Part 173: (What's the Story) Morning Glory?

MUSIC: Hope Searching

As always, Kaede-related weights are the hardest to move past.

I should be able to see the entire courtyard from here.
This must be what he was talking about...
Alright, let's see if I can find something...

Doesn't seem like we have much to go on in here.

but I don't think this is what Keebo was talking about.

Time to take out our frustrations on this suspicious pile of chairs.

Wait, what's this?

Is this connected to a computer?


These projector things unfold from behind the blackboard and...

Seeking answers, I pressed the Enter key.

Do these settings create new Flashback Lights?
To test my deduction, I selected one of the categories.

It has to be the last one, about a new memory.

So there are still some memories we haven't remembered yet?
If we can remember something new... that would definitely be a clue. ...Alright, let's try it.
I wonder what kind of memory it is. I'll start with "The Survivors."

What does it mean by "select"? These are all memories we forgot... *All* of these should be true events. So why...would you be able to select one? And these categories...there are several inconsistencies about the survivors. Do I...have to select the correct one?
I suppose I'll choose, "The survivors on a different planet." If that's true...there's more hope for us.

Alright... I'll press it.

That sound...


I'll open it...


But this clearly allows you to choose. Why? And there's no indication of which are real.



I can assume that was done in order to obfuscate the room's purpose.

And if they're that cautious of us...


MUSIC: Hope Searching

Technically that *is* something I have time for, you dumb bear.



Yet another shaking ceiling.








There must be some kind of switch that activates it...but I can't find anything like that.
Next time, the secret to Himiko's new trick.