Part 53: Mean Love
MUSIC: Cool Morning
Maki's ideal fantasy... I wonder what that could be like...
MUSIC: Heartless Journey
I still don't know anything...even after we've been together for over 10 years.
10 years...?
Ah, yes... I remember.
I see... Maki and I are friends from the orphanage.
Ah, no, it's nothing...
Do you think that you *should*?
...Did I say something? Maki is blushing... What happened?
I...I didn't know you thought about things like that... This whole time, I never noticed...
.png) that...
Y-You... Y-You're the...worst... You're the...worst ever...
Wh-What...are you trying to get me to say? It's all because you said *that* when we played House... The younger kids are copying us...
I said something...? What was it?
You're usually so...unreliable, but then you had to say *that* all of a sudden... What a pain...
When did you start thinking about that? I never even noticed it before...
I said *what*!?
That and I...
You don't lie...and you would never do anything to make someone sad... I already know that. I wasn't with you for this long just for your looks. That's why...I...
Maki...? What's wrong?
...Give me your hand.
My hand? Like this?
Ah... Um...?
AUDIO: The Key to Maki's Heart
When I think about you... When I hold your hand... When I touch you... I'm happy, but I'm scared... I'm satisfied with so little, but at the same time, I want more... I don't understand... This is the first time... I've ever felt this way...
Hey, Shuichi... There's still a lot I don't understand... But I'm certain about some things. I don't want to let you go. I'll stay by your side forever, close enough to hold your hand. I want to...cuddle...just the two of us. If this is what families do...then I want to do that.
After you said you wanted to start a family, I thought about it. You're my friend from the orphanage... You've always been there for me... That's normal...but not, at the same time.
This is probably just a miracle... But miracles turn to false hope eventually...
Maki stared into my eyes. Her gaze was so serious, so resolute. I felt it in my bones.
AUDIO: The Key to Maki's Heart, Part 2
That's why I want you to promise me. Not just a marriage proposal... But, something that lets me feel more...
I took a breath to prepare my heart... and nodded with a smile.
Last night, with Maki... Was that a dream? I can still see her eyes...