Part 73: Super High-school Level Update #66

What you are saying is, when we first found Yamada in the infirmary, he was yet to be dead...

...And the first time we truly discovered his body was in the art room.

But that's not all...

There's more evidence Yamada was still alive in the infirmary...

I know what that evidence is!

He was known for being really good at playing dead! That settles it!

I wouldn't call any of it "evidence".

I don't think any conclusive evidence that he was alive can be found at all, in fact.

In that case, let's think about the state of Yamada-kun's body once again.

I believe whether he was dead or alive can be made clear easily.

I think it's useless...
I'm sure there's evidence that Yamada-kun was alive. I just have to point it out to everyone...!
Phase 7 (Dailymotion)
Evidence Bullets: Yamada's glasses, Dolly in the art room, Door to the storage area
We first found Yamada's body... the infirmary, didn't we?
But, during the time me and Celes-chan were in the toilet...
His body disappeared!
And then, we next found his body... the art room.
Before being moved and after being moved...
...except for
being in a different posture...
...that body
didn't change at all.
So after all, was he really still alive?
It isn't possible... That's just foolish.
Evidence that Yamada-kun was still alive...
I can show it by pointing out the contradiction in the debate just now.
Easy enough. We know the one thing that did change when we found Yamada's body again.
Evidence Bullet: Yamada's glasses
...that body
didn't change at all.

Yamada-kun's body in the infirmary and Yamada-kun's body in the art room. There was something different between them.

...His glasses.

In addition, I believe they count as evidence that he really did just play dead at the infirmary.

...Why don't you tell us what you mean in detail?

When we first found Yamada-kun in the infirmary, his glasses were dirty with blood, but...

When we found him again in the art room...

His glasses were clean.

I also found the thing that was probably used to clean those glasses in the infirmary trash can.
I should show them... That piece of evidence...
Character good lens cloth

What I found in that trash can was an anime character lens cloth.

You can easily tell what it was used for. It has blood on it, after all.

Yamada-kun's glasses were wiped clean with this lens cloth.

On top of that, isn't the character on the lens cloth the same as the one that's on that digital camera?

The camera that was originally Yamada-kun's...

I think it was Princess Boo-ko from "Heretic Angels ☆ Mochi Mochi Princess"... wasn't it?

I can't imagine anyone other than Yamada-kun owning that kind of lens cloth...

Who else here has use for a lens cloth?

I will never use such a cheap thing.

I'm doing just fine cleaning my glasses with tissue paper!!

...There's no question, then. This lens cloth was Yamada-kun's.

I see... but what does it mean?

It means Yamada-kun's glasses were wiped clean with his own lens cloth...

That doesn't necessarily mean he was the one doing the wiping, though.

But what could anyone but the person wearing the glasses gain from wiping them clean?

That does makes sense... you mean it really was Yamada-chi!?

And that leads us back to the conclusion that Yamada-kun was still alive when you found him at the infirmary...

Later, after he cleaned his blood-stained glasses with his own lens cloth...

He just walked out of the infirmary on his own.

How about it? That makes his body's impossible disappearance very possible, doesn't it?

But, if he really was just playing dead at the infirmary...

What about all the blood? Did he use red paint or ketchup?

There's a refrigerator in the infirmary, and there are blood packs for infusion inside. He must have used those.

He was probably clumsy and dumped more blood on himself than he could handle!!

That's how he got himself into that mess where he had to clean his glasses! Oh, Hifumin, what a silly blockhead!!

In addition, if Yamada-kun was still alive, that can explain Ishimaru-kun's disappearance as well.

It's very clear now just who it was who carried that body away.
The person who carried Ishimaru-kun's body away. That would be...
Kiyotaka Ishimaru /
Hifumi Yamada / Sakura Oogami

It was Yamada-kun... wasn't it?

He took advantage of the fact we all gathered back at the infirmary, and carried Ishimaru's body away from the physics lab...

It also explains why the art storage room was locked, doesn't it.

