Twenty years after the events of the original Deus Ex, we rejoin the story as Alex D, a cadet in the covert ops training program at Tarsus Acadamy. Augmentations once again give you the choice to play stealthily, or become a ruthless killing machine.
We'll be playing this on normal to enjoy the story, heavily modded to show off the semi-acceptable graphics without the atrocious HUD the game normally forces upon you. Definitely not a 100% run, but I'll be trying to catch all the interesting bits.
Hoodi did a full playthrough of this back in 2008, unfortunately it was never archived and seems to be (mostly) dead videos now. He was also playing the vanilla 4:3 game with occasionally co-commentators, and this will be purely solo commentary.
I will be posting two episodes per week normally - Monday and Friday evening (CST). This will not interrupt my currently running World of Warcraft series (Wed).
I love feedback - even negative comments are appreciated, that's how I improve. If you want to see something specific definitely mention it ahead of time, but there won't be any voting on storyline branches or characters.
Episode 1 - Tarsus Academy
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Episode 2 - Upper Seattle
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Episode 3 - Emerald Suites & Club Vox
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Episode 4 - The Greasel Pit
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Episode 5 - Sophia Sak and Ava Johnson
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Episode 6 - Mako Ballistics
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Episode 7 - Cairo Medina
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Episode 8 - Cairo Greenhouse and Arcology
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Episode 9 - Tarsus Academy
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Episode 10 - ApostleCorp Laboratory
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Episode 11 - Trier Germany
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Episode 12 - Black Gate Ruins
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Episode 13 - Templar Church
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Episode 14 - JC's Sanctuary
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Episode 15 - Versalife Base
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Episode 16 - Return to Cairo
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Episode 17 - Save Klara Sparks
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Episode 18 - Liberty Island
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Episode 19 - Templar and Illuminati Endings
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Episode 20 - Omar and ApostleCorp Endings
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Episode 21 - Bonus Level Quote Files
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