Part 80: House of Pain
Not only is Kaito out of commission, but we're on the Student Council's shit list now, so hangout opportunities are limited.
MUSIC: Becoming Friends
Oh, Shuichi...
Um...Gonta is member of student council now... Angie tell Gonta, he need to set good example.
So Gonta no can spend time with you! Sorry!
...Do you need something? I'm busy right now. If you can't understand the purpose of the student council, at least try not to get in the way.
MUSIC: Spirit, Praise and Beauty
Heh, hehehehehehe... This computer is pretty awesome... No matter what I always responds very sensitively...
The dark arts of the
Caged Dog Village were sealed away for being too effective.
The Caged Child was one such art. It seems feudal lords feared the words of the dead.
...I'm busy praying to Atua. Go away. I don't have time for degenerates like you.
What do you want...? The student council's very busy, y'know? Are you trying to stop us? We're doing this for the peace of the academy.
Huh? I don't have time to talk to you. I'm praying to Atua.
Talk to you later! Bye-onara!
MUSIC: Becoming Friends
Shuichi? Sorry, man. These chills won't stop... I gotta rest.
See ya...
Is Kaito okay...?
Sorry...the student council is busy praying to Atua and preparing for the ritual.
If you get in our way...something bad might happen...
I went to check on the manhole, but it was covered in debris.
But Gonta's simple. Do you think he'd move it for us if we gave him a little nudge?
I don't think I can get in... The only person strong enough to move all this would be Gonta.
Rantaro definitely died... Kaede and Kirumi died right before our very eyes...
...Fine. I don't feel like doing anything particular, so I'll let you decide.
Hmm... You must not worry a lot if you're giving presents in a situation like this... Well, it's not like I mind. I'll take it.
It's better if you didn't know. Also, there's no need for you to know.
Gathering children from orphanages...? I couldn't believe it.
Hmm... Do you want me to surprise you even more then?
...What do you mean?
To raise potential candidates as assassins.
The cult donates to the orphanage as "charity." That's believable, right? The amount of work I put in is the amount of charity given. That's how the exchange goes.
I see...
Such small shoulders...
You said you were taken in by a man. Did he raise you?
Are you asking if he raised me as an assassin?
...You don't need to be so serious. That man scouted me and put me in a training facility.
I remember you saying that training was quite harsh.
The basic training forces your body to go beyond its human limitations. They physically beat us to help us withstand torture, and taught us how to die when needed...
The only option left when you fail a mission is to die, right? Dying sooner is the nicer way out. It's much better than being tortured alive.
So you... You were trained to withstand torture...?
Would you like to hear what kind of training we endured?
I can't bear to think of what Maki had to go through...
After they tortured us, all I could do after was just stare at the room's ceiling... They tried to break me during training, but *I* was still there. They tried to drag my dignity and tear it... To make me feel empty...
It...wouldn't have been strange if I broke during all the torture. But even so, I tried my best. I wouldn't have accepted the job in the first place if I knew I couldn't do it... But most importantly... If I broke, then *that girl* would replace me...
Sorry... Pretend you didn't hear any of that just now.
What? But...
It's fine. Just pretend.
What do you want? Did you come here to join the student council? Please talk to Angie about that.
What do you want...? The student council's very busy, y'know? Are you trying to stop us? We're doing this for the peace of the academy.
Aw maaan, stupid student council! Maybe we should just get Maki to "clean" them up!
MUSIC: Spirit, Praise and Beauty
...Do you need something? I'm busy right now. If you can't understand the purpose of the student council, at least try not to get in the way.
Ah, yes... I don't wish you to misunderstand... Seances and necromancy are two different things. Necromancy defiles the dead...
Sorry...the student council is busy praying to Atua and preparing for the ritual.
If you get in our way...something bad might happen...
You know I'm busy preparing for the ritual, Shuichi. I'll call for you when I'm done so we can do the ritual. Just wait until then.
MUSIC: Becoming Friends
Oh, it's you... Sorry, but I'm not feeling up to talking right now. We'll talk later, okay?
See ya...
Is Kaito okay...?
Man, Shuichi! You're lookin' even more pent up than usual!
...Sorry! Gonta no can spend time with you... Cuz Gonta member of student council.
Shuichi...will you join student council? Please? If everyone join...we all can spend time together with Atua.
He complains about others, but he can't even take care of himself... Irresponsible idiot...
...I was about to go on a walk. You can tag along if you want...
This is...something you should give to a child. You shouldn't give this to someone my age.
Well...when we get out of here, I'll give it to the kids. That's why you gave it to me, right?
Well, whatever. I told you to pretend like you didn't hear anything...but I can't take back what I said.
A close friend...
Why do you look so relieved?
Ah, I do?
Yeah, you do. It's gross.
I'm just glad have a friend like that in your life.
Hmm...I see. So that's why you're making a gross face. Back at the orphanage, I was a normal kid.
I-I'm sorry...
It's fine.
Then, what did you mean when you said she would take your place?
...The scouts had their eyes on her first, not me.
I had enough talent, but she had even more talent. She was very kind. A crybaby who easily got lonely, but tried to be strong... If she had been taken to such a place, then she would've lived her life crying forever.
At the time, I had no idea what was in store for me as an assassin... But I endured the training. If she had gone through this, she would've died. That's why...I was so desperate to do my best.
So she wasn't just doing it for the orphanage, it was for her friend as well.
We would wear matching outfits, bake sweets and exchange them... We would get in trouble with our teacher because we would talk late into the night. We played House often with the other kids at the orphanage.
Well, neither of us knew our parents so the only thing we could do was imagine it.
That's surprisingly cute.
Wh-What are you saying...? Don't say things like cute. That kind of thing doesn't exist in my heart.
No, I really think so. I'm sure you would make a good "dad."
Sh-Shut up! Stop imagining whatever it is you're thinking!
I can't even imagine...
...Of course you can't. There's no point in imagining it.
But honestly...I can't see myself laughing now like how I used to back then.
So it was fun, huh?
...Pretty much. I think that was when I was happiest. It was a dream for me. The next day would come...and the day after that would be just as peaceful. It was such a carefree time... I wonder how many people take that for granted.
Deep down, just like any of us.
Assassin Madder theme
Maki Harukawa's theme.
Quiet your heart. Fulfill your duty.
Ooh, rusty.