It was locked...?

After the bodies disappeared, we all went looking for them, didn't we?

At that time, me and Sakura-chan went straight to the art room, but...

When we got there, the door to the storage room was locked.

In addition, that door can only be locked from the inside.

That means that when Asahina-san and Oogami-san got there, there was probably already someone inside.

That would be Yamada, having just carried Ishimaru's body in...

He tricked everyone by playing dead, and used that time to move Ishimaru-kun's body to the art room...

That is, Yamada-kun isn't a simple victim. He's involved in this case as a perpetrator.

B...but... how can Yamada, who is one of the victims, be involved in this case...?!

I...It doesn't make any sense...

If you still don't believe me, how about I show you some more evidence?

T...there's more...!?

Yes. There was something left behind that proves Yamada-kun's involvement...

You know what I'm talking about, don't you, Naegi-kun? It's that thing he... took from true victim, Ishimaru-kun.
The thing Yamada-kun took from Ishimaru-kun? I think I know what that is...!
Note held by Yamada

You're talking about that note Yamada-kun was hiding, aren't you?

A... hidden note...?

He hid it inside his underpants.

His own...!?


Hmm... Underpants, is it...

The underpants aren't important... just take a look at this note, will you?

"I found a secret passage. We can see outside. We may be able to escape."

"It would be bad if Monobear found out, so don't talk about it with anyone and gather in the physics lab at 6am".

Ah! It's just like that note I told you about!! That note someone sent me...

...Wait, huh? There are some differences. I'm sure mine said...

"It would be bad if Monobear found out, so don't talk about it with anyone and gather in the recreation room at 1am".

That's right. The note you got was a completely different one.

Completely... different...?

To keep things short, there was one other person the culprit sent a note to.
The second person the culprit sent a note to. That should be...
Kiyotaka Ishimaru / Yamada-kun's underpants / Makoto Naegi

That's right. It was Ishimaru-kun...!

This note was sent to Ishimaru-kun, who was killed when he did as it said!

Wait, wait! Objection! Objection!!

I don't really get it, but wasn't it Hifumin who had this note on him!?

In that case, it was Hifumin who was sent this note, not Kiyo-tan!

Um, Kiyo-tan is Ishimaru... and Hifumin is Yamada... right?

Obviously! Do I have to explain everything?!!
Genocider sure is scary, but...
...I can't give in to her!!
Phase 8 (Dailymotion)
Evidence Bullets: Character good lens cloth, Broken wristwatch, Tarp, Yamada's glasses, Wet hammer
It was Hifumin who had that note, right?
That means the person who was sent it...
...was obviously
Hifumin himself!!
Think about the
content of the note...
What was the time written in it?
It was six in the morning.
Whatever that time was...
It has
nothing to do with Kiyo-tan, does it!!
The time written in that note... I'm sure it's a clue...
It sure is a clue, and it matches one of the Evidence Bullets.
Evidence bullet: Broken wristwatch
It has
nothing to do with Kiyo-tan, does it!!

No, it actually does have something to do with him!

Aa!? Is something wrong with your head, you imbecile?!

The time on that note is 6 in the morning. That's the same time Ishimaru-kun was killed.

Just like his wrist watch showed us...

It's not just that. The location written in this note...

It's the physics lab, isn't it?

I see. That is the location Ishimaru was killed.

To summarize, Ishimaru-kun was killed at the time and in the place written on this note.

Doesn't that clearly indicate it was Ishimaru-kun who was sent it?

Oh, in that case...

Objection withdrawn! Geehaaheeheehaa!!

So Ishimaru-kun was tricked by the same note I was, 'right?

That's one super-cruel super-evil culprit we have here! Luring people with promises of the outside world...!

But, why did Yamada hold a note that was sent to Ishimaru?

In his underpants!!

I'm... pretty sure he snatched it away from Ishimaru-kun after he died...

Eh? Snatched it away...?

