Part 32: 9:14-10:49: The Despair At The End Of The Rainbow
Chapter 32: 9:14-10:49: The Despair At The End Of The RainbowContent warning: Censored homophobic slurs. No, Cunos not in this one, it comes from somewhere else. Youll see.
ARIST: [Medium: Success] You can already tell its going to be a busy day, but still you have no real itinerary. Youll tackle each problem as they present themselves, you suppose. Thats what you always do.

ARIST: [Challenging: Success] You realize youre now calculating angles the bullet could come from even subconsciously. Pride wells up in your chestthat or your breakfast, anyway. You feel like a real cop. Youre going to solve this thing.

ARIST: [Easy: Success] As you re-enter this oh-so familiar patch of Martinaise, marked unmistakably by this roundabout and its static sprawl of lorries going nowhere, you notice two hooligans, their jackets covered in obscenities, inspecting Kims Coupris Kineema.

PISSF****T: A snazzy shit-ripped SKULL-mobile like this would make a fine trophy. We could, like, hang fucking shrunken heads from the side mirrors! Cops heads Scary tribal shit.
FUCK THE WORLD: Yeah, tribal shit he agrees. A cop-carriage like this would have proper SKULL value
KIM KITSURAGI: Ahem. He steps in. While I appreciate the interest you take in my *brutal motor carriage*, I have to stop you right there. The RCM takes threats directed at its property seriously.

FUCK THE WORLD: I can tell you who were not, cop. Were *not* snitches, f****ts or SKULLS.
PISSF****T: Which is not to say that the SKULLS are bitches and f****ts. On the contrary
FUCK THE WORLD: The part of this presentation you wanna take home with you, cop man, is: Were not part of the SKULLS. Yet.

FUCK THE WORLD: You dont know? What kind of cop are you?

PISSF****T: The question was rhetorical, he replies, raising his open hand. The SKULLS are *the* most vicious gang of the Besmertyné.
ENCYCLOPEDIA: [Medium: Success] Besmertyné or the Besmertiethe *immortals*are west-Revacholian crime syndicates.
FUCK THE WORLD: The nastiest bunch of psychos ever! Jacking carriages and getting into high-speed chases.

KIM KITSURAGI: If a SKULL spots you, he will pull out his dagger and stab you without saying a word.
COMPOSURE: [Easy: Success] The lieutenants voice is as calm as usuala testament to the violence and death hes witnessed through the sight of his firearm.
KIM KITSURAGI: They usually occupy the Burnt-Out Quarter in Jamrock. Or you can find them loitering around in their brightly-painted, bottom-lighted vehicles.

FUCK THE WORLD: Yeah, sure, well gladly tell you everything we know about it. He clears his throat. It was a man.

PISSF****T: He was hanged from a tree.
FUCK THE WORLD: Yeah, I mean duh.
KIM KITSURAGI: These punks dont know anything. Lets just move along.
FUCK THE WORLD: Hey! Stop right there! How does one know anything?

FUCK THE WORLD: Exactly! How can one know shit? For example: How can one be sure that there truly is a body hanging behind the hostel?
ARIST: [Medium: Success] Well, there isnt right now, so one cant.

PISSF****T: The young mans eyes glaze over as he marks in a voice filled with longing: Oh yeah, Cindys a right proper SKULL
FUCK THE WORLD: Yeah, the other guy lights up too. A true artist of the future, just like Arno van Eyck.
PISSF****T: By the way, if you see Cindy, give her our regards, he adds, returning from whatever void he was just visiting.
RHETORIC: [Medium: Success] For all their nihilistic posturing, these young men are not lacking in youthful idealism.
EMPATHY: [Challenging: Success] Odd. There isnt a hint of hate in them. Its like theyre Pissf******t and Fuck The World out of some kind of moral obligation.

PISSF****T: Old man, it doesnt matter. Youll be long gone before his greatness is recognized.

PISSF****T: Yep. He nods enthusiastically. Old as fuck.
FUCK THE WORLD: Yeah, man. Its like at deaths door. No wonder you know nothing about the future. You wont *be* there.

KIM KITSURAGI: The Union does their share of policing in Martinaise, at least where gangs are concerned, the lieutenant replies instead. Thats why there isnt much organized crime around here.
ESPRIT DE CORPS: [Medium: Success] Apart from the Union themselves of course.
FUCK THE WORLD: Dont you worry about that. Were gonna make up for the deficit.

ARIST: [Medium: Success] These two seem like complete dipshits.

PISSF****T: Because we can be just as psycho and vicious. Youll see.
FUCK THE WORLD: Oh, youll see for sure once were inits the last thing youll ever see before the void consumes you.

