Part 63: Super High-school Level Update #56
We're off to the cafeteria.

Oh, Naegi-chi!

Hagakure-kun...? So, that note in my room...

Yeah, I wrote it.

I wasnt expecting that kind of penmanship from you...

I was taught sloppy handwriting can bring a curse upon you, right?
...By who, your first-grade teacher?

...So, what do you want from me?

I just wrote what Kirigiri-chi asked me to.


Im only the messenger here.

But leaving that aside, how do you feel about going for a nice bath?


Right. Lets go!

Um, I dont think...
Hagakure-kun drew near me, and whispered in my ear.

Im just acting so the mastermind wont notice... Everyone is already there...
Everyone is at the public bath...?
Does that mean... Alter Egos analysis is finally over...?

...Sure, Hagakure-kun! Lets go to the bath together!!
I made that declaration loudly, and then...
Me and Hagakure-kun hurried to the public bath.
As soon as we entered the locker room, a loud yelling voice reverberated through the room.

Hey, you bastards! How long were you thinking to keep us waiting?!!
Ishimaru-kun raised an irritated voice at us as he checked his wristwatch.

Its almost 10pm! Time for all good kids to be in bed!!

Oh, shut up, you...

...Whats that!? Are you going to cry...?

Ishimaru... I see your condition is as grave as was reported.

That said, its not so bad. You finally built some character.

What was that, you fucker?! Dont speak to me as if you have something rotten stuck between your teeth!!

How rude. A dung beetle like you speaking that way to someone as grand as Byakuya-sama...

Oh my. It seems were back to gloomy Fukawa-san. Its difficult to tell the difference sometimes.

S...shut up...!

Um, I think everyone is here! If thats so, my role as a messenger is over, right?

Kirigiri, it was you who requested this meeting. What do you have to say?

Isnt it obvious?! Its all about Alter Ego!

Yeah! Did it finally find something helpful!? What is it? The masterminds identity? A way out?

Before hearing what Kirigiri has to say, we have a chance to talk to everyone, so let's do that.

Grrr... Hes so annoying...

W...what do you want...? Arent you speaking to the wrong person...?

Has Alter Ego honestly discovered something? Kirigiri has a strange expression on her face...

Its almost 10pm, you know! Just get on with it!!

We finally found something helpful, didnt we!

Lets have Kirigiri-chan tell us all about it already!

...its nearly Night Time.

Lets get this over with quickly.

Kirigiri-chi sure likes to stage these dramatic moments, doesnt she.

Does she really have such an incredible announcement to make?!

Whatever it is you want to talk about, I hope it isnt boring.
That's everyone. Let's talk to the person we're supposed to.

Its gone...


I found out when I came in here to check on things earlier this evening...

Alter Ego... the laptop... disappeared...


Y...youre bluffing, right...!?


Eh...? Eh...? Shes... not here...?

Dont mess with me! Where did you take my brother!?

Its probably the masterminds doing, isnt it? Perhaps he noticed what was going on?

Alter Ego said it would give a shout if anyone it didnt recognize came into the locker room...

If it was the mastermind who took the laptop, I should have heard something.

Maybe... you missed it?

I was in the laundry room next door all day. I couldnt have missed something like that.

B...but... If it wasnt the mastermind...

...I have already solved this mystery. It is you who is the culprit!

Ishimaru Kiyotaka-dono! Youre the villain who took her away, arent you!?

Aaa!? Im a Super High-school Level Hall Monitor! Its my job to keep things in order!! I will never be a culprit!!

Youre sure full of yourself, arent you.

If anyone here is suspicious, its you... Your face and your 100 percent body fat tell me the whole story!

What was that?! This isnt even my true form! I still have three transformations left in me!

...I mean, it wasnt me!! Im sure its you who is the culprit!!

Nonsense! Its you!!

Um, I dont think anyone is going to confess here, so how do we decide which one it is?

I think the probability its either of them is low.

Eh!? Why do you say that!?

I told Alter Ego to raise its voice if either Ishimaru-kun or Yamada-kun came into the locker room. did what!?

I felt there was danger one of you would try to take it away, so I took some precautive measures.

Nevertheless, it never yelled...

That means it wasnt either of them.

So... who was it?

I think I have it...

If it wasnt the mastermind, and it wasnt Ishimaru or Yamada, it must be one of the remaining students.

Me. Naegi. Celes. Oogami. Asahina. Fukawa... The culprit is in this list.

Why would any of us do such a thing?! We have no reason to!

How about this possibility...?

...We have a traitor among us.


One of us is working for the mastermind... That is, theyre a mole...

And it was they who took Alter Ego away...

...Doesnt that make sense?

T...that cant be...!

Ive been thinking about it for a while now. There could be someone among us working for the other side...

The mastermind may be employing someone to make sure this game runs smoothly...
A traitor...? A mole for the mastermind...?
I cant believe... that thats true...
Such a... terrible thing...
...It cant be true!

...Why are you all so quiet? Didnt any of you think of that possibility before?

I dont care!!

I dont... care...

I dont care who... just save her...

Please save her...

Please... I beg of you......

Bring that angel back to me...

I feel the same...

If I lose my brother again... I dont know what Ill do...

Please... If anyone saves my brother... I wont even mind bowing down before them...

I hate to admit it, but I think I understand how they feel...

At the very least the chances that Alter Ego has been destroyed are very low at this point.

If that was the culprits goal, it would serve them much better to just destroy it in this room.

That means the culprit had some other goal in mind.
A different goal...?

...that doesnt matter right now... None of it matters...

I will definitely bring brother back!! Thats what a mans promise is all about!!

Ill show you! Ill save her! With the power of love!!
*Ding dong ding dong*

Ehhh.... This is a school announcement. It is now 10pm.

Night Time begins now.

The cafeterias doors will be locked shortly. You are forbidden to enter it.

Well then, good night. I wish you all have pleasant dreams...

So its already Night Time...

Im sorry, but can we leave the investigation for tomorrow? Lets all go get some rest.

How can you say that so calmly...?!

It will be much more efficient to work during the day than to run around tired.

This isnt about efficiency! Its all about the attitude!!

If we all move around during the night, the mastermind is sure to notice something is wrong...

Im in agreement. We should postpone the investigation until tomorrow.

...Naegi-kun, what do you think?

Yeah... I think I agree...

If the mastermind notices, we lose everything...

Ishimaru-kun, Yamada-kun... I know how you feel, but...

Just try to endure for one night.



Well then, lets all go get some sleep.

We start looking for Alter Ego first thing tomorrow morning.

I also suggest you all think hard about who might be the masterminds mole...

Alter Ego, suddenly gone...
The single point of hope we held...
Snatched away from us by someone.
We were given hope only to be slapped down by despair. Its just like...
...Just like the masterminds methods...
Was Alter Ego really taken by... someone working for the mastermind...?
If thats really the case......

I wont believe it! It cant be true!!
I suddenly raised my voice without noticing.
The problem isnt whether theres a mole among us or not.
The really scary things...
Are the feelings of suspicion that are sure to creep up between us......
...That is what scares me the most.

As troubling thoughts floated inside my head, I fell down into the bed.
And then... drifted into light sleep...

With each era, the values of killing change within society.

If killing is proof of disorder, all of historys heroes would have to be put on trial.

It is indeed the unjudged killings, rather than the judged ones, that are the true cases of disorder.