Part 54: Update LI

♪ BGM: Chapter Title ♫
Now, it's time to wrap this up.

Let's see what the story is going to give us to end it.

We begin with somebody familiar walking.

And he's carrying somebody familiar, too.

And as Nagito and Monaca head off to an unknown destination, somebody else is carting around a wheelbarrow.

So this is basically a whole bunch of sequel setup. In that the sequel being set up already has been released. So here's what we learned:
- Nagito is planning to turn Monaca into the Successor, using his obsession over Junko as a teaching aid, essentially. He also "needs to be somewhere later". The implication is that he's planning on turning himself in to Future Foundation to be involved in the events of DR2.
- Both Shirokuma's and Kurokuma's AIs were actually Junko AIs all along! So yeah, those of you that called Shirokuma as the spy in the resistance, pat yourself on the back, because you nailed it. I'm not sure if this actually explains why Shirokuma was able to pilot Big Bang Monokuma or not. I still haven't quite figured that out exactly, since even Monaca seemed to be surprised anybody that isn't Haiji is piloting it.
- The end here marks the appearance of Izuru Kamakura, the Ultimate Hope, formerly known as Hajime Hinata. Izuru tearing out the Junko AI chips from the robots here connects this to DR2, where he was the one that inserted the AI into the simulation as a virus. Izuru is also going to turn himself in to Future Foundation down the line.
It's not exactly any major reveals or twists, but I think we had enough of that in the last part of Chapter 5.

Next, we cut to somewhere else.

♪ BGM: Silence ♫
We then cut to Byakuya, who was apparently just stuffed into some file storage. But then, we hear something from outside the room.

♪ BGM: DSO_Welcome Despair Academy ♫

Komaru says "Remnants of Hope" here, but that's probably a mistake.

♪ BGM: DSO_Beautiful Dead ♫

♪ BGM: This Is the Path We Follow ♫

♪ BGM: DSO_Beautiful Dead ♫

♪ BGM: The Day Before The Future ♫

And with that, we're dropped into the credits.

There's nothing too special about them, with the exception of something at the end. To start, the credits just show a bunch of stills from the animated sequences from the game. But towards the end, they show three unique CGs. Thankfully, we can buy them in the extras shop later, so I can just show them to you like that.

First, we have Haiji sitting amongst adults smashing up Monokumas, looking like he still hasn't coped with the fact that his big hope got blown up by two schoolgirls.

Next, we have the Warriors of Hope, still alive, but it seems that now the Monokuma kids have completely turned on them. The game deliberately leaves this vague.

And finally, the student has become the master, as Monaca has now gone full Junko and is working on her next project with some Monokuma kids. That's it for the credits, but we still have a post-credits scene.

♪ BGM: DSO_Beautiful Dead ♫

And here we are, at the end of the story.

You can now make use of the "Bonus Mode" where you can view CGs and listen to BGMs. By loading the cleared save data with the *, you can check them out. Thanks for playing!

♪ BGM: Absolute? Despair? Girl? ♫
And now that we've beaten the game in its entirety, we get to access this menu after loading a save. Continue just continues from the save point on.

We also now have access to a chapter select. New Game lets us do a sort of new game plus, which I have no interest in at the moment, since I'm not going for 100% completion because of a particular reason you'll see in a bit.

The Extra menu, like we were told earlier, lets us buy movies, CGs and music with our left over Monocoins. We can also change the voice language on the fly here. ...hang on.

Yeah, there we go! Now I can finally find out what the hell Shirokuma was saying in that scene where he was getting beat up by Monokumas!

And there's our answer. Mystery solved.

And finally, we have Ultra Despair Hagakure. This is a novel that is a spinoff off of the spinoff. Now, I haven't read this. I just couldn't be arsed, because I really don't care for Yasuhiro. But we'll figure out what we're going to do with this later.

