Part 64: Super High-school Level Update #57
*Ding dong ding dong*

Good morning, you bastards! Its 7 am in the morning! Time to wake up!

Lets all strive to do our best today!
Today is the day we search for Alter Ego...

Right. But first, off to the cafeteria...!
I headed to the cafeteria quickly and with more fighting spirit than usual.
But... what I found waiting there...

Is that everyone...? Where are the others...?

...They aren't here yet.

At the cafeteria, only Oogami-san, Asahina-san and Kirigiri-san stood waiting...
Which means, including me...

There are only four of us...?

How annoying. I hate people who can't even manage being on time!

Whatever their reason may be, we can only wait a while until the others arrive...
We decided to wait for the others to arrive.
But no matter how much we waited...

Um, it's almost 8 o'clock... It's been almost an hour since our usual meeting time...

...Why are they not coming?

Hagakure and Celes-chan never missed a single breakfast until now...

I'm actually more worried about Yamada-kun and Ishimaru-kun.

Those two were the most eager to start searching, and yet they aren't here...

...Something happened.


I got careless... My thoughts got too wrapped up in Alter Ego...

I forgot all about Monobear's current motive. For that to end with nothing happening... isn't likely.
Monobear's motive...

Ten billion yen!!

It's my present to any student who graduates!

What do you think? It's ten billion yen! Ten billion!!

You can't wait to start working, can you!?

Are you trying to say someone wants money so much that they would...?
I swallowed the rest of the sentence.
I already know the answer.
I don't like it, but I know the answer.
It's impossible to understand what goes on in other people's minds...
...which is why that sort of thing is not out of the question.

We should go search for them.

Y...yeah. Let's go check that everything's okay...
We ran out of the cafeteria.

I think it's best if we split up the search.

Oogami-san, please handle the dormitory area. Check out all the private rooms...

Naegi, go look around the first floor. I'll search the second...

That leaves me with the third floor!

Don't try to be a hero. If something happens, go call someone...

I hope it won't come to that...

Yeah, I agree...

Well, then. Let us begin.
With a worried expression on their faces, everyone took off to their designated areas.
And then, I too hurried up to search the first floor.
...well, I guess I should look in every room here.
The game gives us back control here. I guess we should do what we were told, and search the first floor. Let's start with the two classrooms, since they're right here next to the dormitory area.
Nothing suspicious here.
The second classroom looks empty as well. Next on the route is the A/V room.
"S...someone! Come quick!!"

That voice just now! I think that was Asahina-san!?
The area she was searching, I think that was...

...the third floor!
I started running towards the staircase without stopping to think.
I dashed all the way to the third floor without catching my breath...
And there, I saw her figure, standing unmoving in the hallway.


Asahina-san, what's wrong...!?

I...It's bad...

I opened the door to the recreation room over there...

A...and when I peeked inside, I saw...!
In the recreation room...?

I think I should... go call the rest over here...?

I'm going to find them, so... please go in first...!
She ran down the stairs, looking confused.

The recreation room...? What's inside...?
I ran into the recreation room, as if acting on a conditioned reflex.
And what appeared in front of my eyes as I opened the door was...

...the figure of an injured Celes-san...
We have control again, but I think there's only one priority here right now.

Uu... Naegi-kun...!

C...Celes-san... what happened!?

I...I was careless...

I got myself assaulted...

Assaulted!? By who!?

It was... a strange suspicious person...

A... strange suspicious person...?

His appearance itself was strange, and I feel I should add another "strange" on top of it...

He really was a strange suspicious person...

He attacked me. He used that hammer that's lying on the floor...
A hammer on the floor? Let's take a look.
What's that...?
It looks like a wooden hammer... with an awfully strange design..
There is some writing on its head...

Justice... Hammer... #1...?

This is the hammer... I was attacked with...

I managed to avoid the strike by a hairsbreadth, but that made me fall down and hit the floor...

I believe my lack of daily exercise... turned against me...
She was attacked... with this hammer...?
This ridiculous "Justice Hammer #1"...
"Naegi! Celes-chan!!"

I brought Sakura-chan!

C...Celes... What in heavens happened here...?

It seems she was attacked by a suspicious person...

A... suspicious person?

...Celes, please tell us in detail. What was that person like...?

Um... It all started this morning...

I awoke a little while before seven o'clock, when Night Time is over...

I naively thought with such a short time left, it would be fine leaving my room...

So I went for a little walk in the school's first floor.

...That was a mistake.

I spotted that suspicious person there. His face was covered, so there was no mistake regarding his suspiciousness.

I couldn't just leave him alone, so I decided to follow him quietly.

He came here, to the recreation room. And when I tried peeking inside...

...That's when he noticed and attacked me.

That means, the time you were attacked...

It was just after Night Time was over... A few minutes after 7 AM...

That means...

It was about one hour ago. The four of us were waiting at the cafeteria then.

I lost my consciousness a short while after that attack.

It seems I was out for an hour, then.

But... thank god it only ended in injury...