Let's see your proof.
Proof that Yamada-kun snatched that note away from Ishimaru-kun after he died...
Torn scrap

Ishimaru-kun's dead body had this torn piece of paper in its fist...

If I'm not mistaken... this scrap of paper...

It's just as I thought! It fits the note Yamada-kun hid perfectly.

So... the scrap of paper Ishimaru held and the note Yamada hid away...

That's right... They were originally a single piece of paper.

Yamada-kun held the note originally sent to Ishimaru-kun. All that Ishimaru-kun had left in his hand was a torn piece of it...

There's just one thing that can explain this situation...

Ishimaru died grasping that note. Yamada then tried to pull it away...

But it got torn and a piece was left in Ishimaru's hand.

...Is that how it is?

It all makes sense if Yamada knew that note was an important piece of evidence...

That's right... And that's also our proof Yamada-kun was involved in this case somehow...

I...I see...!

With that amount of evidence before us it's all clear, 'right? Yamada-chi is heavily involved in this case!

Which means...

Yamada-chi is the culprit!! He's really still alive, 'right?!

...No, unfortunately, that's impossible.

When we found him in the art room, he was most certainly dead.

The body discovery announcement made at that time... is also proof to that...

So... who could have killed Yamada...!?

Is that the one who was called... the true culprit...?

The crime scene is most likely the art room, where his body was found. I'm certain he was killed just after he carried Ishimaru-kun's body there...

That means he was killed sometime between Ishimaru's body's disappearance and the time we found the two bodies again...

We were split up then, looking for the bodies.

That means, once again none of us has an alibi anymore...

But... Sakura-chan and me went together!

Way to nonchalantly claim your innocence! You stupid fur seal!!

Who are you calling a stupid fur seal!!

By the way, the time of death is interesting, but there's one thing that troubles me more!

Something... that troubles you more?

The weapon Yamada-chi was killed with.


I mean, according to the Monobear File...

Ishimaru-chi and Yamada-chi's heads were hit by similar weapons...

But both Justice Hammer #3 and Justice Hammer #4 were left back at the infirmary and physics lab, weren't they?

If Yamada-chi was killed in the art room...

The culprit must have taken one of them, and then, after killing Yamada-chi with it...

...They had to return it to the room it came from, didn't they?

But isn't that far too dangerous?

...I'm shocked. You actually have something inside that head of yours.

Hey, I have lots of things in there!!

Hagakure does have a point. It is indeed troubling...

According to the Monobear File, both victims were killed with a similar weapon, but...

Hammers #3 and #4 remained in the rooms we found them in...

So how did the culprit manage to carry one of those hammers back and forth?

I can't think of any way...

How about Hammers #1 and #2!? The ones used for the first attacks!

Those hammers also never left the rooms we found them in, and they're too small to kill anyone with in the first place...

Um... in that case...

...It's possible a different murder weapon was used, isn't it?

No, it couldn't have been anything else! They were both killed with similar weapons!

So what weapon was Yamada killed with?
The true weapon that killed Yamada-kun...
If I can point that out, everything will be made clear...
...So I must somehow figure out what it was!
Phase 9 (Dailymotion)
Evidence Bullets: Broken wristwatch, Tarp, Wet hammer
The weapon that killed Yamada...
Was it Justice Hammer #3?
Or maybe Justice Hammer #4?
Whichever one it was...
how could the culprit...
...carry it over with them?
Furthermore, without even
being seen...
Obviously there's a
Justice Hammer #5!!
For more details, visit the offical website!!
In any case, one thing is clear...
It was
one of the Justice Hammers!
Uu... is that the only thing that's clear...?
The weapon that killed Yamada-kun was similar to the one that killed Ishimaru-kun...
"A similar weapon" means it was a hammer, but not necessarily a Justice Hammer...
Evidence Bullet: Wet hammer
It was
one of the Justice Hammers!

The weapon wasn't a Justice Hammer after all. It was something else.