PISSF****T: Uh He looks confused. Well yeah I mean, were only saying *practice* things for now, so We dont mean no harm to the SKULLS brand. Or to you.

FUCK THE WORLD: We think of it more like two franchises merging, you knowus two and the SKULLS. I really feel like we would add more to the table. Spice things up here in Martinaise, you know. Get the old machine of pain and suffering oiled up real good.

PISSF****T: Hey, we can be just as hard! Like pavement on top of pavement, or a brick on top of another brick.
FUCK THE WORLD: Or a grave on top of a grave.
RHETORIC: [Easy: Success] These kids have the vocabulary but might be missing a brain.
LOGIC: [Medium: Success] Wouldnt a grave on top of a grave just be a big hole? Whats hard about holes?

PISSF****T: Well, first off, its a statement and not *necessarily* something that characterizes me as a person, even though the statement has character. And I *do* like piss The word PISSF****T epitomizes the struggle taking place in the world, things being defined as they seem, not as they are. AndI guessits also about communal spirit, the future, and *truly* appreciating our differences.

PISSF****T: What I mean by this iswe are *all* Pissf****ts. And that the world is inherently meaningless.
ARIST: [Easy: Success] Sounds like some bullshit.

FUCK THE WORLD: Like I said before, many men keep searching for *the one*. For so-called true love, which is actually just obsession masquerading as a kinship. The thrill of the chase, the hollowness that fills your chest cavity after catching it.
DRAMA: [Medium: Success] Im wondering if the poetics come with the jacket or are they derived from something else entirely?

FUCK THE WORLD: you get more fish in a shorter time. And, for time is of the essence and fleeting ever so quickly, one must think of a way to fuck the whole worldand not get caught up in fucking some *one*. Because when one fucks everything, he fucks nothing. And that, to me, feels glorioussticking your dick into the void.
RHETORIC: [Medium: Success] Hate to admit it, but in a weird way hes got a point.
ARIST: [Medium: Success] Shut up, no he doesnt!

KIM KITSURAGI: Seems about right, the lieutenant marks. Especially considering your heroic exit attempts.

ARIST: Oh fuck no.

FUCK THE WORLD: What no! He quickly looks around. SKULLS dont have kings, he pauses. I think, and were not even *in* yet
PISSF****T: Yeah, man, keep your voice down. SKULLS dont take it lightly, when folks pretend to be them. Were not even *prospects* yet.

KIM KITSURAGI: Wow, you boys are ambitious, the lieutenants voice rings over the plaza. Only *prospects* and already planning a coup in the SKULLS? Youre destined to go far!
HALF LIGHT: He gets it. Passive-aggressive flattery.
FUCK THE WORLD: Shut the fuck up, the youth presses through his clenched teeth, theres panic in his eyes. Are you trying to get us killed?

PISSF****T: Please be quiet! Not much is left of the nihilistic rebel at this point. The young man before you is scared out of his mind. What WHAT do you want?!! T-t-the jackets?

FUCK THE WORLD: Oh man His shoulders slump under the weight of sadness. Okay, he says finally. I get it. SKULLS dont really wear slogans anyway, this was stupid.

KIM KITSURAGI: This case doesnt require us to go undercover. Or raise hell In fact I dont think the jackets will be useful at all. I just wanted *them* to not have them anymore.

KIM KITSURAGI: The need will not arise.
CONCEPTUALIZATION: [Easy: Success] Pity. The jackets are meant to complete each other. If a man were standing alone on a street corner with PISSF******T written on his back, itd just be an individual that has taken a liking to urine. And FUCK THE WORLD all on its own is, frankly, generic.
FUCK THE WORLD: The dark-haired young man just stands there, defeated. The wind blows. I dont know, Eric. Its cold out he finally says to his friend.

ARIST: [Medium: Success] Youve successfully intimidated those youths and acquired their jackets, and you didnt even have to piss off Kim to do it! Go you!

PERCEPTION (HEARING): [Medium: Success] About a weeks worth of mail has collected in there. Theyll empty this very soon.
LOGIC: [Easy: Success] Probably did the right thing. You cant trust that slug Evrartyou *know* hes going to play you somehow.

ARIST: [Easy: Success] You re-enter the Whirling to take care of a few loose ends before reporting back to Evrart, not least of which is informing Morell and Lena of Cunos assorted hooliganism. Then, suddenly, you notice


SMOKER ON THE BALCONY: Oh, let me think He turns his eyes upward in recollection. He had an accent. He sounded like one of those mercenaries.

SMOKER ON THE BALCONY: To his opportunities in Occident, Sur-la-Clef. Still He breathes in and keeps his lungs filled for a moment, before letting it out. His coming and going brings some life to the village.

