for women (which is why its always been translated that way in this LP), and aitsu, which is a slightly-rude genderless third person pronoun, for men. I originally translated aitsu differently depending on the tone of the entire sentence, and I still do -- in some cases that bastard is much more appropriate, and I dont think he would refer to Monobear as a kid -- but I have now changed the vast majority of it to fit this clue. really noticed such a tiny change in behavior...!?

Is she a witch? Shes such a terrifying woman, isnt she!!

No, its not me who is terrifying...

A truly terrifying person is... one who can kill his friends...


Oowada-kun... Was it... really you?

Did you really... kill Fujisaki-san...?

I... I... I... I...


Its all nonsense! Shes been trying to trick me and use my words against me since the beginning...

Shes treating me like Im some kind of a criminal!?

T...Thats right! My brother will never do such things! Its just a false accusation!!

What I have shown is certainly... weak when taken as concrete evidence. say that so plainly...

So were stuck again... There arent any more clues left.

Heh heh heh, so its finally my turn...

...Thats what its whispering. My ghost.

Now that you mention it, you did tell me before, didnt you? That you found some evidence regarding the culprit...!

Really!? What kind of evidence?


Um, actually, when I think about it calmly, it probably has nothing to do with the case.

...Whats with the sudden loss of self-confidence? Just show us.

I...If you say so... Well...

Um... Thats it...

Hanyanya? Thats...?

Its an Electronic Student ID Card... I found it on the floor and picked it up.
He found it on the floor somewhere? That probably means this is...
Mondo Oowada's card / My card /
Chihiro Fujisaki's card

That must be Fujisaki-sans Electronic Student ID Card. It disappeared from the crime scene, didnt it?

Yes, it did...

So I was right!

Its just as I thought! I was certain it was Fujisaki Chihiro-donos card!

So, theres a clue about the culprits identity on it, right!?

...I thought there might be, but its broken and wont even start up.

After the murder, the culprit probably broke it when they were getting rid of evidence.

...But, thats strange. Those Electronic Student ID Cards cant be destroyed that easily.

Youre absolutely right!

Theyre completely waterproof and highly resistant to shock, so you cant destroy them recklessly...

That said, this Electronic Student ID Card is broken, and so was Kuwata-kuns card at the entrance hall.

You seem so confident... but didnt we just see them broken left and right?

Upupu... it's really puzzling, isn't it...

Well, then. How do you think those Electronic Student ID Cards get broken?
The reason the card broke down? I can think of only one reason...
A cheat code / Hacking /
The card's weak point

You told me that before, didnt you? These Electronic Student ID Cards have a weakness...

Gah! You remembered!?

I...It did slip my tongue before, but Im certain I never told anyone the details of that weakness!

For cards that cannot be destroyed recklessly, we found two of them in succession...

It seems like... someone found out what that weakness is, doesnt it?

Hey, you know what it is, dont you, Monobear? So, what is it?

Eh...? You want me to just tell you...?

In order to make this a fair trial, I think this is essential information...

But... if I tell you that... Ill be in trouble if someone decides to try it out...

Its okay, just tell us! I promise we wont try anything like that!

I guess I have no choice... Im weak to such polite requests. But dont you try it out, okay?

Well, heres my special testimony! My invincible Electronic Student ID Cards one and only weakness is...

When theyre exposed to a high temperature for a long time, they go through a thermal runaway and break down!!

...I thought so!!

...You did?

I mean, I found this Electronic Student ID Card on the floor of the sauna!

The temperature in a sauna can reach a hundred degrees celsius. Dont you think its strange how you dont get burned sitting in it?

Thats because the air surrounding your body contains evaporated sweat, and that humidity protects the skin.

By the way, when the dry air in the sauna comes in direct contact with the skin, it does get burned...

That happens when the air surrounding your body is disturbed. Thats the reason moving around in a sauna hurts.

Thats why you should always stay still and quiet inside a sauna!

I see! I learned something new today!!

Its just useless trivia, though!

But, if the victims Electronic Student ID Card was discovered in the sauna...

