Part 27: Chapter 2 Daily Life, Part 1

: ... ... ...

: ...It's gone... ...
She...she really is gone.

: ...
It's almost like...there was never anything there to begin with. Every last sign of Sayaka's existence has disappeared without a trace...

: It's just like he said...
After the class trial, before we took the elevator back up, Monokuma told us...

: Oh, I almost forgot! Since the class trial is over, I'll go ahead and dispose of
all the corpses!

: It's okay, no need to thank me! Just seeing your delighted, smiling faces is thanks enough for me! After all, nobody wants to look at a rotting corpse every day! That can't be good for your health...

: Nyohohoho!
I didn't even have time to mourn Sayaka and Junko's deaths... I'm sure that's exactly why he did it. It's a bad joke, a sickening dream... But I have to accept the reality of it all... I headed back to the dining hall to meet up with the others.

: Sorry I'm late...

: Hey...are you okay, Makoto?

: You sure took your sweet time! I was just about to go get you and drag you back here!

: S-Sorry...

: So? What happened? Was your room fixed up like he said?

: I imagine it would be pretty hard to sleep with a rotting corpse in your bathroom!

: Jesus, that's fucked up, man. Why would you say something like that?

: My room was...spotless. There wasn't anything left. Like the whole thing...
never happened.

: It must be tough staying there, knowing what happened. Why don't you just stay in Sayaka's room?

: Well...staying there, with her scent still hanging in the air... That would hurt just as much. Plus... I've decided that I can't turn away from her death...

: M-Makoto...

: Hey, cheer up! Getting depressed isn't gonna help anything, right? If we all work together, I'm sure we'll find a way out of here!

: So everyone just...try and cheer up and get back on track!

: Is that honestly supposed to make us feel better?

: Huh?

: We were already "working together" and yet someone was still murdered. Anyone could betray us at this point. Now that it's happened once, it's a question of when, not if, the next one takes place.

: Yeah, because S-Sayaka
made the first move...

: ...

: B-But...if we work together against the mastermind, nobody'll have any reason to do something like that!

: Keep telling yourself that. I'll be over here in the real world. Working together, fighting a common enemy... Like it or not, it's not that simple.

: ...What do you mean?

: The mastermind seems to be much more powerful than we ever suspected. They
took over Hope's Peak, which was supposed to be well defended, then modified it to fit their desire. They created Monokuma, which seems to be incredibly advanced, and they're providing for our every need. And the cherry on top is the
execution we witnessed.

: Everything has been planned down to the last excruciating detail. This is not the work of your everyday psychopath. Defying them may be too great a risk...

: Then...what are we supposed to do?

: Anyone who truly does want to escape...will just have to follow the rules.

: In which case, the only option is to deceive those around you, and win the game.

: N-No...

: No what?

: I don't want to live...if it means killing someone else to do it. I don't want to kill anyone else...!

: Anyone...else? What do you mean?

: Leon died because we all voted for him, right? It's no different from
us killing him ourselves!

: B-But...

: If we hadn't voted for him, then we all woulda died instead, right...? That isn't what you wanted, is it...?

: ...

: She's right. If you heap that kind of blame on yourself, you'll turn into a full-fledged masochist.

: ...

: Chihiro, listen... You're not to blame. Not you, not Leon, and not Sayaka. The mastermind is responsible for everything that's happened. We had no choice but to vote. I can't even imagine what would've happened to us if we'd refused. And in the end, it was Monokuma who ultimately killed Leon! So don't waste your anger on yourself... Instead, direct it at the mastermind!

(This isn't the normal Good Night speech)
*Ding dong, bing bong*

: Mm, ahem, this is a school announcement. It is now 10 p.m. As such, it is officially
nighttime. Soon the doors to the dining hall will be locked, and entry at that point is strictly prohibited. Oh, and one other thing... It was totally obvious before that you were trying to make yourselves feel better and justify what you did. See you, see you, don't see you, see you! That's about how much I can see you, even when you try to hide!

: Now pay attention and remember this well! The
burden of judging others is a heavy one to
bear. So be well aware of your actions! Order and stability rely on the sacrifice and responsibility of everyone! Okay then...sweet dreams, everyone! Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite...

: What w-was that about just n-now...?

: Was he saying it's out fault what happened? That's pretty cruel, man...

: That piece of shit! Who does he think he is!?

: ...
And so, the day drew to a close... A tense, maddening day that saw the deaths of three classmates. Sayaka, Junko, and Leon... But, this is just the beginning... Our despair has only just begun...!