For now, we've officially reached the end of Ultra Despair Girls. I'm missing Bling Bullets somewhere, but I can't be arsed to search the entire game for those, because I have no idea where I missed something. With that, I suppose it's time to give some closing thoughts.
So, I've gone on record as stating that this is my favorite Danganronpa game. Now that we've seen all of it, here's some more details on why.
- I think Komaru is the best protagonist in the series. She has the most genuine reactions to the crazy shit going on, is the most relatable, and is just genuinely an enjoyable character.
- I think Komaru and Toko also make the best duo in the series, too. Though that's a bit unfair, given that the construction of the game gives a lot more time to our two main characters than any duo could get in a mainline DR game. Still, the chemistry between Komaru and Toko is excellent, going from a freaked out civilian of sorts and a bundle of neuroses trying to keep it together long enough to achieve her goal to battle-forged friends.
- I also greatly appreciate that this game is a spinoff that actually makes a difference in the genre. It's too easy to just stick with what worked to start with, so them taking a risk and going with a third person shooter is something I like.
- I liked a lot that we actually got to see what the outside world looks like. Both DR1 and DR2 talked a big game about the Incident and both ended with the survivors leaving their confinement and looking towards an unsure future, but we never really got to see what the world actually looks like. While Towa City isn't an example of what the original Incident's fuckery looked like, it gives us a pretty good facsimile, I'd say.
- I think the antagonists of this game are a lot better than Junko. Monaca in particular profits from being built up the entire game instead of showing up at the end like some sort of despair god from the heavens or whatever, and the Warriors of Hope as a whole are also a lot more interesting. I think the idea of using mentally broken children that have been given way too much power for their own good as antagonists is really interesting. You can argue about the execution, but I like the concept.
- I actually really enjoyed the gameplay. People have their problems with it, but personally, I liked it. The different ammo for the megaphone combined with the Monoku-Man puzzles made it different enough to a standard third person shooter and kept things fresh.
- I also really like the music here. This game, thanks to moving away from the regular Danganronpa formula, gets to enjoy a semi-unique soundtrack instead of slightly remixing a ton of music from the previous games - though it's not like this game doesn't have its share of that as well. Tracks like The Warriors Of Hope, Wonderful Dead 002, Like I Would Become A Monster and It's a Kids' World are my favorite in the series.
- Another thing I'm fond of are the environments. I've gone over this before, but compared to the first game in particular, the fact that this game takes place in an open city instead of an enclosed building really does the environment variety good. It makes advancing through the game a lot more enjoyable when you can't predict what's going to come next, particularly with some of the crazy shit this game pulls like the technicolor vomit of the riverside area from Chapters 2 and 3.
I recognize that a lot of this is personal bias, and I'm pretty much entirely glossing over the negatives, but that's honestly just the kind of guy I am. I'm very much a "warts and all" type of guy that tries to accentuate the positives in something he likes, which of course was the stated goal of this LP - not that I did a great job of it, but I tried, anyway.
Aaaanyway, with that, we currently have one thing to decide, and that's how this thread will continue. There are two options available, and I would like you to vote on it.
A) Go through Ultimate Despair Hagakure, then Danganronpa 3
Like I said, I have no idea if that story is any good. It might actually be great! All I know is that it involves Yasuhiro and Kanon Nakajima (you know, Leon's person of interest?) mucking about in Towa City.
B) Skip Ultimate Despair Hagakure, go straight to Danganronpa 3
Of course, the story might also be kinda shit. I don't believe it's relevant to anything that follows after it. And really, we did a spinoff now. Do we really need a spinoff of the spinoff?
Either way, I don't know if you all have realized where we're going, but note that regardless of which option is picked, I will be covering Danganronpa 3, the anime that was made to be a conclusion to the Hope's Peak saga, next. I'm not 100% sure how exactly I'll do it, but I'll figure something out. I'm doing this because, well, much like UDG, who the fuck else is going to be stupid enough to even try it? So anyway, this thread isn't over yet regardless.
But to round out our UDG part of the thread, I would like to ask a little favor of the audience, because I'm very curious. When you vote, I would also ask of you to tell me something you really liked about this game. It doesn't have to be anything big. Just a small moment where you thought "you know what, that was really good" or something like that. Also, to keep things fresh, try to pick something nobody else has picked yet.
Now, to close off this update, I'll give you one of my little things I really liked about this game: There's a bit of understated comedy in the "Break The Controller" segment which goes under in the whole excitement of the scene. When Monaca stands up in the middle of the scene, Haiji and Kotoko both get really confused, but Toko basically just goes "Guys, get with the program, you're like half an hour behind!". I got a good chuckle out of that one.
Happy voting!