That's because I pleaded for my life with all my strength...


I said I'd do anything if he just kept me alive... Anything he asks if he'll just spare my life...

Throwing away your pride so easily...

That's... just one more trick for survival...

But let's not talk about that anymore and start searching for that person.

If we don't hurry... I feel
something terrible might happen...
something terrible

Celes-san... What do you mean by "something terrible"...?

When I peeked into the recreation room, there was someone else there with the suspicious person.

It was Yamada-kun...


Furthermore, after attacking me, that suspicious person took Yamada-kun with him and disappeared...

Are you saying he was abducted!?

We should hurry, then... shouldn't we?

Hey, Celes-san... Did that suspicious person have any identifying features?

Identifying features... That's...

I think it's better if you just see it instead of trying to explain.

See it...?

I had that digital camera with me. The one Yamada-kun gave me...

Are you saying...!

I managed to take a photo of that suspicious person before he spotted me.

Really!? Let us see!

It may be difficult... but try not to be shocked...
After that strange warning, Celes showed us the digital camera's screen, and there...


That's indeed... a suspicious person with a covered face, but...

A robot...? Cosplay...?

As I said... a strange suspicious person, isn't he...?

Um... so that weird robot... grabbed Yamada-kun and took off...?

I took that photo just before I was attacked.

That means it was an hour ago.

That's why if we don't hurry... I fear something terrible might happen...

...I understand the situation. That is, there are many things I do not understand, but...

At the very least, we know that suspicious person on the screen took Yamada away...

And that was one hour ago...

That's bad! We must go!

...Celes-san, do you know where they went?

After leaving the recreation room, he turned to the left...

That is where the staircase to the second floor is!!

So... that suspicious person is on the second floor!?

The second floor... That's where Kirigiri-chan is supposed to be searching...

Huh...? Now that you mention it, where
is Kirigiri-san?

I'm sorry, I didn't try to find her before...

That is troubling. If the culprit is on the second floor, there is a chance they might run into each other...

...Let's go! Kirigiri-san is in danger!
As soon as I said that, we ran out of the recreation room, and down the stairs to the second floor.
"Hey. You simpletons..."

...What's wrong? Why are you in such a hurry?

Oyoyo? Are we playing something!?

Does it look like a game!?

Did you two see Kirigiri-san or Yamada-kun anywhere!?

Nope. Never came across them.

Are they on this floor? We just arrived here.

We heard all the noise you were making, so we came to see what's going on.

We're together!

We are not together. She's stalking me...

A...anyway! Can you please search with us!?

What happened...?

We have no time to explain.

...Oh, well. At the very least, it seems interesting.

Yamadaaaaa!! Kirigiri-chaaaan!! If you can hear us give us a sign!!
But the only thing reverberating through the corridor was her voice......


Did you hear anything?

Just faintly, but...

I think it came from the library...!

The library?! Let's go!!
We ran together towards the library.
And when we opened the library's door...

Uuuu... It hurts... It hurts... injured Yamada-kun stood in front of us.

A...are you okay!?

Thank god... he's alive...

I'm not okay... Look, all this blood...

How did you get these wounds...?

He hit me...

Are you talking about...?

It was Justice Robo... I just decided on the name now...

What... did you just say...?
Control again. And since we can, let's get one liners from the rest of the characters before we go on.

Things have gotten... strange.

I'm glad Yamada is alive, but who the heck is this Justice Robo?

Thank god we got here in time...

Did you say... "Justice Robo"...?

Oy! You have a little wound there! Gaahaahaahee..!
Let's get on with the story. was Justice Robo...

This Justice Robo you're talking about... is it that person here?

W...what the hell?

That's the person who attacked Celes-san and Yamada-kun...

Is that so, Yamada-kun?

Yes, that is undoubtedly him...

It's Justice Robo!!

Justice Robo...?

Things have gotten strange...
Next, let's look for the weapon.
It's a wooden hammer similar to the one used to attack Celes-san, but...

Justice Hammer #2...?
This one is larger than the one in the recreation room...!

That's the hammer he hit me with. Right on the head...

At least you're relatively fine... for being hit with such a hammer.

I'm not fine! There's blood coming out of my head...

Protein is good for healing wounds. Shall I bring you some to drink?

...That's the first time I've heard that. Are you sure it doesn't only work for you?


He's here!!

Upupu, it's a robot made for justice, you say! That sure is a fun development!!

What special power is it going to use? Maybe it can fly! And what about the promised combination form?


What was that for?

...Let's just try to ignore Monobear.

It's far more important to take Yamada-kun to the infirmary in the first floor, isn't it?

His condition seems like it requires at least a little treatment...

Right! Let's go!

Uuuu... Much obliged...
We moved to the first floor infirmary in order to treat Yamada-kun.

Hey, Yamada, are you alright...? Do you need anything?

I...I'm fine... I think the blood stopped flowing...

I just need to... calm down...

I think we should just let Yamada-kun rest here for the time being.


