Part 71: Chapter 3 Deadly Life, Part 4

There are hammers of all different sizes hanging on the wall. Although some are more like mallets... Mallets...? Could the Justice Hammers have been designed...using these as a model? Either way, all the hammers here have obviously seen a lot of use. They're all covered in debris and chalky stone powder...

For some reason...this one hammer isn't dirty at all. And it's...wet. Did someone wash it recently...?

Taka... He'll never move again... According to the Monokuma File, Taka died from a blow to the head. We found Justice Hammer 4 near his body in the equipment room. Is that what was used to kill him...? And there's a tarp laid out under his body... Did the killer use this to move Taka's body? That way, there wouldn't be any blood left behind while the body was moved...

Hifumi's big, cold body is laying on the floor... His... *really* big body. I mean, how on Earth was the killer able to move someone so big? From the nurse's office where he was discovered to here, the repository... All the way from the 1st floor to the 3rd... And all without anyone noticing it. How the hell...?

It's no good. I just don't get it. I can think about it later. For now, I have to finish investigating Hifumi himself.

If I remember correctly, Hifumi's fatal injury was also a blow to the head. Probably from Justice Hammer 3, which was laying on the floor in the nurse's office...

Something' about his body. Why am I getting this feeling...? Something's...different. Something about Hifumi's body in the nurse's office, versus his body right now...

...That's it! His glasses! When his body was in the nurse's office, his glasses were covered with blood. But now...they're completely clean. Does that mean...someone wiped his glasses off? But who would do that? And why?

It's a dolly. It doesn't have a handle... I saw this in the art room before. I guess it's used to move statues around. It's kinda awkward, but if you bend down, it's not too hard to use. Huh? But wait...

Wasn't this in the equipment room when we found Taka's body?

And look at the wheel... There's a bloodstain on it. So there's blood on the wheel of the dolly that was moved from the equipment room to the repository... What's the explanation for that...?

I mean, he *is* kinda dumb... But do you really think that's enough to explain it? I feel like there's a clue hiding in there somewhere...

His mysterious words hung in the air as he left the repository.

The door was locked when the search for the bodies began, but now it's wide open... There might be some secret lurking in there... But I'll probably have to leave this area to figure it out...

There's only one way in and out of this room... Through the door that Hina said was locked before. There's definitely a lock on the door, but it can only be locked from inside the repository.

I don't see any way to lock it from in the art room...

The door can only be locked from inside the repository. Which makes me wonder... Hina and Sakura confirmed that the door was locked after we started looking for the missing bodies. And the door is designed so that it can only be locked from inside the repository. In other words... When Hina checked it, someone had already gone in the repository and locked the door. When they were done, they unlocked it and left. Which is why it's unlocked now... But Hina claims that there's no way someone could have beaten them to the repository... So that certain someone...

Maybe I should check somewhere else. There are some places I already know about... First the nurse's office, where Hifumi was found. Then the equipment room, where Taka was found...

Justice Hammer 4... The weapon that was used to kill Taka... The body was moved, but the murder weapon was just left here...

There's some kind of tire mark going through the pool of blood in the middle of the room. That reminds me... About the dolly in the repository...

There was blood on its tire...! Could that blood have come

Both rooms are on the 3rd floor, so that should definitely have been possible.

But even if the dolly *was* used to move Taka's body...what about Hifumi? Hifumi's body was in the nurse's office on the 1st floor. Even with a dolly, there's no way to get it up to the 3rd floor...

Huh? This tarp... I feel like I've seen it somewhere before. And just recently, too...

Yeah, Hina said the same thing.

To carry off someone as big as Hifumi in only a couple of minutes is... I can't think of it as anything less than impossible.

It's just a normal trash can. Huh? Wait...there's something inside.

It's too small to be a handkerchief. It's...a glasses cleaning cloth. And it's got some kind of cartoon character on it... Augh, but it's also covered in blood...!

Yeah, me either. But I think it might be important...

Justice Hammer 3... The one that was used to kill Hifumi... Someone moved the body, but left the weapon behind...

A refrigerator... I wonder if there's anything to drink inside. After everything I've been through, I'm totally parched. Maybe just a quick peek...

There's a bunch of blood packets in here. For blood transfusions, I guess... It doesn't help me, though. I'm not a vampire...

"Meet in the dining hall!"

 he said to go to Hiro's room, but...what's waiting for me there?

The door is...unlocked!? I guess...I can go inside. Byakuya did say to go look. It might not be a great idea, but I'm gonna take the plunge...

This is Hiro's room. There's all kinds of weird stuff in here... Where'd he even get it all from? More importantly, he still hasn't turned up... Which means he can't really complain if I don't get his permission to search his room, right?

I think there's something in the cardboard box...

It's...blueprints for something. And...

Some things made out of... It looks like cardboard, plastic, and...plaster?

But wait... These blueprints...

Something about them bothers me... Hmm...

♪ Music fades out. ♪

To think Hiro and Kyoko would turn up at the same time...

I ran off to the 2nd floor as fast as I could.