Maybe the culprit wanted it destroyed... He aimed directly for that weakness...

That means the culprit already knew about the Electronic Student ID Cards weakness.

But, how could the culprit know? Monobear just said he didnt tell anyone, right?

This is a mystery, indeed...

What if they found by accident?

...What do you mean, by accident?

On some occasion, the culprit broke an Electronic Student ID Card in the sauna by accident.

Thats how they found out about the cards weakness...

And then... when they needed to destroy Chihiro Fujisakis card... they knew what to do.

...Thats a possibility, but who would do such a thing?

Who would bring their card into the sauna in the first place and break it...?

I think I know who that is.

Are you serious!?

Theres just one person I can think of. Someone who probably brought their Electronic Student ID Card into the sauna...

Someone who probably took their Electronic Student ID Card into the sauna...
Its that person... It can be no one but them...!
For the second time this trial.

Oowada-kun... It was you who broke his Electronic Student ID Card in the sauna, wasnt it?

...W...w...what are you saying!?


You and Ishimaru-kun had your endurance test in the sauna, didnt you?

That evening, Oowada-kun entered the sauna without removing his clothes...

That Electronic Student ID Card... was probably in your pocket at that time, wasnt it.

Thats how you found out, Oowada-kun... That the cards break in the sauna...


Wait, wait... My brother, killing someone...?

I... dont want to believe it myself. But...
But... I know how to prove it...
Phase 10 (Youtube via Polsy)
Evidence Bullets: Broken Electronic Student ID Card / Asahina's testimony / Genocider Syo file / Fujisaki's Electronic Student ID Card / Card readers
If Naegi-kuns reasoning is correct...
Oowada-kun, for a while now,
had his own Electronic Student ID Card broken...
In short, if Oowada-kuns Electronic Student ID Card is broken...
It means the reasoning is correct.
My Electronic Student ID Card
works just fine...
Naegi-kuns conclusion is
wrong after all!
My brother will never kill anyone!
I dont want to believe Oowada-kun killed another person as well...
But... I know how to prove this...
The game takes the difficulty one step up now, with 5 evidence bullets at our disposal, many of them related to the cards. There's also the possibility we need to grab an evidence bullet from the discussion itself!
Evidence Bullet: Broken Electronic Student ID Card
My Electronic Student ID Card
works just fine...

Is that Electronic Student ID Card youre carrying really your own, Oowada-kun...?

...W...what do you mean!?

That broken card in the entrance hall...

Isnt it really your own card...?

W...what are you trying to say...!?

Im saying Oowada-kun replaced his card.

He replaced his own broken Electronic Student ID Card with Kuwata-kuns...

Monobear did say something like that, didnt he? That Kuwata-kuns card wasnt broken at all.

Thats right! It couldnt have been broken just from that execution!

In short, the broken card in the entrance hall was really Oowada-kuns Electronic Student ID Card...

And the one Oowada-kun is carrying right now is really Kuwata-kuns Electronic Student ID Card?

But, isnt swapping the cards against the school rules? Its forbidden to lend the card to anyone...

Heres my judgement on that matter...

The school rule says its forbidden to lend the card to another person, but is someone dead another person...? No, they are already nothing of the such....

This gray zone is fine! If it gets things more interesting, anything is fine by me!!

And so, I judge that swapping your card with a dead persons is not against the school rules!

So what do you say, Oowada-kun...? If my conclusions are wrong, please tell me...?

I wont mind... if theyre wrong...!

W...whats wrong, brother? Just say it... say that hes wrong...

Thats right... hes wrong... its obvious that hes wrong...!

Theres something decisively wrong about your reasoning somewhere!! Its all a frame-up!!

...In that case, should I summarize this case once more time from the very beginning?

