Part 48: Super High-school Level Update #44

Brother... What are you saying...?

If... if it came to this, there's nothing left for me but to give up...

Oy, Monobear... start it, will you?

Start that vote...!


W...wait... wait a second...!

No, I will not wait!

Well, then. Let's start voting! Please use the buttons in front of you, you bastards!

What will the results be?!

Will they be right or wrong...?!

Let's find out!!
Voting time! (Youtube via Polsy)

Lookie here... you've got it right this time too!!

That's right... The culprit who killed Chihiro Fujisaki...

...Was Mondo Oowada!!


By the way, the vote was not unanimous. Ishimaru-kun alone voted wrong!

Ishimaru-kun, that was a close one! Please pay more attention next time!!

I... I won't believe it...

My brother... killing someone......

I'm sorry...

W...why are you apologizing?!!

Why! Why! Why! Why! Why! Why!




Well, Oowada-kun decided to use his right to keep silent, so let me explain in his place...

The reason for today's murder... starts with the sad tale of two men.

Ah! If anyone doesn't want to hear it, they should push the X button to skip.

Once upon a time, there was a boy...

The boy's name was Chihiro Fujisaki...

He had an extreme complex about his own "weakness".

"You should act more manly..."

Ever since he was young boy, people kept saying those words to him. But since he was never able to conquer his own weakness...

He hid his own self by becoming "even weaker"...

...By becoming a girl.

That was his chosen "escape route".

If I do that... no one can ever tell me to "act more manly" anymore...

But... it didn't matter how much he wrapped himself in a shell...

The roots of the complex that lied deep inside him could not be swept away so easily.

When all is said and done, that shell was an empty one...

Instead of disappearing, Fujisaki-kun's complex just grew stronger and stronger.

I am... weak...

Weak Weak Weak Weak Weak Weak Weak Weak Weak Weak Weak...

And when he found himself in this "School life of mutual killing", he came to realize something.

We live in a world where the strong prey upon the weak. If he couldn't get stronger, he could not survive...

Furthermore, the extremely charming Monobear made his announcement at his "embarrasing memories" exposure event...

At that time, Fujisaki-kun's embarrassing memory Monobear planned to expose was...
"Instead of being more manly he wears woman's clothes"

That was the one secret Fujisaki-kun definitely never wanted anyone to discover...

If that happened... that shell he protected, that suit of armor would be ripped off...

He would undoubtedly be tortured by everyone around him more than ever before.

Faced with this predicament, he should have fallen deeply into despair... that's what everyone thought.


Um... Im sorry... I dont want to talk right now... B... but...

...I think its no good if we continue acting this way. I promise Ill reveal my secret later...

Ill do my best... become stronger... and tell everyone...

Irritatingly, he found courage when his secret was about to be revealed, and made a resolution to become stronger!

This is the time... I will not be broken by this...

I can become stronger... and turn into my true self...

I won't mind if anyone says I should be more manly ever again... I can change!!

Thinking that way, he decided to take action straight away.

And then...

He decided to start training from that day on. He thought he could improve both his body and his soul...

But, sadly...

His first training session turned out to be his last!

When Fujisaki-kun decided to start training, he thought he had to ask for someone's help.

At first, he could reveal his secret to that person alone, and train with them.

And the person he chose was...

It was me...!

Yes, that's right.

It was that gang leader who kept talking about "keeping a man's word"...

He was sure his secret would be safe if it was him he revealed it to.


In addition, Mondo Oowada was the very image of manliness Fujisaki-kun so admired.

I'll gather my courage... and reveal it to Oowada-kun first.

And then... I'll ask him to help me become stronger!

That's what it means to "admire" someone...

His image was something Fujisaki-san couldn't ever possibly reach, and that image alone swam in his mind...

So, You did "that thing" in order to keep a promise, didn't you, Oowada-kun?

..."That thing"?

Are you talking... about how he moved the body from the boys' changing room to the girls' changing room?

...Yes, that's it.

Um... Didn't he do that... to keep suspicion away from him...?

That was probably part of it... but it wasn't the only reason.

He also wanted to keep his and Chihiro Fujisaki's "man's promise" to keep his secret.

