Part 14

Is anyone paying attention to this? Because I'm not. I'm in this for the TRAPs, not rock collecting.

Inside the factory, Albert catches Cecelia heeding the call of nature. This is what happens when you build all these castles and factories, and forget to include a bathroom.

Missing File: ePSXe_2007-07-09_15-16-35-09.jpgWe'll get this as soon as we can — however it might just be gone forever, sorry! If you know where we can find it, please get in contact

It's a huge mystery as to why anyone would want a stone that lets you travel through time.

Used to be a man.

What the sweet fuck?! Magnetman?! Why... How...

Oh god it's a gimp

Lucky for him, I got the sexpander. That's what it's really called in most trap menus. I think I'm gonna keep it just because of the name, practicality be damned.
Magnetmen and sexpanders / Backup

Hi guys, would you mind standing on that blue light for me?


Despite what Alex Chiu claims, magnets do not make you immortal.

Don't worry, I'll help her.

Sooo... You're a masochist, huh? You like being hurt?

I bet you're having a major happy right now, then.

Reina had a part time job as a dominatrix before her kidnapping.

I do not like the way this is going.

Auto ring!

Next time on Deception, Reina makes a big decision.