ARIST: [Medium: Success] Fuck. Looks like his mysteries will continue to elude you for a while yet.

ARIST: [Challenging: Success] Poor Morell is going senile, talking to Garys that arent there.

GARTE, THE CAFETERIA MANAGER: that really *sucked*.

ARIST: [Challenging: Success] Has he been holding that in since *last night*? You must have left without talking to him, leaving him *stewing* there for hours, trying to come up with the perfect line for when you came back.

GARTE, THE CAFETERIA MANAGER: Whatthe interior-decorating kind? He inspects the bird, somewhat suspiciouslythen mellows. You knowIm sorry. This is actually a nice bird. A competent piece of taxidermy.

EMPATHY: [Medium: Success] People just dont know how to accept gifts, especially taxidermy. He likes it. He likes the bird. It solves his broken bird problem.
ENDURANCE: [Medium: Success] This was mostly about the fucking *cardio*. Massive cardio here. Youll live til 90! *Or* youll get a heart attack from running.
KIM KITSURAGI: I feel good about our work here today. The lieutenant nods. Its all about the little thingslike bringing people random stuffed animals.

ARIST: [Medium: Success] Hooray! Garte likes you now! Well, maybe likes is going overboard a bit. How about despises you slightly less?

MORELL, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGIST: The cryptozoologist purses his lips. So it *was* just a child He looks crestfallen.

VOLITION: [Medium: Success] Something is secretly gnawing at her confidence. Its not this Cuno kid, or the missing locusts, its something else.
MORELL, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGIST: Yes, youre right. We just need to restock the empty trap. Then well need to inspect the traps one more time, and then *maybe* we can The aging cryptozoologist breaks into a hideous coughing fit.
COMPOSURE: [Medium: Success] He has a 38 degree fever. His resilience has given way.
LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGISTS WIFE: She looks at him with tender concern. Darling, I told you to take it easy. Youre getting sick. Maybe its time to go home?
MORELL, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGIST: Youre right, youre right He breathes carefully, trying not to start coughing again. We can come back next season when its warmer

ARIST: [Challenging: Success] Part of youa large part, in factwinces as this dream dies before you. You know its probably for the best that they stop, that they dont sacrifice their health on this absurd nonsense. Morell seems like hes faced more than his share of disappointments, surely he can take one more
INLAND EMPIRE: The world contracts and cries out in pain. This man looks at everything on the planet with wonder and awe, with belief that we still have beauty and joy and *hope* left to find beyond our horizons. Can you take that away? Can you bear to make the world smaller? Can you dream not the past, broken and squandered, but the future?
INLAND EMPIRE: Do it for the phasmid.
ARIST: fuck it. All in on cryptids. Youve come this far, might as well see it through.
KIM KITSURAGI: Were getting *really* carried away with this, arent we? He makes a show of suppressing a sigh. Fine, its better than having these people get pneumonia on the coast. But after this
DRAMA: [Medium: Success] He wants to see this tale through as much as *you*. Otherwise hed have stopped this already. But he can *not* let it drag out after this.

LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGISTS WIFE: What Morell means is, were grateful for your help. She nods to her husband.

We have three points to spend, so we put one into Empathy and another into Hand/Eye Coordination, saving the last for if we need it later.

ARIST: [Medium: Success] Youve been so preoccupied that you didnt even realize you were dreading it, but you should follow up on the library card.

ALICE: Hold on, officer. Ive got Central Jamrock Public Library on the line and Ive already introduced you to their librarian. Connecting the call in 2 1
JAMROCK PUBLIC LIBRARY: Yes, this is Central Jamrock Public Library here. A male librarian answers the call. How can I help you, officer?

JAMROCK PUBLIC LIBRARY: Billie, Billie *Méjean*, you said? Give me a moment, Ill have to check our database. He puts down the receiver.
SHIVERS: [Medium: Success] On Meroe Drive in Central Jamrockin a darkened hall lit by orange desk lampsfar away from the noise outsidea middle-aged man taps commands into an old radiocomputer. A printout falls on the desk. Behind him, a lonely reader scours some dusty bookshelves, looking for a paperback
JAMROCK PUBLIC LIBRARY: Yes, hello, are you still there? You can hear him fiddle with the printout. I found Billie Méjeans home address, is that alright? No phone number unfortunately.

JAMROCK PUBLIC LIBRARY: Marie? He covers the phone with his hand and yells out into the room behind him: Marie! Do you remember a reader named Billie Méjean? They returned a Thibault book the other day You hear someone answer from afar.
PERCEPTION (HEARING): [Challenging: Success] *Maurice, what?!* a woman yells. Then: *Yes-yes, okay, if it was the police * She starts explaining something.
JAMROCK PUBLIC LIBRARY: Yes, it was my colleague Marie, the librarian is speaking into the phone again. She said that it was Billies *husband* who returned the book. He also asked for this new sci-fi release Loos, Radio City 87, but we dont have it yet.

