Part 120: Roll With It

The students enter a virtual world to try to find the "truth of the outside world," but somehow Miu is killed. This trial blends a virtual world with the real world!

Grenade (Debate Type, 24 slots)
Hold to shoot a strong Silencer. Effective during Nonstop and Mass Panic Debates. Can't be combined with Machine Gun or Shotgun.
Here's the last skill available from the Casino. Nothing else I can buy for Friendship Fragments jumped out at me this time.

Monokuma File 4 posted:
The victim is the Ultimate Inventor, Miu lruma.
The victim's body was discovered in the computer room, on the fourth floor of the school.
The estimated time of death is 6:30 am.
No injuries can be found on the victim's body.

Kaito's Account posted:
Kaito was the only one logged out from the Virtual World.
While he was looking for the secret of the outside world on the mansion's rooftop, a ring of light appeared around his feet and he was suddenly logged out against his will.
Not knowing if it was okay to log back in or not, he went to his room and slept.

Small Bottle of Poison posted:
A bottle of poison from the Ultimate Detective's lab. It was found on Kokichi's seat.
The poison is neutralized if it is mixed into anything, but it is still quite dangerous and even a small amount will kill someone.
It causes subconjunctival hemmorhaging, making its victim's eyes completely bloodshot.

Events at the Chapel posted:
While looking for the secret of the outside world, Miu volunteered to search outside the chapel and split up from Himiko and the others.
While Himiko, Maki, and Keebo were searching inside the chapel, they heard a loud sound as though something hit the chapel from the outside. When they went to investigate, they found Miu's avatar on the ground.
Himiko and the others ran back to the mansion to log out and check on Miu, but with no bridge, they couldn't cross the river. It was there they met up with Shuichi.

Loud Noise posted:
While Shuichi and Tsumugi were in the mansion's kitchen in the Virtual World, they heard a loud sound, as though something crashed into something else.
Shortly after, while they were both in the entrance hall, they heard Keebo's voice, despite the fact that he should have been past the map loading point.

Miu's Corpse posted:
Miu was found grasping her neck with both hands. She died with her eyes open and an expression of agony on her face.
As the first to log out, Keebo was the first to discover Miu's body. She still had her visor on at the time.

Killing Game Simulator posted:
The killing game simulator's text file contained the following information:
Objects can't break.
Avatars cannot be injured. However, the body's five senses are connected to the avatar, and any damage an avatar takes is felt by the user's real body. If an avatar takes fatal damage, then the real body will also die from shock.
Besides that, the Virtual World is the same as the real world, down to the laws of physics. There are no special travel methods such as vehicles or warps.

Login/Logout Record posted:
With the exception of Miu, who died before she could log out, everyone only logged in and out once each. The timestamps for their logins and logouts are as follows:
23:02 Himiko, Tsumugi, Kaito, Keebo, and Shuichi logged in.
23:03 Maki logged in.
23:04 Kokichi and Gonta logged in.
23:06 Miu logged in.
05:17 Kaito logged out.
06:55 Keebo logged out.
06:55 Himiko logged out.
06:55 Maki logged out.
06:56 Gonta logged out
06:56 Tsumugi logged out.
06:58 Shuichi logged out.
07:00 Kokichi logged out.

Device Instructions posted:
For the visors to function, they need to be plugged in to the computer with two specific cords.
The red cord is for consciousness and the blue cord is for memory.
It is unknown what would happen if the cords were plugged into the wrong slots, but there's a chance that some kind of glitch might occur.

Map of the Mansion posted:
The first floor of the mansion in the Virtual World has a salon, a dining room, a kitchen, and a bathroom. The second floor is only the rooftop.
While looking for the secret of the outside world, Kokichi searched the salon, Tsumugi searched the dining room, Kaito searched the rooftop, and Gonta searched outside of the mansion.

Map of the World posted:
The Virtual World is surrounded by walls on all four Sides, and there is a loading point between the two areas of the map. The loading point splits the map into two sidesthe mansion side and the chapel side.
When going through the map loading point, sight and hearing are momentarily cut off.
In order to go between the mansion and chapel, it is necessary to go through the map loading point and across the river that runs parallel to it.

Miu's Avatar posted:
Found frozen and collapsed in the snow between the chapel and the wall where the Virtual World ends. When a user logs out, their avatar disappears, but if the user's real body dies, the avatar stays in the Virtual World.
Since avatars cannot be injured, it doesn't look any different from when Miu was alive.
Everything in the killing game simulator is assigned one of two categories"human" or "object." Most avatars are set to "human." However, Miu's avatar was the only one that was set to "object."

Miu and Kokichi's Meeting posted:
While everyone was gathered at the chapel, Miu told Kokichi to meet her on the rooftop of the mansion.
However, when everyone was deciding how to split up to search for the secret of the outside world, Miu volunteered to search the chapel.

Kokichi in the Salon posted:
Kokichi agreed to meet up with Miu on the rooftop, but because the door to the rooftop was locked, he couldn't. Because of that, he returned to the salon and decided to search there.
There are no witnesses who can confirm whether or not Kokichi was actually in the salon.

VIDEO: Opening Statements








MUSIC: V3 Argument -PERJURY-
VIDEO: Nonstop Debate #1

With the Grenade skill, you charge with the [X] button...

...and release it to silence the entire screen.

Unfortunately, some white noise still takes multiple hits to break, and the charge time is a bit of an obstacle. I prefer Shotgun, but this is better than Machine Gun or nothing.




Let's get the obvious red herring out of the way first.










MUSIC: V3 Argument -BREAK-
VIDEO: Nonstop Debate #2





Miu's posture only makes sense with one of these answers.


MAKI: But we already removed the possibility of poison, so it can only be strangulation. Also...when a victim is poisoned, they commonly grab their chest or mouth. But Miu was holding her throat... It's obvious she was trying to protect her windpipe.






VIDEO: Rebuttal Showdown #1




You may have noticed that we overshot the weak point.

Thankfully, if we push Gonta hard enough, we'll circle back around to the start.







MUSIC: V3 Argument -BREAK-
VIDEO: Nonstop Debate #3






I wonder how often the correct weak point is given away by it having the hardest V-point to hit. I've noticed this happen a few times now.






Next time, exploits and backdoors.