Part 12: Mission 13

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Power Fist By applying a power field generator to a heavy gauntlet the Imperium has a weapon that allows its wearer to deliver physical blows many times the bearer's strength. When wielded by a Space Marine a Power Fist is capable of tearing through armour as though it were paper. Such is the power of the field surrounding the fist that the discharges of its blows can also temporarily stun enemy walkers and vehicles. The weapon's greatest drawback is that the weight of the gauntlet and its field generator make it unwieldy and incapable of fast attacking.
Polaris Fist

Plasma Cannon The natural progression of weapon technology in the Imperium, the Plasma Cannon takes the powerful and volatile design of the plasma gun and makes it larger. Now a danger not merely to the user but to anyone standing nearby, the Plasma Cannon is nonetheless a weapon that will reduce vehicles and infantry to nothing in the large incandescent explosions of its projectile's impact.
Light of Calderis
New Sniper Rifle Acquired
The Merciful Judge
Commander Items

Iron Halo Those that lead Space Marine forces typically lead from the front where their honed combat skills are put to use in critical locations. Though they are indeed mighty warriors they are still mortal, and as such Space Marine Chapters employ a type of wargear that acts as both a symbol of position and a form of protection. This symbol takes the form of an Iron Halo that rests atop the commander's back-pack, utilising the energy of the pack to power a strong personal energy field. This field will stand proof against almost all attacks directed towards the Iron Halo's bearer so long as it can generate the energy to sustain it, though resisting such attacks will deplete its strength. Though the shield can be overwhelmed it merely needs time to recharge energy before it may be used again.
Iron Halo
New Specialist Bolter Ammo Acquired
Kraken Bolts
New Expendable Acquired
Assault Dispensation

Also please vote for our mission reward. Do we take the Lascannon, upgrade our Devastators with Advanced Targeting or do we upgrade our Assault Squads to unlock Sergeants?