The rest of us should return to the search for that suspicious person.

Before the next victim turns up...

Those hammers the culprit is using... #2 was larger than #1...

You're saying if there is another one... #3 is going to be even larger.

If anyone is hit with a larger hammer, they're sure to die!!

Yamada, do you have anything helpful to contribute?

Um, I woke up early this morning and decided to get a head start on searching for her... for Alter Ego...

I reached the recreation room on the third floor and was suddenly attacked by that suspicious person...

That was what I witnessed around 7 o'clock.

After that, he took me to the library, and hit me on the head...

I think that was 30 or 40 minutes ago.

So it was around 7:30... We were still waiting at the cafeteria then.
That means... It was when me and Asahina-san and Oogami-san... and also Kirigiri-san were together.
...That counts as an alibi, doesn't it?

I was doing my laundry at that time.

Ah, those underwear as pitch-black as a moonless night.

Why do you know that?

Isn't it obvious?! I've been peeking!! any case, it seems Togami-kun and Fukawa-san were also together back then.
That's two more with an alibi.
So, the people remaining who could attack Celes-san and Yamada-kun at that time are...
The two who haven't appeared yet... Hagakure-kun and Ishimaru-kun. Is it just them?

By the way, what happened to Kirigiri? I haven't seen her anywhere.

Now that you mention it... She was supposed to be searching the second floor but we didn't see her there...

Where did she disappear to...?

I see. She vanished, did she...

She sure is a strange girl.

So she is the one, just as I suspected.

W...wait a second!

When Celes-san and Yamada-kun were attacked, Kirigiri-san was with us, so she can't...

I never said she was that suspicious person.


What I'm talking about is that "mole for the mastermind" I mentioned yesterday.

Kirigiri-san is... working for the mastermind...?

T...that can't be true!!

That can't be true...?

The girl whose true character is still unclear? Who looks at dead bodies without flinching and doesn't even mind touching them all over?

...Wait. Let us keep that discussion for later. Right now finding the suspicious person is a priority.

She's right! If we don't hurry there's going to be another victim!!

It's probably that person's fault that we can't find Kirigiri-chan and Ishimaru and Hagakure!!

Y...yeah. We must find that person...

I don't mind... I'll join you after resting a little...

We understand. Take it easy for now.

Well, then. Let us go.

...I don't really get why that suspicious person is wearing such a silly custume.

It may be for sterility... Or maybe he seeks morality by putting that costume on...

Well, what should we do? Split up and search?

He is a dangerous person. We do not know what action he might take. Therefore...


...What's wrong?

I saw a shadow... There was a shadow moving at the top of the stairs over there!


On the second floor?

You villain, you will not escape again!
We ran up the stairs to the second floor.

He should be around here. Let's split up and corner him.

But do not act hastily. If you see anything, raise your voice and call the rest.

...What kind of a yell should we make, I wonder.

That doesn't matter! Anything will do!

So... is something like "KYAA!" fine?

You can shout "KYAA" or "YOOHOO" or anything you want!! Just shout loudly so we can hear you!

Heh heh heh... "Yoohoo" is amusing. This is the first time I've heard someone suggesting that kind of a warning yell...

Whatever! Let's just get on with it! I'm going!!

Robo-chaaan! Where are you hiding!! If you don't show yourself I'm going to dismantle you!!
We split up and went in all directions, trying to find where the suspicious person was hiding...
We have control again. Where should we look? I guess the pool is as good a place as anywhere.
Nothing here. There's nothing inside, either.

That weird shout just now!!

That was Celes-san, wasn't it?!

It came from the third floor!
Following the voice, I ran up the stairs to the third floor.

...He's here, everyone!
Everyone arrived after hearing Celes-san's yell, and gathered in front of her.

Celes-chan, what happened!?

That was sure an unexpectedly loud yell, coming from you...

I found him... That cosplaying suspicious person...

He ran away when he heard me yell.

The stairs were behind me, so he ran the other way, and turned at the end of the corridor to the left.

So he's down that corridor! Let's go!!

Ahh... Ahh...

What is it now...!?



Wow... it really is true...

...But we have no time for that n...


W...what was that...!?

It came from down the stairs. Which means, that scream just now was...!

Yamada-kun... in the infirmary...?

That sounded really bad! Let's go back!!

What about the suspicious person? We finally cornered him.

...Let's split into two groups.

I'm going for the robot. That's much more interesting.

In that case, Naegi-kun, Asahina-san and me will go back to the infirmary...

Fukawa-san, Togami-kun and Oogami-san can continue chasing our suspicious person.

...Leave him to us. Please, check up on Yamada.

Yeah. Be careful!
We didn't waste any more time, and quickly split into two groups...
Me, Celes-san and Asahina-san hurried down back to the first floor.

To the infirmary! Hurry up!!
We have control again, if only for the few steps needed to reach the infirmary.
And then, the sight that awaited us as we ran into the infirmary was...
...A world painted red.
Hifumi Yamada (Youtube via Polsy)