Part 87: Super High-school Level Update #77
Two updates in one day! That is to say, if you haven't checked the thread in a while, there may be another update before this one you haven't ready yet.

Good morning, you bastards! Its 7 am in the morning! Time to wake up!

Lets all strive to do our best today!
I'm worried about Oogami-san... I should get to the cafeteria quickly.
There's someone to talk to on the way to the cafeteria today as well.

Kirigiri-san... Good morning...

She's still ignoring me... Did I really make her that mad...?
But, it's not just Kirigiri-san.
Ever since Monobear gathered us yesterday, the atmosphere has been heavy...
It really feels as if something is weighing on my body...

At the very least, I wish I could patch things up with Kirigiri-san quickly...
And now it's on to the cafeteria.

Oh, Naegi-chi! Are you alright...?

Eh? What do you mean? were a little late... so we got worried...

You aren't very smart, are you.

Wait, Fukawa-san and Togami-kun came to the breakfast meeting?

They say they're "taking shelter"...


Don't make that pig-like face of yours. We're here to protect ourselves from the mastermind's assistant.

The mastermind's assistant... you mean Oogami-san!?

...Then, I finally noticed. The only person not present at the cafeteria was Oogami-san herself.

Huh...? Where's Oogami-san...?

If she were here, I wouldn't be.

I came here specifically to protect myself from Oogami's menace.


Why are you trying so hard to make Sakura-chan your enemy...?

It should be obvious. It's because it isn't fair.

It isn't fair...?

The participants in a game should all stand on equal ground. A mole for the mastermind breaks that balance.

That's your stupid reason...?

"Stupid reason"? This is a game of life and death we're talking about here.

It's stupid! And so are you!!

Hey. Before we stoop down into that kind of fighting, I think we should all think things over one more time.

Why did the mastermind reveal Oogami-san as the mole...?

He was retaliating against her, wasn't he? Eye for an eye, and all that...

But that wasn't the only reason.

I'm sure that by divulging the secret, the mastermind also intended to give us a new "motive".

He wanted to throw us into discord by planting feelings of distrust, which would eventually turn into mutual hatred...

In other words, quarreling between ourselves plays right into his trap.

And yet... you still want to fight...?'s not that I want to, but...

What else can I do...? No one wants to trust Sakura-chan anymore...

If she really does as she said and defeats the mastermind, she'll have my trust in a second...

You idiot! That's just silly! Don't you get what would happen if she tried that!?

...Why should we care?


If Oogami dies it just means one less person on the mastermind's side. What is it to us?

W...wait, Togami-kun...!

Furthermore, if she just gives us the courtesy of dying, we'll have this problem done and over with.

One less issue we have to deal with...!
* SLAP! *

What... exactly are you doing...?

You're the worst...!

You're genuinely not even human, are you...!

After saying such things... I think...

I think...!

...It's you who should die!!

Did you say... I should die...?

Fascinating! Well, then. Why don't you try killing me?

Try it. You should. These are the rules, after all.

Do you think... I won't...?

A...Asahina-san! Calm down!

This kind of fighting is just what the mastermind wants us to do. I'm sure Oogami-san wouldn't want that.


What's wrong? Weren't you going to kill me...?


I'm leaving...

I'm going back to my room...
Asahina-san ran out, her body shaking with anger.

T...that sow... hitting Byakuya-sama like that! She deserves not just simple death but an especially torturous one!!

Feh. She was just acting like a typical hysterical woman. It wasn't that fascinating, after all.

Togami-kun... You seem to hold people's feelings in very low esteem, don't you.

...What's your point?

I'm just warning you. That kind of behavior may come back and bite you one of these days.

I welcome the challenge. Shouldn't we...

Shouldn't we get something to eat, as long as we're here...?

...I don't think anyone's in the mood, though.

Ha ha... ha ha ha...
The rest of us kept quiet, and we decided to leave breakfast for later...
...Then, we all went back to our rooms.


So... what should I do today...?
Is there even anyone left who's going to be in the mood to hang out with us? We need two of them! Vote away.