Part 25: Update XXIII

♪ BGM: Alice in the Children's Land ♫
Alright, so let's exit these sewers and get to some far more interesting locales, first of which being...

Alright, so now we're in a graveyard. This brings me to another point on why I like this game a lot: The area designs are super varied and unique. Just look at this graveyard - we're not going to spend a lot of time here - but it's still super unique, with some neat pieces to look at.

Also, sparkles!

♪ Jingle: Hidden Kids Discovered! ♫
This tells me I fucked up somewhere, because I should have found Jataro before Kotoko - they always come in the same order. Oh well, I wasn't getting an A on this chapter anyway.

And after dealing with some Guards, we get to move on.

♪ BGM: Wonderful Dead 002 ♫
Now it's time for us to visit the picturesque Towa City Riverside.

See colorful buildings, children playing, and dead bodies!

♪ BGM: We Can't Change The World ♫

Anyway, so this is the next segment - the extremely colorful riverside properties. Some might call this Technicolor vomit, but I think it's a very welcome change of pace, and keeps things fresh and interesting to look at.

And there is our goal, Towa Tower.

Next, we get to deal with this fun situation - three Guards with two Bombers further away chucking grenades. This would be simple if I would just use Knockback to drop the Guards into the river, but that means I don't get Monocoins!

So I fuck about a bit to kill of the Guards without dropping them into the river, and it turns out they're enemies that don't drop anything. Bollocks.

Eventually, everybody gets dealt with, though not without getting blown up once. And there's a collectible!

♪ Jingle: Skill GET! ♫

It's kinda useless!

Next up, it's time for some more Monoku-Man!

♪ BGM: It's a Monokuma World ♫

This device is a Hologram Projector TV built by scavenging Towa's technology. If you turn it on, a video of a child will appear. Perhaps the kids modified it... It appears the Monokumas love modern technology, because they are drawn to it. But this unit doesn't emit any sound, so only enemies who can see it will react to it. By utilizing this special ability, I bet you can wipe out the enemy in one blow! And if you haven't already figured this out, turn it on with Move. Use these Hologram TVs skillfully to progress forward!

So this is a new element for Monoku-Man puzzles from now on. We get to attract certain Monokumas by turning on these machines with Move. As an aside, Komaru is so gosh darn excited about seeing a hologram.

♪ Jingle: Monoku-Man Activate ♫

Alright, now let's use this new thing in an actual puzzle.

This one is pretty simple. Use the hologram generator to attract the Bomber at the bottom, which will lure him up, allowing you to kill him and take out the four Guards in one explosion.

So we do just that.

♪ Jingle: Monoku-Man Success ♫

♪ BGM: Wonderful Dead 002 ♫
And with that done, we get to explore this room a bit more, because it has some really cool stuff to look at, too.

This room is basically retelling the story of Snow White, except with the Warriors of Hope. So here's Monaca taking the poisoned apple...'s Monaca after having fallen asleep...

...and here's Nagisa, playing the role of the prince coming to save her. Another thing on the list of reasons why I really like the area designs in this game. I just think stuff like this is really cool.

Next up, we have a collectible.

♪ BGM: DSO_Beautiful Dead ♫

♪ BGM: Wonderful Dead 002 ♫
The next area is some sort of large shared balcony overlooking the river. More kids and dead bodies.

We also see some mustachioed Monokumas shimmying around and doing a little dance. They don't attack us at all. I have no idea what these are supposed to be. I thought they were supposed to be a barbershop trio, except I forgot those are barbershop quartets, not trios. So I have no idea. Anyway, we blast them in the eye for Monocoins.

And right after that is another Monoku-Man room!

♪ BGM: It's a Monokuma World ♫

♪ Jingle: Monoku-Man Activate ♫

Again, a very similar puzzle to ones we've seen before, just using the hologram projector now.

Lure the Bomber to the projector...

...blast him over with Knockback...

...and kill the Guards!

♪ Jingle: Monoku-Man Success ♫

♪ BGM: Wonderful Dead 002 ♫
Again, this room has a cool design retelling a fairy tale with the Warriors of Hope.

Here, we're retelling the story of Cinderella with Kotoko in the main role.

She gets her dress from the fairy godmother (well, kinda more like a witch here, but whatever)...

...dances with her prince, who is played by Masaru here...

...has to run away at midnight as the spell wears off...

...but is eventually identified by a servant of the prince by the shoe she lost, the servant here being appropriately played by the Warriors' servant, Nagito.

Outside, we're treated to a large congregation of Monokuma kids doing whatever the fuck it is they do...

...and a collectible!

Jataro's total non sequiturs really straddle the line between "quirky in an adorable and kind of relatable way" and "utterly terrifying".

And here we are - Towa Tower is in sight. But that'll be for next time.