Part 7
Off to the Doctor's.Well, so this isn't a total loss, let's try the hardware store. I bet they have tons of cool weapons! I want a chainsaw!
Hmmm... Let's head to the right.
Paul: Sure, Mike. I remember you.
Mike: So how's the hardware store business?
Paul: Great. I've given myself a vacation for the first time in three years. The store is closed right now. I'm just gonna relax and water my lawn for the next week or two.
Paul: It certainly was. The second murder this year. I don't know what's going on in this town anymore.
Mike: What do you know about the second murder?
Mike: Do you know of anything strange going on in town?
Mike: Why do you say the town is too quiet?
Paul: Take care yourself, Mike.
Let's head to the right and...
Deputy: Yeah, but it's election year. What do you expect?
Mike: What has the election got to do with it?
Deputy: Mayor Fleming's up for re-election, and I suppose he doesn't want any unsolved murder cases around. That's why he called in the FBI. Doesn't trust us good ol' boys to do a proper job, I guess.
Mike: You look like you're on guard duty.
Deputy: I'm keeping watch over Rita Scanlon's house.
Mike: A week after the murder?
Deputy: I'm just followin' orders, Mike. I'm not supposed to let anyone in. We've had problems with vandalism before.
Deputy: Not a thing. But we need to keep Rita's house intact until the FBI comes. They'll want to go over it with a fine tooth comb.
Mike: So, how's the murder investigation going?
Deputy: C'mon, Mike! You know I shouldn't be talkin' to you about that. Go on now, let me do my job.