How does moving the body help with keeping the secret?

Because, if Chihiro Fujisaki was killed in the boys' changing room...

The question "how could she enter that room" would surely be raised, wouldn't it?

If that happened, his true nature would be revealed quickly. That's why...

He moved the body to the girls' changing room and destroyed his Electronic Student ID Card. He did it so that secret could be kept.

Well, Oowada-kun... Is that why you did it? To keep a "man's promise" with someone you just killed?


Why... did you do it?

The more I listen to this story the more I don't understand!! Didn't you two trust each other!?

In that case... why did you do it...?


I didn't want it revealed... No matter what...

As expected, that was the trigger...

"Embarrassing memories" and "hidden pasts" were about to be revealed...

T...that's silly...! That's not a good enough reason...!

To kill just for the sake of a memory or something in your past...

That's not a good enough reason!!

...I remember saying this to all of you already.

Judging things based on your own standards is sheer stupidity.

Even if you didn't have something worth killing for, he did. That's all there is to it.

Well, let's get to that story now.

The memory and past Oowada-kun didn't want revealed to the world...

You see, Oowada-kun...

"Killed his own big brother"!!


Oowada-kun, who now has every delinquent in the country wrapped under his finger as a "Super Hish-school Level Gang Leader"...

The reason he joined a motorcycle gang in the first place was because of a "certain person".

It was his big brother, Daiya Oowada-kun...

Mondo-kun respected his brother from within his heart. It was his influence that made him start riding a motorcycle.

For Mondo-kun, who grew up in a troubled family, the only person he could really trust and look up to without question was his big brother.

He followed his big brother around, and kept imitating him...

Mondo-kun was that kind of a little brother.

And then, that big brother, full of charisma and charm, formed a motorcycle gang...

Which soon grew to be Japan's largest.

Big brother Daiya Oowada was that gang's Number One... Little brother Mondo Oowada was that gang's Number Two...

At first, all was well...

But when it came time for Big Brother to retire, and Mondo Oowada was set to become the gang's second leader...

Big Brother's greatness pressed on him, and hit Mondo-kun hard!
"A little brother will always be Number Two..."
"This is the team Daiya made on his own. Mondo was just a bonus..."
"He's trusting that dude as the second leader...?"
"This gang is sure to grow weaker from now on..."

These words that the gang members spoke among themselves found their way into Mondo-kun's ears every day.

And that's why...

I... must become stronger than Aniki...

That's why... just once...

I must... win against him...

It doesn't matter what it takes, I must win against him!!

And so, on the evening his big brother's retirement was celebrated, Mondo-kun challenged him to a motorcycle race!

But, during that race a tragedy occurred...

As a result of riding too recklessly in order to win, a truck came racing straight toward Little Brother Mondo...

But, just then!!

As he was held in his little brother's arms... Big Brother said one final thing.

I... I'm sorry... I messed it up... I'm sorry......

Even though he knew the accident was Mondo-kun's fault, Big Brother didn't even think to blame him.

Oy... Promise me... Don't let the gang break up......

It's a gang... "You and I" made together, after all...

M...make me a promise...

A promise... between... two men......

Mondo-kun decided to hide the accident's true cause from his gang-mates.

In order to keep his promise to his big brother, and protect the group...

...He couldn't tell anyone how his own "weakness" was the reason his brother was killed!

And, as a result...

The gang was together once again, led by "the little brother who beat his big brother".

"Feeling he was about to lose, he started riding recklessly and caused his own death..."

That became Daiya-kun's cause of death... And Mondo-kun's lie became the truth.

That's the way Mondo-kun resolved to paint his big brother's death with lies, and keep the gang alive!!

I am... strong...

Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong...


When he found himself in this "School life of mutual killing", he came to realize something.

It doesn't matter how strong he was, his existence was just like any other easily killed "weak being"...

Furthermore, the extremely charming Monobear made his announcement at his "embarrasing memories" exposure event...

At that time, Oowada-kun's embarrassing memory Monobear planned to expose was...
"Mondo Oowada killed his big brother"

I... I couldn't... let my gang mates find out... at any cost...

