Part 75: Super High-school Level Update #68
Climax Inference (Dailymotion)
Watch the video to see how it's done!
The culprit, planning today's murders, enlisted someone's help. That person was...
Yamada-kun. By making Yamada-kun their accomplice, the series of events that transpired became possible.
First, they invited someone to the recreation room at 1am last night.
The person they invited was Hagakure-kun.
In order to frame him for the murders, they drugged him...
And then, after putting the Justice Robo costume on his unconscious body...
Yamada-kun acted as if he was caught by Justice Robo...
...And the culprit captured the moment on a digital camera.
They were making evidence that Hagakure-kun was a suspicious person... and thus a suspect.
After that, the culprits took Hagakure-kun and stuffed him in a poolside locker.
Then, at 6am... At long last, the culprits began executing their murder plan.
They invited Ishimaru-kun to the physics lab.
He was killed by Yamada-kun there. That was the first murder...
The weapon used that time was the one we found in the physics lab. Justice Hammer #4.
By using Hammer #4 first, they hoped to confuse the order the murders took place.
Next, the culprit and Yamada-kun faked their own assaults.
They posed as victims, turning suspicion to Justice Robo...
The first fake incident was... the assault in the recreation room.
The culprit showed us Justice Hammer #1 and that photo of Justice Robo back there...
...And made us believe they were attacked.
Then, the second fake incident was... the assault at the library...
By showing us an injured Yamada-kun and Justice Hammer #2, they created another fake scene.
By faking two consecutive incidents, they tried to plant a preconception in our heads...
...that the mysterious suspicious person was moving around attacking people, using larger hammers every time.
Once they got us to believe that, we started looking for the culprit.
At that time, we left Yamada-kun alone at the infirmary.
That was exactly what he wanted. As soon as he was alone...
Using blood packs from the refrigerator and Justice Hammer #3...
...Yamada-kun played dead. He wanted us to think he was killed.
We found him when we came back to the infirmary after we heard him scream.
But at the same time, Ishimaru-kun's body was also found in the physics lab.
Thanks to the body discovery announcement, we believed Yamada-kun really was dead.
Having tricked us, Yamada-kun found an opening when no one was around...
...and left the infirmary.
Later, when we heard his body was gone, we all gathered back at the infirmary.
While we were there, Yamada-kun sneaked into the physics lab...
He wrapped Ishimaru-kun's body in a tarp, put it on a dolly, and pushed it to the art room.
That was the secret behind the bodies' disappearance...
But there was something Yamada-kun never realized. The extent of the true culprit's plans...
The true culprit's true endgame... was to kill their accomplice, Yamada-kun himself.
They used a hammer from the art room to do that.
That's how this murder went. And the true culprit who planned all this is...
Celes-san! You lose!!


You say... I lose...!

I can't remember the last time I heard those words...

Those are... heavy words indeed, aren't they...

Will you finally give up now? Will you admit your crimes...?

Heh... I don't like it. Hearing those words from someone like you...

As Celestia Ludenberg... No, perhaps...

Perhaps even also as Taeko Yasuhiro.

Taeko Yasuhiro...?

So she finally admits it...

I am not such a bad loser that I'd still struggle after my loss is announced.

I see......

Monobear-san, let's begin, shall we?


Maybe I should say, "let's end it"...


It's time to take the vote you've all been waiting for! Let's start, then!

Please use the switches next to you, you bastards!

Who will you vote as the culprit?

Would that answer be correct? Incorrect? What will it be!?
Result! (Dailymotion)

I must say, once again, you succeeded wonderfully!!

Today's culprit... The true culprit who manipulated everything...

Was Celestia Ludenberg a.k.a. Taeko Yasuhiro-san!!

I lost. That is truly unfortunate.

...My mistake was relying on someone else as an accomplice, wasn't it.

Yamada-kun just couldn't handle it. My plan was too much for him...

So it was you who came to Yamada-kun with the plan after all?

How did you manage to convince him? I can't believe he'd agree so easily to murder someone...

She probably told him some extravagant lie.

My lies are never extravagant... They mustn't be too big.

So... did you use that thing...?

As expected, Kirigiri-san is as perceptive as always...

Yes, it's just as you imagine. In order to coerce Yamada-kun into becoming my accomplice...

I helped myself and used "that".

I will avoid making a definite statement for the sake of the rest of you, but...

I used that thing Yamada-kun and Ishimaru-kun went all crazy about...

Do you mean...!
Does she mean... Alter Ego?

Huh!? What are you talking about!?

Don't interrupt. We're in the middle of something important.

Once again, I'm a third wheel... How lonely...

So, was it you? Did you steal it?

Yes, I did.

And then, you used it to pull Yamada-kun into your plans...

Right again.

Yesterday evening, right after we finished our discussion about where that thing disappeared to, I came visiting Yamada-kun's room...

Um... Can I help you with something?

...There's something you're the only one I can tell.

It's about that thing that was stolen... I know who did it.


It was Ishimaru-kun. He has it.


By the way... I have proof. Do you want to see it?
I used the digital camera back then too.
I prepared a photo of that thing hidden in Ishimaru-kun's room...
I deleted that photo later, of course.

So it was him after all...!

...But how did he do it!? That thing was supposed to yell if me or him got near it...!

He made me do it...


Please forgive me... He forced me to...

F...forced you...?

Last night... He suddenly came into my room. And then... it's difficult for me to say...

Such... violence...


He... took photos... He said he'd show them to everyone if I don't cooperate...

