Part 6: Update IV

???: Hey... can you hear me...? Are you okay?
Man... something about this line is really familiar.

Komaru finds herself waking up on some sort of bed.

And she has no idea where the hell she is. Nor do we, for that matter.

But then, she notices something!

Komaru doesn't know what the fuck.

So, two notes. One, this music is pretty damn jammin'. And two, let's address the elephant in the room. Yes, that is Nagito Komaeda we're looking at. Or at least, whoever this is, he sure as hell passes the duck test. Looks like Nagito, talks like Nagito, and as we'll see throughout this conversation, he acts like Nagito, too. He even wears a glove on his left hand to hide the fact that that hand is Junko's hand.

♪ Jingle: Truth Bullet GET! ♫
Truth Bullet GET!

Huh. Was Nagito previously a fourth-wall-breaker? I don't recall that part about him.

With that expository dialogue done, Komaru knows exactly as much what the fuck as she did before. Which is nothing at all. Nagito was never the type to be clear when talking to others.

Alright, now we get control of Komaru again. You'll note that we have an ammo counter now. You'll also note that we only have one Truth Bullet type - Break, the basic one. Nagito sure balanced the fuck out of this gun. Well, let's check out that present.

♪ Jingle: Truth Bullet GET! ♫
Ah, another Truth Bullet!

Looks like you have obtained Move. Move is a Truth Bullet that can activate some machines with superpowered hacking magic. Try it on that power panel with the red light. Oh, and I know you probably remember, but... You can press the F Key to change ammo.
Alright, let's give it a shot.

Well, that worked. Let's move on.

Now that you've put in some time with the Hacking Gun, let me tell you something... The red left eye is a weak point for all Monokumas...

It's one hell of a shot, one that's way stronger than the regular Break. Now that's killing two birds with one stone! If you think you're so hot, why not try aiming for the weak point?
Oh, is that a challenge?


We get some Monocoins for that as well - a whole 75 of them! We won't be buying gifts with these this time around, though we have other things to spend these coins on.

We continue onwards, blasting Monokumas in the eye (well, actually just the one)...

...and eventually make it to some sort of central area where we get locked in.

After blasting one more Monokuma...

...Komaru already suggests what to do to proceed. And I think I can already see where we need to go.

I enjoy that Komaru actually shouts "MOVE" when shooting the Move Truth Bullet. She commands the machine to move, and it moves!

We only get these stairs to go up, so I guess that's where we're going.

And then, we get to enter these doors to meet the master of the house... next time!