...If they do, it's the end of the gang.

The gang me and Aniki built will crumble down...

Aniki's death... that guilt I've carried on my own for so long... it would all be for nothing...

T...that's why...

That's why I...!! I...!!


From the moment I heard about Monobear's "secret exposure"...

My mind became hazy and fear chilled me to my bones...

It was... the first time in my life I got that scared......

I... didn't know what I should do...

And in my confusion... that haziness and fear...

Quickly changed into gigantic dread!

...That's when it happened.

Fujisaki asked me to train with him...

And then... he revealed his secret to me...

A...are you serious...?

Y...yeah... I'm sorry I deceived you...

B...but... why?

Why did you suddenly... decide to reveal your secret?


I mean... Isn't it a secret you kept for a long time? If you reveal it now... you...'re right... but...

...I want to change.

I want to destroy that weak part of myself that always uses lies to escape...!
Those words... pierced me.
I felt as if... everything I did was tossed away.

I think I must change. I'm weak, after all...

But, you know? You're so strong, Oowada-kun. I'm sure you're going to be just fine, right?

Whatever that secret Monobear is going to reveal is.


Are you saying... you want me to tell you?

Since I'm really strong... I should let you know my secret?

It was jealousy...
I was... jealous of Fujisaki's strength...
The strength to face his own weakness, and decide to overcome it...!
A strength I lack...
That strength made me jealous.
And that jealousy... broke me......

Are you... being sarcastic...?

I'm strong, huh...? Are you making... fun of me...?

I... I'm not being sarcastic... I mean, I really do think you're strong, Oowada-kun...
And with an oozing, disgusting sound, something started to squeak...
Something... inside my head......

What are you... scheming to do to me...?

Tell me... what do you plan to do?

Are you going to reveal my secret... and make a fool out of me...?

W...what's wrong?

Why... did you tell me? Are you trying to mock me?

I... I just really admire you... Oowada-kun...

You're so strong... and I admire you...

You've got that right... I'm strong...

Strong... I'm strong...
Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong

Stronger than you...!


My memories after that moment are gone...

When I came to my senses... H...his bloody body was lying before my feet......

I had... a dumbbell in my hand... and I was looking down... at his body...


I... killed him......

I ended up killing... Chihiro Fujisaki...

Because I could never conquer my own weakness...!

That's why I did such a terrible thing!!
He has an exterior that always seems so strong...
But also something weak inside him, supported by secrets and lies...
And, that weak part of his heart...
That bastard... stabbed it so cruelly...
That bastard...!!


Take a good look, everyone! That's what you all amount to!

Just for the sake of simple memories and hidden pasts...

You think nothing of taking another's life!

It doesn't matter how much time passes, you can't cut your lingering for the outside world... In addition, you don't understand the true meaning of being strong.

How could anyone ever think such kids ever had "hope" in them?!!

Y...You bastard...!

You bastard, don't mess with us! Try saying that one more time!!

Fine. I will say it as many times as you want! But that will have to wait for now...

...We don't have time for that now! It's almost time for our punishment!


An execution...!?

I did promise you, didn't I? A culprit who breaks the public order will be dealt with.


Today, I prepared a special punishment for Mondo Oowada-kun, the Super High-school Level Gang Leader!!

W...wait... Wait one more second......

Here I go! It's punishment time!

I told you to waaaaaaaait!!


I'm sorry, Aniki...

I couldn't keep... our man's promise......
"Motorcycle Death Cage" (Youtube via Polsy)

O, death, such a soothing solution... May your soul rest in peace...

It... can't be... brother is......
The second murder... and then the second execution...
I felt it all over again.
In this place... people's lives are cheap......
So cheap it may cause something to go wrong in your head...
Preposterously cheap...


As we heard Ishimaru-kun's agonized scream, we all felt sick...
Nevertheless, that kid alone...

...It's come far too quickly. This game's curtain call.


You're... insane... How is this a game? Aren't our friends dead?

That's to be expected. It's a "game of life and death", after all...

I don't really want to know what goes inside your head. I don't want to, but...

...I don't get it.

Why did you intentionally distort Oowada-kun's actions?

