Part 106: I Want to Know What Love Is
MUSIC: Cool Morning
Every time I come here, I play the role of their "ideal." Like some shared fantasy. robots have fantasies...?
It's embarrassing,'re the only one I can turn to...
Ah, well...what kind of favor?
Well... ...
MUSIC: Becoming Friends
A romantic pair bond!?
I expected that some people would have this kind of fantasy, but not Keebo...
But...something's not quite right. He didn't ask for a confession or a date, but a "pair bond"... Strange.
I have yet to experience the feeling of love. Even human children have felt love before.
Ah, are you saying... You want to experience that emotion with me?
Humans often say that love is the most precious, wonderful feeling in the world. I, too, wish to experience what love is. Will you please help me?
I suppose... I could do that...
Of course, if we're going to do this, I will need you to take it seriously.
Why are you surprised? Simply going through the motions would be dishonest. We must love each other unconditionally... We must understand each other completely... We must go on dates, grow even closer... And then, we must commit our lives to each other!
Oh? Did I speak out of turn?
No, it's not that, it's just...don't you think that's a bit long term for a favor?
But...that's not wrong of me, is it? Or do you believe there is an easier way to feel love for another?
Alright, he's going too fast! I have to get him to ease up a little...
But, you really like me that much? I don't want a relationship based on lies...
I didn't want to hear you say that...I don't actually love you.
I just thought that you were the only person I could ask for this sort of favor. I couldn't have asked this of anyone else. I just...want you to know that.
Is that true, Keebo? I am so sorry... I should never have doubted your feelings.
It's obvious now that my overzealousness for romance has earned your scorn...
H-Hey now... I didn't say "no."
I don't have a plan for the future...but I know I want to help you, Keebo.
AUDIO: The Key to Keebo's Heart
I think...I might already be in love with you.
I feelings for you are increasing at an exponential rate! Please, say more kind words to me! I don't want these feelings to go away!
Ah! Neither do I, it's just...I get embarrassed, saying things like that...
Then...may I...
My hand...?
I may not have much experience with love, but I know I can't turn him down...
Well...if it's just that...okay.
Ah...Keebo? This is a handshake...
But...I'm quite nervous. Would it be alright if we stayed like this a bit longer...?
My at peace right now.
Yes. Of course we can.
His hand that I shook should've felt cold. But felt so, so warm.
Last night, with Keebo... Was that a dream? My hand...still feels warm.