But... was there another weapon anywhere...?

The hammers in the art room storage. The culprit must have used one of them.

When I looked at them earlier, those hammers were all dirty with dust and bits of stone, but...

Among them there was one that had just been washed clean.

Washed clean...?

That hammer was probably cleaned because it was the true murder weapon used to kill Yamada-kun.

The culprit must have washed it to get rid of any blood that got stuck to it.

In addition, there are hammers of various sizes hanging in the art room storage...

But some of them are missing, leaving empty spaces.

The Justice Hammers themselves were probably made from those hammers, weren't they?

If that is true, it fits the similar weapons clause perfectly.

So, Yamada carried Ishimaru's body to the art room, and then was killed with a hammer immediately after...

The person who killed him is the true culprit... Yamada's accomplice, who ended up betraying him...

No, wait a second. Talking about accomplices is strange.

I mean, according to this school's graduation rules, an accomplice has nothing to gain.

That means having an accomplice is impossible. Didn't we reach this conclusion already before?
Having an accomplice is impossible... That's certainly how it's supposed to be...
That's how it's supposed to be... but...
Phase 10 (Dailymotion)
Evidence Bullets: Broken wristwatch, Tarp, Wet hammer
According to the rules...
In case an accomplice exists, the only person who can survive... the single person who committed the murder.
That means
it's impossible an accomplice is involved.
That... certainly seems logical...
But, that's just in case there's a single murder.
We have
two murders on our hands this time, don't we?
Is it really impossible to have accomplices...? Or maybe it is possible?
If you know the answer, Kirigiri, why don't you do the You've Got That Wrong thing for once? Anyway. Let's use the ammunition she's giving us.
We have
two murders on our hands this time, don't we?
Evidence Bullet: Two murders
That means
it's impossible an accomplice is involved.

We have two murders this time... Isn't that just perfect for two accomplices?

...What do you mean?

It's difficult to imagine accomplices being involved when there's a single murder.

That's obvious. If only one person can graduate as a result of a single murder, being an accomplice puts you in an unbalanced position...

An unbalanced position...?

The risk is much greater than any possible reward. That is, being an accomplice is too dangerous.

If you can't graduate by helping a murderer, there's no reason to do so...

But if, conversely, a balanced situation presents itself, it's not impossible for accomplices to act together...

Two culprits kill two victims, and become accomplices for each other's murders.

The true culprit is the one who came to Yamada-kun with this plan. They wanted his help as an accomplice...

Then, the person who first killed Ishimaru-kun was probably Yamada-kun.

If he was made to kill first, he couldn't give up on the plan and ruin it later. He was forced to go on with it...

That is, we don't have one culprit committing multiple murders...

...But two murders committed by two different culprits.

Making it look like the work of a single person... that was all the true culprit's deception...

A suspicious person whose face is hidden... similar murder weapons... and then the bodies' disappearance... By doing all that, the culprit...

...The culprit made a series of separate murders look like a single incident!

The culprit offered this plan to their accomplice, and so managed to get one.

By killing that accomplice in the end, they got rid of the one thing most dangerous to them.

If that's how it happened, betraying Yamada was part of their plan from the very beginning...

W...what's up with that plan?! How can anyone be so cruel?!!

Huh? It's a very well thought out plan, isn't it? Disregarding their choice of an accomplice, of course...
Two separate murders made to look like the work of a single person... That's this case's most important trick...
I'm sure Kirigiri-san knew all about it from the very beginning...
That's why she said we mustn't think about it as a single chain of events, but as separate cases...
Kirigiri-san... She's amazing...
Perhaps... too amazing...
...To an unnatural level.

So we now know the existence of an accomplice is possible. Well, then. Who is that culprit who manipulated Yamada?

That's the big question!!
The true culprit... The one who manipulated Yamada-kun, made the events look like a serial murder, and then betrayed and killed him...
When I think about everything that happened... our conclusions until now and the flow of events...
There's only one person here who could have done it...