Part 163: Way Down in the Hole

MUSIC: Hope Searching

That meter at the top of the screen is my least favorite mechanic in the whole game. Can you guess why? You'll know in due time.

The map is unavailable in Chapter 6. You'll have to remember where everything is yourself. Fortunately the layout has been simplified a bit.

Monokid blocks our path to the west, shoving us back into the entrance hall.

The front door is blocked by debris. We need at least one friend to move it.

The hallway to the basement is blocked by even sterner stuff.

Oh, but don't forget to look for hidden Monokumas! This one's next to the rubble, behind the bars near the edges of the entrance hall.

Our only way forward is down.

Was this staircase...supposed to be unlocked by a mysterious item?

Shuichi doesn't need help moving the debris in the tunnel.

We remember how to slap, right? Now's when all of our training pays off.

After a few twists, turns and roadblocks, we find a door.

This must be an Ultimate lab.
It isn't open, but there's only one Ultimate lab left...
It's Kokichi's... The Ultimate Supreme Leader's lab.
This door isn't supposed to open...


I have to go inside.

It certainly does have that "evil organization" feel... But there's nothing that would identify the Remnants of Despair.

But it didn't seem like he knew anything about the Remnants of Despair.

If this lab was made for Kokichi, there should be *some" link to the Remnants...
Perhaps it's hidden somewhere... I should investigate thoroughly.

Did you notice that the timer moved ahead a bit? It increments every time you click on something. So contrary to what Shuichi said, and much to my chagrin, the game doesn't want you to investigate thoroughly. But I'll do it anyway, because there's some flavor text that's worth seeing.

The toy helicopter circles around when I click the remote.


Is this Kokichi's?

There's nothing of any particular interest on top of the table.

...But do the Remnants of Despair put up emblems...?

Ooh, a hoverchair!

But...something feels off. It's all too...cliche. It feels as if this entire room is just an elaborate prank.

While Keebo is keeping Monokuma and the Monokubs busy, I have to find the truth!

I knocked all the suits away between screenshots.
If this is the Ultimate Supreme Leader's lab...are these uniforms for the other members of the organization? There are some...unsettling objects here... Gas masks, handcuffs... There are also wigs and glasses, for disguises I imagine. But they seem...comical.

I picked up the book and began rapidly flipping through the pages. And inside...

SHUICHI: This is...a history of the battle between hope and despair.
But we've already remembered all this. We know this information. I don't suppose it'd make for a particularly useful clue......I don't...suppose...
MUSIC: Wonderful Story
SHUICHI: No. Something's not right.
Something is off. Because the things written in this book

I flinched in surprise as Maki peeked at the thick book in my hands.


She gave me a big, almost theatrical sigh, then started speaking in bored narration.
MUSIC: New World Order V3
AUDIO: The Tragedy

MAKI: The Biggest, Most Awful, Most Tragic Event in Human History...

MAKI: This tragic event was caused by a lone high school girl...

MAKI: In order to fulfill her plans to plunge humanity and the world into utter despair......she organized the killing game of Hope's Peak Academy's 78th class.

MAKI: ...was forced to participate in the killing game.

MAKI: With her death, the despair outbreaks ended, and the world slowly began to recover.

MAKI: The Future Foundation was established to fight against them, and their war raged on... Until one day, when the war suddenly ended.

AUDIO: The Rebuilt Hope's Peak

MAKI: They continued to scout students who possessed Ultimate-level talent, and that's all we know...



I turned to one of the pages, almost without thinking.



In order to investigate this... I need to know more about Kokichi. I found this in *his" lab, after all...
MUSIC: Hope Searching




I don't know how to describe the noise that plays on this screen. Let's just call it "ominous."

The colors invert again.
Ah, aaugh! Wh-What is this!? What's...happening?
VIDEO: Remember
MUSIC: Heaven of Almost Hell
AUDIO: Memories with the Baby

MUSIC: Rise of the Ultimates

Th-That...was a memory...right?
It's...from that Flashback Light!








Next time, we duck out of the main building for a bit.