JAMROCK PUBLIC LIBRARY: Marie knows Billie, shes been working here longer than me. Sometimes her husband returns some books for her.

JAMROCK PUBLIC LIBRARY: Marie A moment passes.

JAMROCK PUBLIC LIBRARY: Uh, one second The librarian turns away from the phone again and relays the question.

JAMROCK PUBLIC LIBRARY: Happy we could help. Goodbye, officer. The librarian hangs up and the call gets redirected back to the station with a soft click

ARIST: [Medium: Success] You file away the address into your memory and walk down south, to the empty trap in the reeds. This cryptid diversion probably wont end happily either, you know already, but at least here you can try to fill the void with reckless enthusiasm and stave off the worst of it until youre already long gone. Youll have no such luck with this Méjean case. Youre caught, being pulled every which way by people at their lowest, by stories of crisis, trying not to drown under the awful weight of it all.
ESPRIT DE CORPS: [Medium: Success] Thats what being a police officer is.

COMPOSURE: [Easy: Success] Theyre not really going to get the chance to get comfortable here.

KIM KITSURAGI: He stops you. Dont answer that. It was a rhetorical question.

ARIST: [Easy: Success] When you return to the Whirling, Morell is gone. Was Lena waiting here alone for you to get back? Shes unusually downcast and you feel uneasy just looking at her.

EMPATHY: [Medium: Success] Her smile is weary. Her earlier ebullience has left her.

LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGISTS WIFE: Im sorry, dearyouve had to drudge through them so many times. Such is field worka young persons game as they say.

LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGISTS WIFE: Morell will eventually. Or well talk Gary into going back out, perhaps

ARIST: [Medium: Success] Sorry, Kim.
LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGISTS WIFE: That *really* is too much, sweetie. Thank you for your dedication, but I can see youre coming down with a cough yourself.

LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGISTS WIFE: Differenthow? The half-moons of her glasses reflect you as she looks up at you.

LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGISTS WIFE: Its a strange feeling. She looks down, biting her lower lip. I havent really told this to anyone, but you *are* a police officer.
AUTHORITY: [Medium: Success] And when a police officer asksyou must answer.
LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGISTS WIFE: Do you ever wonder if some lovely story from your childhood is just that a story? Or a dream?
COMPOSURE: [Medium: Success] Hunching her shoulders now, she seems even smaller than she is. Like a sad young girl.

LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGISTS WIFE: Morells so proud of it. He always tells everyone

LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGISTS WIFE: No, sweetie, she shakes her head, theres more to it than that. Morell was so eager to believe my story was *evidence* of the phasmids existence That Im some Queen of the Cryptozoologists That And for years his belief made *me* believe, too.
SUGGESTION: [Medium: Success] That Im a queen. An extraordinary witness to grace.
LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGISTS WIFE: But now were both getting old, and hes still working himself sick out in those reeds, looking for it She shakes her head, still unable to meet your eyes. But what if I was just *wrong*? I think I was
KIM KITSURAGI: The lieutenant opens his notebook but doesnt write anything.

LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGISTS WIFE: But it *is*. Weve spent years searching for the phasmid, hunting it together. Without it, what are we? Just another pathetic old couple

LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGISTS WIFE: But if the dream comes to naught, what good is it? No, the thing is She looks down at her legs I was a paraplegic before we met. He didnt know before I arrived on our first date. If I werent the Queen of the Cryptozoologists If I didnt tell him that story

LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGISTS WIFE: Maybe. But then why do I not dare tell him? She sighs. Ive wasted enough of your time with this drama. I really must stop talking about it, lest I start crying and waste *more* of your time.

LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGISTS WIFE: Im not sure of anything. She looks out the window. Sometimes I still see it, you know. The real memory. Not the memory of the memory, but its so hard to tell the two apart
INLAND EMPIRE: [Medium: Success] Rising, unfolding from the reeds on a hot summers day like a benevolent god.

LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGISTS WIFE: Oh sweetie She looks at you, worried. Please dont get stuck on a dream. Take it from me and Morell.

LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGISTS WIFE: Okay, its 1113 Tabernacle Road, Jamrock, but

RHETORIC: [Medium: Success] A waste of time?
INLAND EMPIRE: [Medium: Success] A dream?
DRAMA: [Medium: Success] A lie?
PERCEPTION (HEARING): [Medium: Success] A *fools hope*say her lips moving in silence.

ARIST: [Trivial: Success] Hes right.