Part 92: Super High-school Level Update #82
CHAPTER 04 - All All Apologies / abnormal days part END


Sakura...chan... is...

Sakura-chan... is...


Is she really dead...?
I heard Asahina-san's voice from behind my back, but my eyes were locked on a single point.
In front of my eyes...
Was Oogami-san's dead body...!

We didn't make it in time...

It... happened again.
Whispering through gritted teeth, Kirigiri-san touched Oogami-san's body softly.
Is she... confirming Oogami-san is dead? I think she's checking for a pulse.


I must... call the others...

I'm going... to get them...
With shaky steps, Asahina-san left the recreation room.
And then, I...


Why... did it happen again...?
...I could do nothing but whisper those words.

We must investigate Oogami-san's body, don't we...
I stood dumbfounded behind Kirigiri-san, who was still checking the body for signs of life.
But there was nothing we could do but wait.
Unable to do anything, just wait...
And then, a short while later...

I... brought them...

Whoa!! T...the Ogre!?

Oh my... That is certainly a dead body.

I see. So Sakura Oogami has been killed...
As soon as the other three students arrived on the scene, Kirigiri-san started speaking.

I assume you heard the body discovery announcement? If so, you know what's going on.

Sakura Oogami has been killed... And the killer can be anyone in this room.

...Is that it?


It's not... anyone in this room...

The person who killed... Sakura-chan...

Is either Hagakure, Togami or Fukawa!


And why are you so confident before we even began the investigation...?

I don't need any investigation to know...

You were the only ones... who thought Sakura-chan was an enemy...

The culprit... is obviously be one of you!!

The culprit... is obvious...?

Could it be? Could you be one of those earthlings whose power of logic grow tenfold when they're angry?!

Why are you here...?

That should be obvious by now! I came to distribute my free paper of murder...

"The Monobear File 4"!

...Asahina-san. Being this mad spoils your unpleasant face, you know!!

Well, then. This is where I take my leave...

...Wait a second.

There is something I want to ask you.


It wasn't... you who killed Oogami-san, was it?

...What what?

Oogami-san said she planned to challenge the mastermind to a fight.

It's possible you and Oogami-san fought again, and that's when...

...I killed her?

Nope. You're not even close.

You're completely off the mark!!

Oogami-san failed to come and fight me, and achieved a completely meaningless death instead!

But I sure am relieved! I don't have to fight her anymore!

You see, killing a monster like her isn't an easy task, even for someone like me...

That's why I was in a pinch!

Despite breaking the school rules and attacking me, I didn't manage to punish her...

...That's why, even though they probably didn't realize it, I am totally grateful for today's culprit!!


Hey, hey! Before you waste all that anger on me, I suggest you find the culprit!

I mean, your lives depend on it, y'know?



What's... with that... "gratefulness"...

That's too cruel! Way too cruel!!

That said, it truly is a good thing that the victim is Oogami. She was the mastermind's mole, after all.

Y...You shouldn't say that...!

I don't have time to argue with you. The game has already started.

If you're going to be mad, be mad at the culprit who killed Oogami.


...Let's put our priorities on finding the culprit right now.

If we can't find the culprit, we will all be executed.

Let's begin by deciding who's going to guard the crime scene.

I'll do it...


It's fine if it's me...

So, please, leave it to me...!

I want to stay here... I want to be with Sakura-chan...

That's one person. We need another...

You do it, Kirigiri.


You're always an eyesore. This time try acting responsibly and guard the crime scene. This is an order. order...!

...I don't mind. I'll stay here, then.

So it's decided. Well, let's start.

...Wait a second!

Before we do... I have something to say...

...What is it?

Hagakure, Togami, Fukawa. I won't let you stay at the crime scene.


It was one of you who killed Sakura-chan!!

I won't let any of you to touch her body!

Don't mess with me. My life is on the line too. It is my right to conduct an investigation.

I don't care what you say. I won't let the culprit touch Sakura-chan...

I'll stop you even I have to use brute force!!

It seems trying to reason with you is a waste of time.

...In that case, let me offer a compromise.

It can't be all three of us. Let me alone investigate here.


...You don't mind, do you? You two are good for nothing, anyway.

Sure, whatever. I don't mind!

My time would be much better spent on developing my fantastic delusions about being with Byakuya-sama than investigating!!

...I assume you also have no objections, Hagakure?

I...If you say so, I guess I have no choice... It's not like I'm suspicious or anything anyway...

...It's decided.

Don't just decide by yourself!

...Asahina-san, I understand how you feel, but please accept Togami-kun's conditions.


We must find the culprit who killed Oogami-san.

For the sake of us, the survivors, and also for the sake of Oogami-san herself.


...I understand. I'll do as you say, but...

...But Togami definitely doesn't get to touch Sakura-chan.

Of course. Who'd want to touch a filthy body anyway.

...The bickering stops here. Our priority is the investigation.

Please remember, everyone. If we don't reveal Oogami-san's murderer...

...Each and every one of us will be also killed.
Finding out who killed Oogami-san...
It's not a question of wanting to do it or not...
It's our only hope to survive.
A despair-inducing hope...
We... have no choice...!