Part 5: Mission 6

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Terminator Squad Sometimes referred to as Tactical Dreadnought Armour, there is no finer protection for a Space Marine than a suit of Terminator Armour. Proof against even the strongest of anti-armour weaponry, Terminator Armour sacrifices agility in order to provide strength and stability so that a Marine may wield weapons in one hand that they would have struggled to control with two were they in Power Armour. Only those who have performed particularly heroic feats of valour in combat would be awarded the symbol of the right to wear such armour, the Crux Terminatus, as it is said each one of these sacred badges bears a sliver of the Emperor's Armour.
In combat Terminators are immune to suppression but cannot retreat.
Assault Cannon Allows a Terminator Squad to equip an Assault Cannon, a high powered and rapid-fire weapon that tears through all infantry types.
Cyclone Missile Launcher Allows a Terminator Squad to equip a Cyclone Missile Launcher, which allows the squad to lay down a barrage of high explosive missiles that do significant damage to all targets.
Heavy Flamer Allows a Terminator Squad to equip a Heavy Flamer, an area of effect weapon effective against infantry that ignores cover and does extra damage to units within buildings.

Sniper Rifle Looked down upon by most fully fledged Space Marines due to its common use as a means of silent and distant killing, the Sniper Rifle still finds a place amongst its training Scouts who must master every weapon type available to them. The Sniper Rifle has extreme range, stopping power capable of instantly killing almost all infantry targets, and will almost always suppress a target it fires upon.
Master Crafted Sniper Rifle
New Bolter Acquired
Artificer Bolter
New Power Sword Acquired
Blade of Divination
Commander Items

Jump Pack Often times a Space Marine Chapter will find that its greatest weapon is a swift attack that deals a shocking amount of damage in one strike, or the ability to move with the flow of battle. The Jump Packs worn by Space Marine Assault squads or suitably impetuous commanders allow them to swiftly redeploy and come down upon the heads of foes who had previously thought themselves in an advantageous position.
Jump Pack

Specialist Bolter Ammunition Though the Boltgun is famous for its standard rounds and the grievous damage they inflict on their enemies, there are different types of rounds that may be loaded in order to overcome a certain enemy or obstacle. Due to the limited availability and unique circumstances that would require such ammunition, access to these special rounds is typically limited to veteran units of Tactical Marines referred to as Sternguard.
Dragonfire Bolts
New Expendables Acquired
Contemplation of the Codex
Dreadnought Dispensation

Please also choose our mission reward, will we take the melta gun, unlock the Predator tanks or Upgrade our Dreadnoughts to have Dark Age of Technology?
Please also vote on which hero should use the Contemplation of the Codex.