Whether my conclusion is right or wrong... will be made perfectly clear...!
Climax Inference (Youtube via Polsy)
You should really watch that video up there!
Well, then, lets start with what happened before the murder...
Last night, Celes-san found Fujisaki-san in the storage room, didnt she?
At that time, Fujisaki-san put something in a sports bag she held...
Thats right, it was a blue jersey. Celes-san, you did see it, right?
Carrying that bag, Fujisaki-san ignored our Night Time rule and headed to a certain place.
That was the changing room. Specifically, it was the boys changing room.
But, how could the victim, who was a girl, enter the boys changing room...?
It was because she... no,
he was male.
Thats why he was able to use his own Electronic Student ID Card to enter.
Fujisaki-san was meeting someone in the boys changing room. That someone is this cases culprit!
The culprit probably took advantage of a moment Fujisaki-san wasnt paying attention, and using a dumbbell as a weapon...
...Hit him on the head.
At that time, some blood splattered on the poster and the carpet in the boys changing room.
It was probably an impulsive murder... its just too random to have been planned ahead, isnt it?
Thats why the culprit, in their state of confusion, took action to disguise the crime scene. First, he collected the blood-stained carpet... well as the poster...
And then, the culprit carried the dead body into the girls changing room.
They needed a girls Electronic Student ID Card to enter that room, of course, but...
That doesnt limit the culprit to being a girl.
Maizono-sans and Enoshima-sans cards were in the letterbox at the entrance hall, after all...
Using them, a boy could easily enter the girls changing room.
Then, the culprit who entered the girls changing room...
Used the poster and carpet they collected previously, and did a certain thing.
He exchanged the girls and the boys changing rooms... In short, he moved the crime scene!
But, thats not how this case ended...
The case became much more complicated by the intervention of Togami-kun, who first discovered the body...
Togami-kun, who entered the crime scene...
Used the extension cord that was in the library and did a certain thing.
...Thats right, Togami-kun used the cord to crucify Fujisaki-sans body.
In addition, Togami-kun used the victims blood to leave a message in the crime scene.
Its as if he wanted to make us thing it was Genocider Syos doing!
And then, at the same time... Just as Togami-kun was busy faking the crime scene...
The culprit, who destroyed Fujisaki-sans sports bag, came into the sauna room.
They wanted to destroy the last piece of evidence... that is, Fujisaki-sans Electronic Student ID Card.
And just like they intended, that Electronic Student ID Card broke down by the heat in the sauna.
The culprit knew that would happen. They knew the cards break down in the saunas heat.
They knew that because their own Electronic Student ID Card was already broken down in that place.
...And thats the entire story of this case, isnt it?
Isnt it? Mondo Oowada-kun!!

Gu... Guuuuu...!!

W...wait... thats impossible...

That's right... W...wheres your proof...?


If you dont have any proof dont try to blame it all on my brother!!
The proof that Oowada-kun is the culprit... that was already established in the last debate.
If we check something he has on him, everything... will be made clear...
Tutorial posted:
We will now introduce Fever Time and Negative Time.
If you push the R button during a Machine Gun Talk Battle section...
Fever Time will activate with the fastest, most compelling tempo.
During fever time, you will never miss as long as you push the correct buttons.
Just by pushing circle, triangle, circle, triangle in succession, you may be able to break your opponent and win.
That said, Fever Time will only last as long as your concentration meter is full. Please judge the time to use it well.
Of course, if only you gain the use of a special ability, this battle becomes unfair, and so...
Your opponent also has a special ability, called Negative Time.
When your opponent activates Negative Time..
The tempo markers disappear, and pushing the buttons with correct timing becomes difficult.
Its exactly at that time that using Fever Time may be advantageous...
By the way, if your action difficulty level is set to "Kind", your opponent will never use Negative Time.
Phase 11 (Youtube via Polsy)
Watch the video to see how I do!
If you dont have any proof dont try to blame it all on my brother!!
Evidence Bullet: Broken Electronic Student ID Card
My recording setup doesn't let me listen to the game's audio. I do these rhythm games blind. Er, deaf.

If what Im thinking is correct...

Oowada-kun swapped his broken Electronic Student ID Card with Kuwata-kuns.

So... lets all present our cards...?

If we do that...

...That wont be necessary.


Yeah, thats right...

I... killed him......
Next: Revelations. Honestly!