Part 11: Mission 12

New Content
New Plasma Gun Acquired
Blasphemy of the Mechanicus
New Power Armour Acquired
Star Shield

Blind Grenades When detonated a Blind Grenade releases a bright flash of energy that incapacitates rather than harms its targets. When struck by a Blind Grenade's blast an enemy unit will be stunned for a short period of time. Blind grenades do not work on vehicles or infantry units that are inside of a building.

Cluster Mines When attached to a Space Marine Company for their training, a Scout unit will often find itself acting on intel gathering and attacking targets of opportunity far from the main points of conflict. To assist in any ambushes these Initiates may undertake the Scout Sergeant may bring Cluster Mines on the mission, and lure enemies into carefully prepared traps. These small proximity-activated mines deal a large amount of damage to enemy infantry, but have negligible effect on vehicles.

Litanies of Vigour There are many texts and prayers used by those in the Imperium that carry the power to move some individuals to action beyond what they were capable. The Litanies of Vigour are inspirational pieces written to stir a Space Marine to continue on even when exhausted. In gameplay terms each use replenishes the energy of its user and anyone within its radius of effect.
New Expendable Acquired
Final Gift of the Artificer

In addition please vote for our reward. Shall we acquire the Bolter, upgrade Predators to have enhanced armour or will we upgrade our Terminators to carry Cyclone Missile Launchers?