I... I had no choice...

T...that bastard! That heinous criminal!!

I knew something happened to him...

But to think he'd go that far...!!

Yamada-kun... It was so easy to deceive him. Heh heh... it was almost as if he wanted to be fooled.

I'm going to say this... for the first time in my life...!

I'll kill him!! I'm going to kill Ishimaru!!

...Please, wait! If you rush, you'll go straight into his trap.

His trap...?

Ishimaru-kun... He plans to take that thing with him and escape this place...

He... set his mark on you...

Escape this place... Does that mean...!!

He wants to kill you.


He wants... that thing all to himself...

T...that bastard!!

Bastard bastard bastard bastard!!

Are you going to let him get away with such savagery?

Of course I won't...!

I... I...

I'll save heeeeeeeeeeeeeer!!

In that case, how about teaming up? I have everything planned, you see.


I know a way we can retrieve that thing, and then escape this school together.

Heh heh... heh heh heh...

...This is where my flashback ends.

Who are you talking to?

You wouldn't understand...

He didn't even stop to think twice. Heh heh... that thing had power over him.

The power of love... even if that love is a twisted one, it sure can control people.

That was... a devious trick...

...There's something I want to ask. Was that strange costume Yamada's work?

Yes. That was unfortunate...

All I asked him for was something that can hide a face and a posture, but...

He came up with that ridiculous thing. Agreeing to use it was also a mistake on my part.

Why... did you choose me as a scapegoat?

Because you're an idiot.

That's the only reason...!?

That choice wasn't a mistake. You acted your part better than anyone could expect.

I'm sure it wasn't easy being your parents.

I think I'm about to cry...

When you told Yamada how things were going to work, how did you explain him playing dead?

What did he believe was going to happen next?

I explained it like this:

After he faked his death, when he was found again, he was supposed to say,

"I suffered nearly fatal injuries, but I somehow managed to make it". I told him that would suffice to convince everyone.

Yamada... Did he really believe that...?

That wasn't everything, of course. According to the plan I told him...

When his death was being investigated, I was supposed to kill someone else.

That way, he would have an alibi and wouldn't be suspected... He completely believed me.

Nevertheless, that's such a banal lie...

It was just perfect for his level of trust. He wasn't a difficult person to convince of anything.

He believed that lie... up until the moment he died.

So you did plan to betray him from the very beginning!

...Of course.

According to my plan, it was necessary for the person who played dead to really die later on.

Do you really think so little about a human being's life...?

I don't think anything about it. It's just a means for winning.

You're talking just like Togami-chi!

In his case, it's all for his personal amusement. It's not like that at all for me.

In that case... what's your true motive?

Was it all... just for the money...?

Monobear's ten billion yen? It's true that it's a considerable amount...

But that's not the only reason.

Ever since we came into this school, the only thing occupying my mind was finding a way to escape...

B...but... didn't you always say it's best to adapt to this place...?

How could you fall for such an obvious lie?!


I could never stand any of it!

More than anyone else here! Anyone!!

I couldn't wait being able to get out!

Do you wanna know why!? Aa!?

It's my dream. I have a dream, you see...

If I was to live in this place my entire life... that meant throwing that dream away.

And that's something I could never do...

The reason I got involved with the shadowy gambling world in the first place... Risked my life so many times robbing people of their fortunes...

It was all.. for the sake of that dream...

What... is that dream...?

I want to live in a castle.

A... a castle...!?

I'd hire beautiful men from all around the world to be my servants...

I'd dress them all as vampires, and have them obey my every command...

That's the world I want to live in... A decadent, elegant world...

Spending the rest of my life like that... that was my goal and my dream...

It's what gave my life purpose!

If I could add Monobear's ten billion to the fortune I made in gambling so far, I could achieve it...

And I almost made it...

It's unfortunate... It seems my dream was a short lived one.

I don't have any regrets, though. I continued chasing that dream until my final moment.

It all sounds very romantic, but... how could you kill two of your friends for something like that...?

Are you trying to make me feel guilt? You're wasting your time...

I never had a problem making other people victims for my own sake.

That's just... the way I am.

Heh heh... a person with a different set of values is a scary thing. You can never hope to understand each other.

That... should be my line...

How come... you're so calm...?

Don't you get it? Don't you understand you're about to be killed...?

Why... aren't you scared...?

Heh heh... I pride myself on being an expert in telling lies.

Not only to other people. I can also easily fool my very own self. I don't do it subconsciously, it's very intentional.

Is that why you aren't scared...?

That's right. I'm not scared. Go ahead, do your worst.

But, if I ever get reborn in this world...

I will surely...

Come back as Marie Antoinette!

Doesn't that just mean you'd get executed again...?

Heh... heh heh... heh heh heh...
Celes-san's smile just then...
Compared to her usual self, it was a very unskillful fake smile.
She said she was able to fool even herself... But, I think...
I think that itself was the final lie that she told.
That was probably... the true meaning behind that unskillful fake smile.

Are you done? Well, it's time to begin! It's time to punish the culprit who broke the public order!!

Today, I prepared a special punishment just for our Super High-school Level Gambler!!

High spirits, everyone! It's punishment time!

...I have one final thing to give Kirigiri-san.

Is that...!

That's... hope itself, isn't it? I didn't believe it myself, though.

That's why...

No... it's no use being redundant now...

Well then, I bid you all farewell.

I hope we meet again in the next world...
Versailles style Witch Hunt Stake (Dailymotion)