Part 61: Super High-school Level Update #54
Pre-vacation quick update!
*Ding dong ding dong*

Good morning, you bastards! Its 7 am in the morning! Time to wake up!

Lets all strive to do our best today!
Its morning... I should go to the cafeteria.

Today Ishimaru-kun and Kirigiri-san arent here...

Kirigiri-chi is watching that room.

We do not know what Ishimaru is up to...

Meh. We should just let him be.... That idiot!

Youre... surprisingly angry, arent you...

Its unavoidable. Were talking about rivalry in love, right?

Dont put that virgin and me in the same group! His virginity will reflect on me!

I dont think its as much a reflection as it is that you
are one, right...?

Wait a second, are you saying that kind of thing is that easy to tell!?

...Please let us not continue this unseemly conversation, and just enjoy breakfast.
But, just when we decided to finally start eating...

...Eh? That voice just now...
And immediately, the cafeterias doors flew open with impressive vigor, revealing two figures...


So it
is you, Genocider Syo. And furthermore...

You dont have to ask why Im with her. I will not bother to answer.

Ill give you a hint...

Im wearing red lingerie this morning!!

We... didnt ask...

Hey, you!!


Your battle strength, from the top, is 88 - 57 - 84... Youre the type that looks thinner with clothes on, arent you!!

Speaking of, about those boobs of yours! Id like to soak in a bathtub of milk - can you make that happen?!

S...shes scary...!

If you touch Asahina... you will be dealt with!

So, what do you want?

I cant believe you came here just to have breakfast with us.

Of course I didnt. I came to hear your story.


I feel theres something going on that no one told me about...
Is he talking about... Alter Ego...?

...I am sorry, but we cannot talk now.

And why is that...?

We have our reasons.

So you didnt want anything to do with us until now, and you expect us to suddenly tell you everything?

Its decided. Once I leave this place, Im feeding your body to wild birds.

Hes using methods of a dictatorship!?

You sure have a nice democracy here. You wont even share information with someone who isnt in your little group...

T...thats not what were trying to do...

Do as you please. But can you at least tell me whats going on with Ishimaru?

I saw him walking around yesterday, but something about him was strange.

Im afraid Ishimaru-kun is beyond help now.

W...wait, Celes-san! Dont say such things!

So he couldnt take it anymore, and got his spirit broken?

People who swing that cheap sense of justice around like he used to are always the easiest to break.

Nevertheless, it makes things more interesting.


Let me warn you. Dont let yourself rely on a fake sense of friendship.

...It may just come back and kill you.

So you came all the way here just to say some nasty things again?

It seems I am not liked around here. In that case, let me make you all more comfortable by taking my leave.

Yeah, lets go.

...You dont have to come.

Hey, Byakuya-sama... Lets skip the part where we pretend to hate each other and go straight to the lovey-dovey...

Youre not making any sense...
Togami-kun finished talking, slowly turned his body around...
...and then unexpectedly took off with a sudden burst of speed, sprinting out of the cafeteria.

He ran away...?

I see... hes the type that runs when they're too embarrassed to confess their love...

Wait for me wait for me wait for me wait for me!! Gyahaahaahaahee!!, so...

What just... happened...?

Hes going through... that thing, right?

You mean the trope where renegade characters become incompetent or has a personality change just before major developments?

Those of us remaining at the cafeteria finished our breakfast, and then went back to our rooms.
Um, so what should I do today?
Yes, it's time for another vote! You can take your time this time around. See you in two weeks!