Part 111: Trial 4, Part 10
A voice... I could hear a voice...
???: ...wa...
???: ...
???: ...wake up...

: ...Huh?
The voice dragged me from deep slumber into hazy half-consciousness. My eyelids were like lead.

: Kyoko...?

: Yes, it's me.

: Huh...? Kyoko?

: I said yes...

: So Kyoko's here... Wait, what!?
In a flash I was wide awake.

: Wh-What are you doing here!?

: I'm here to wake you up.

: Oh, I see... Wait, but my door--!

: It was unlocked. You're unbelievably careless.

: It was unlocked!? Are you serious!?

: Always. And you don't have to overreact like that every time you're surprised.

: Wh-What time is it...?

: 3 o'clock. In the morning, of course.
It's 3 a.m.!? Why was Kyoko waking me up at this hour...?

: I-It's so late... What happened...?

: I have a
[favor] I need to ask...
> favor

: What's your favor...?

: Remember what Sakura said at the end of her note? I'm not going to just lay down and die. I *will*
fight you... I want to find out what she meant by that.

: Okay, do you plan to do that?
THen Kyoko put her lips next to my ear and whispered...

: The data center on the 4th floor.

: ...What?

: I'll meet you there. *leaves*
Without another word, she was gone...

: What the...?
Her words reverberated through my half-dazed head. The data center...? But I thought it was locked...

I made my way into the after-hours school, and headed for the data center on the 4th floor.

Eventually, I wound up at the data center. But when I arrived...

: Kyoko's...not here. That's weird. She said she'd meet me. Is she maybe inside already...?
I put my hand to the door, and with a certain amount of force...
*Rattle rattle*
...It didn't open. I tried again, but...
*Rattle rattle*

: It must be locked.
What was it Kyoko said...? The data center on the 4th floor...

: Oh-ho! What are you doing up, mister!?

: Gah!

: Breaking into a locked room is incredibly prohibited, don'tcha know?

: Oh, well, I just...

: You're trying to tell me you didn't actually bust in yet, right? But...

: ...I can see that, ya dolt! Don't waste my time telling me crap I can see for myself!

: It looked like you might break in any second, so I just thought I'd give you a friendly reminder. Or...are you gonna try and tell me you were sleepwalking or something...?

: N-No, nothing like that...

: It's 3 o'clock in the morning, for cryin' out loud! Even *I* get tired, ya know!? Stop being weird and go back to bed!
Music cuts out. ♪
???: ...What's wrong now?

: Why are you out here making a racket?

: K-Kyoko!?

: Ngggrrrhhh! Now you, too!?

: Whatever! The two of you, just get back to bed! I'm positively exhausted from the class trial!

: ...Sure, you got it. Come on, Makoto. Let's head back.

: What...?

: Didn't you hear me? We're leaving.

: I have no idea what's going on anymore...

: Don't worry about it. Let's just go.

: O-Okay...

: Yeah! YEAH! Go on, get outta here! Shoo! Shoo!
So we left and went back to our rooms...

And then...

: So. Goodbye.

: H-Hold on!

: ...

: Listen, what was all that about just now?
She woke me up, made me go to the data center--which just so happened to be locked...! And then she shows up late, and we leave without checking a single thing! What was the point of all that?

: ...Don't worry about it.
I figured that would be the end of our conversation, just like always, but...

: Well then...goodnight.

: S-Sure...
And then *that* was over.
But as I turned to leave...

(BG Music)


: Mukuro Ikusaba.

: What...?
Kyoko was right next to me once again, whispering into my ear...

Mukuro Ikusaba... The
sixteenth student, lying hidden somewhere in this school... The one they call the
Ultimate Despair...

: Watch out for her.