Dead Rising 2, originally released in 2010, is the world's premiere Zombie-Murdering-Angry-Dad-Mallrat simulator. Chuck Greene is accused of starting a zombie outbreak, possibly because upon making it to the safehouse he broke out and murdered three people, but mostly because someone's trying to frame him. Chuck has three days to clear his name and scavenge for Zombrex to keep his daughter from becoming more zombie-ey.
Also this game FUCKING RULES.
I'm joined as always by Grace on our quest to help our daughter while looking like the world's biggest jackass. Grace hasn't seen the game before, I on the other hand have played a significant amount. We're doing a 'casual 100%' run in that I PLAN on completing every mission, but this game gets REAL douchey about unmarked missions late in the game, and I'm not scrapping any progress if I miss something dumb!
I'm also not even remotely pretending to play fair. We're rolling up on psychopaths with full on platoons of survivors with guns. We're going for maximum goofiness.
Let's Play Dead Rising 2 Episode 1 - Live from Fortune City!
Let's Play Dead Rising 2 Episode 2 - Presents For Katey
Let's Play Dead Rising 2 Episode 3 - Sunday! Sunday! Sunday!
Let's Play Dead Rising 2 Episode 4 - The Neckbeardingest Neckbeard
Let's Play Dead Rising 2 Episode 5 - A Witch Did It
Let's Play Dead Rising 2 Episode 6 - Slaying While Slaying
Let's Play Dead Rising 2 Episode 7 - We Kill The Shit Out Of Slappy
Let's Play Dead Rising 2 Episode 8 - Spin2Win
Let's Play Dead Rising 2 Episode 9 - Gqefff
Let's Play Dead Rising 2 Episode 10 - Too Spicy For You
Let's Play Dead Rising 2 Episode 11 - Freedom Bear
Let's Play Dead Rising 2 Episode 12 - The Gay Agenda VS The Nazis
Let's Play Dead Rising 2 Episode 13 - I'm Not Dying Sober
Let's Play Dead Rising 2 Episode 14 - Stop Calling Me
Let's Play Dead Rising 2 Episode 15 - It's Not Radical At All!
Let's Play Dead Rising 2 Episode 16 - Time For Orb
Let's Play Dead Rising 2 Episode 17 - I Want To Go To Red Panda's House
Let's Play Dead Rising 2 Episode 18 - ELECTROGQEFFF
Let's Play Dead Rising 2 Episode 19 - Where. Is. Katey.
Let's Play Dead Rising 2 Episode 20 - Dan Fights A Giant Fucking Asshole