You're asking why...?

Isn't it obvious? It was interesting.
His voice was quiet, but... it made me shudder.

Yesterday night, when the murder happened, I was sitting in the second floor library, as I always do...

So you also... disregard our Night Time rule...

I don't remember ever agreeing to any such rule.

Well, there's nothing I can do. Go on with your story, please.

The night grew deep, and just when I was on the way back to my room, I accidentally saw him.

I saw Oowada-kun, leaving the girls' changing room...

After he was gone, I peeked inside and discovered the body.

Huh!!? You were a witness!?

He really was a simpleton. He never even noticed I saw him...

So... you knew who the culprit was from the very beginning?

That's right, but isn't letting it all end with that far too boring?

A game where the answer can be told from the very beginning... is just a simple waste of time.

That's why.... I added my own special touch to it.

To make it more exciting...

You did it... just for your own excitement!?

Since you just heard from Fukawa-san about her being Genocider Syo, you decided to use it to your advantage...

...And made the crime look like her doing?

But... if things didn't go the way they did... you could have ended up dead, 'right?

If things came to that, I would have revealed the true answer.

It's just...
Togami looked straight at me.
His sharp gaze stabbed me deeply...

Thanks to someone's superiority, that wasn't necessary. It was a really good simulation.

So now, I now know who I should be careful around the most... when I am actually the culprit.


I see... So that's why you did it...

...Are you satisfied?

Yes... You can stop talking now.


I have something I want to ask... Monobear.

So now it's me you're after?

You've done them twice now... Those exceedingly extravagant "punishments".

I want to know... why?

Upupu, they caught your interest?

You see, those things are not only your punishments... They're not only your despair...

They are punishments and despair for the entire human race!

That's quite bombastic, isn't it...

It's not bombastic at all!

My punishments are designed to "turn all hope into despair"!

...What do you mean?




You keep asking for Meaning Meaning Meaning Meaning Meaning Meaning Meaning Meaning Meaning Meaning...

Aaaah, I've had it!! There isn't any meaning in being so obsessed with meaning!

It doesn't really matter either way...

I will win this game, after all. When I do, I'll understand everything...

Oooh, Mr. Heir... You get me, don't you!

Upupu, I feel like you and I are of the same mind!

...Stop it. I am nothing like a childish criminal like you.

Furthermore, let me warn you...

After I win this game, you're next.

Do you understand? I will kill you.

The name "Togami" is always fated for victory!

How cool! It's as if you're the main character! It's too bad they made you a supporting cast!

I'll kill you... I'll definitely kill you...!!

Upupu... you get mad so easily. Are you lacking calcium?

Upupu... Upupupupupu...!

Fujisaki-san and Oowada-kun's case closed with Monobear's booming laugh...
But... that wasn't the end...
Our school life of mutual killing didn't end there...
There was still so much ahead.
The worst kind of despair gained speed and engulfed all of us, the survivors...
We were like small puppies thrown into hell, not knowing if tomorrow will come...
Our "courage" and "friendship" and "cooperation" thrown into chaos...
...The worst kind of despair.

But, you know, despite it all...

We're keeping good pace. Yes, it's an excellent pace!

Now that I think about it... We have that girl's great achievement in the first murder to thank for keeping us away from a stalemate, don't we?

Once she got things started, it became a roller-coast ride. It can no longer be stopped.

We can push our way ahead with despair and fear, at an unprecedented speed...

But, it's a real shame...

Even though I sent you to work from the inside, your intended role is already gone...

I mean, originally, it was you who was supposed to light that spark...

Oh, well...

There's nothing we can do, so please just continue keeping things exciting within the group.

That's what... everyone is looking forward to, after all...


I have... one question to ask you......

If it's not about my three sizes, go ahead and ask.

Who... is it...?

"The 16th student"...?


You managed to surprise me!

I let you ask that question, but...

I refuse to answer! I ultra-refuse! I mean, that's the ace in my sleeve!

There's no fool who reveals their ace ahead of time, is there? Not even to a "friend"!

Upupu... Upupupupu.....

Students still alive: 10
Game system posted:
You got the present, "Crazy Diamonds"